
Chapter 151 - Edge sharing a bit of his memories

Chapter 151 - Edge sharing a bit of his memories

After talking to Edge about what was happening, it turns out Tsukiyomi and Tanith were also a part of Rei Kuraki\'s group and these two had followed Edge\'s soul for two incarnations. The two alongside all of Rei\'s comrades have ceased to exist or that\'s what they all thought until they saw Ren\'s birthmarks.

Ren still couldn\'t fully understand what was happening, so Edge decided to share some of his memories with Ren.


Ren was watching a scene unfold in Edge\'s point of view when he was ten years old.

I spent too much on that spider. Still... I went and picked up my longsword. "I am not going down without a struggle!" I screamed as loud as I can. This was a message of defiance against my fate.

As I was readying myself for my final struggle I heard a voice. It echoed throughout the area I was in.

"Kukuku that was a nice battle boy. Even now as you\'re facing death you have such a nice expression. It\'s as if you already experienced a lot of life and death struggles, but from your appearance, you\'re supposed to be a human boy about ten years old. Yet the skills you have displayed in swordsmanship are not of this world. Was it your own made style? Even your magic capacity is top tier. So strong for one of your age. Are you one of those so called geniuses?"

I didn\'t answer the voice but instead, I heightened my senses. There is an unknown being near me and I can\'t feel it? Is it because of fatigue? While I was thinking the voice continued on.

"I see you are a cautious one. Really incredible for someone your age. No, not even fully grown humans show such promise, I have taken a liking to you boy. I think I might help you with this situation."

She suddenly offers me help. "I don\'t even know who you are and then now you suddenly tell me you\'ll help me? What is your aim? What do you want in return for your help?" I\'m speaking to someone I can\'t see and I don\'t know. I really must be going crazy.

"Really does it matter who I am? If I don\'t help you, it is evident that you will die. So I think it is in your best interest to accept my help."

"Hahaha, you make it sound as if death is the worst thing possible. Let me tell you now I know things that are worse than death itself. Also, you haven\'t answered my question what is it you want from me?"

"I see truly you\'re amazing, it makes me wonder if you\'re truly a human boy. Well fine in exchange for my help I would want to form a contract with you."

"A contract? Are you a demon?"

"Huh? I\'m no such thing as a demon. My race is of an older sort than those demons."

"Then what manner of being are you?"

"I\'m an Ethereal!"

"Ethereal? What\'s an Ethereal?"

"Oh, I thought of you as a more scholarly type. I would have thought you would know what an Ethereal is. Hmmm... Seeing as your firewall is about to disappear I\'ll make a basic explanation. I\'m from a race that forms contracts with beings that have mana and in exchange for their mana we would lend them our power."

"Why would you need mana of other races?"

"Unlike other races, my race cannot regenerate mana. So once we use it we lose it forever. We can only replenish ourselves via the contract."

\'So that\'s it huh.\'

"Will giving you my mana drain me to the point of death?"

"Kukuku really such a cautious child. I would not get such a large amount. Well, I will only get as much mana I require to function. If you need me to make a stronger attack then you must give me more mana. Also seeing as your mana regenerates you won\'t lose it permanently like me. As long as you provide me with mana I will never betray you. Such is the contract of Ethereal\'s. So what shall you do, child? Will you make a contract with me, or will you struggle by yourself and ultimately die? The choice is yours what shall it be, child?"

Seven minutes before the firewall disappears. What should I do? Should I accept her offer? I don\'t have the power to survive this. Yet I don\'t have any information about Ethereal\'s I\'m not sure if she is telling the truth or not. Will I die once more without accomplishing anything? But what if she was lying and the contract was something else. Damn it what should I do? Five more minutes before the firewall disappears.

No choice then no matter what, I already decided when I was reborn I would not regret anything.

"Fine then what is your name Ethereal?"

"My name is Tsukiyomi, among Ethereals\' I\'m referred to as the eternal moon."

"Then Tsukiyomi how do I make a contract with you?" When I asked that question the air suddenly went cold. From above the stone ruins, I felt an incredibly strong presence. This was the same presence I felt before. Who knew it would be this powerful up close. I have felt countless presences\' of the strong but none were as powerful as this. I looked up where I felt the presence.

There I saw a girl who looked about twelve years old, flowing black hair, skin white as snow and ruby red eyes. She was enticing, she was wearing something like a black kimono, the kimono was short which allowed a glimpse of her thighs, and it also showed her bare shoulders.

The girl jumped down from the stone ruins and gracefully landed in front of me who was holding my sword. As if I have forgotten everything I was mesmerized by her beautiful facial features.

The girl smiled and finally spoke "kukuku have you been enchanted by me?" This voice so this was Tsukiyomi.

"You\'re Tsukiyomi? How unexpected... By the way, you talk I thought you would be an old lady." Tsukiyomi smiled at me gently. "kukuku I may be young for an ethereal but for a human\'s sense of age I\'m pretty old."

"How old exactly?" Once I asked that question Tsukiyomi looked at me while sneering.

"How boorish of you to ask a lady\'s age. Well enough of the introductions, your firewall is about to disperse. To form a contract with me, you must speak what it is you wish of me, and if I accept I would acknowledge all your wishes. Thus the contract will be formed. Do you understand?"

To speak what I wish from her... "I understand." Tsukiyomi looked at me appraisingly.

"Very well make the contract boy."

"Fine then I will make the contract, but stop calling me boy my name is Edge... Edge Regius."

"Umu, Very well then Edge Regius, you may begin." She truly sounds like a queen ordering me around like this. No time to think about such things only a few moments before the firewall goes out. I inhaled and exhaled deeply before speaking.

"Tsukiyomi I Edge Regius wish to form a contract with you. Become my sword, my shield, my partner, and my friend. In return, I shall give you my mana, my sword, and my trust. These are the terms of the contract will you accept?"

Tsukiyomi bowed, while answering "Edge Regius I the eternal moon accept the terms of the contract, I shall stand by thee as your sword, your shield, your partner, and your friend. In return, you shall give me your mana, your sword, and your never-ending trust. Thus the contract shall be forged. As long as you never betray me, I in return shall never betray you. Now to seal the contract."

Tsukiyomi came closer her face was right in front of me. I then felt a soft sensation in my lips. She was kissing me, not only that she even inserted her tongue. Flipping her tongue, licking her teeth, pressing her lips down upon mine. I couldn\'t react at all after what seemed like ages she finally released my lips. I looked at her dumbfounded.

She smiled at me mischievously "kukuku was that your first time? Do not worry for it was also mine." She said so while blushing ever so slightly. She really looked enticing no wait that\'s not the point.

"Why did you do that?!" I screamed, Tsukiyomi simply shrugged her shoulder and answered, "it was to seal the contract. Wait for a moment you\'ll feel it right about now."

As soon as she said that I felt a burning sensation on my chest. The pain was momentary when I looked at what happened I saw a mark of a silver full moon on my chest.

"That is the seal of our contract. Proof that you are contracted to an ethereal, contracted to me. Now then, now that is over and done with I\'m borrowing some of your mana to finish off these small fries."

After she said that I felt as if something was flowing out of me. It was a similar feeling to using a spell. "Kukuku how wonderful this mana is! I haven\'t tasted any others but I\'m sure this must be high-class goods. Now then how about I put you little kiddies out of your misery." As soon as the firewall dispersed the monsters started rushing toward our direction. I think that the amount doubled, Tsukiyomi faced the wave of monsters and simply waved her hand. She waved her right hand horizontally as if her hand was a sword. After that one simple movement, all the monsters that came charging were sliced in half. It then started raining, yet it was not water that rained down it was blood.


Ren was surprised by the shared memory, he could now understand what the birthmarks were for. He could also understand how important this girl, Tsukiyomi was to his past incarnation Edge Regius. She must be as important to Rei Kuraki as well.

"Now allow me to share a bit of information about Tanith."


Once again Ren was shown a memory from the point of view of Edge Regius.

"Hear me spirits beyond the end. Follow the path to the radiance of my soul. Those of you who wish to make a contract with thee. Come forth so I may appraise your worth!"

After saying that a bunch of voices came talking in my head, I heard the teacher\'s voice amidst the torrent of voices.

"The voices will ask questions, answer them truthfully. After you finished answering their questions only two to three would be left. Among them, you pick one for your familiar. Also while talking do not forget to put mana in every word you speak."

The first question came.

What is it you desire?

"I desire to become the strongest!"

Why do you desire such?

"I desire it so that I may protect what is important!"

What is it important to thee?

"Those who I know, who these hands can reach, and those who cherish me!"

You do not wish to be a hero that protects all?

That question made me think a little but still, I smiled as I answer. "I\'m not so arrogant that I think I can protect all of the people. I only wish to protect those that I can see. A hero, who can\'t even save the people close to him, can\'t possibly save all."

The torrents of voices disappeared and only one voiced remained.

So what is it you will give me in exchange for power?

I remembered the dream I had, that of me that wasn\'t me the one who had unrivaled strength I remember his smile so I showed the same vicious smile as him. "I will give you the chance to witness my future."


A burst of light came forth... Everyone was now looking at the summoning circle that was being formed in front of me. A large amount of mana was flowing out of the summoning circle.

A giant snout was coming out of it. A massive body with black obsidian like scales, it looked like a lizard but with wings. Its wings spread it was probably around ten meters in length. The dragon didn\'t open its mouth but spoke through the minds of the surrounding people.

"I have answered your call child. Speak thy name and tell the terms of the contract."

Terms? I looked at the teacher confused, she looked at me still surprised by the giant summon. Still, even with her being surprised she still noticed my confused look and answered the question in my head.

"Edge- you must state your name and what is it you wish from it."

I see... I looked at the giant black dragon. I was pretty shocked myself for this is also the first time that I\'ve seen a dragon, but still how cool! I knew summoning was cool!

"I\'m Edge Regius! I wish for you to bring me toward the path of the strongest. As long as this is not fulfilled you shall forever be my familiar."

"I accept the terms Edge Regius, I TANITH shall form this contract with you! HAHAHA, Edge show me a great future."

"I shall!"

With that, another emblem was formed under the silver moon in my chest. This time the sun surrounded by some stars.


The memory ended there, Ren was once again surprised. That was a dragon from the ancient dragon clan, the highest class of dragon. It was still young at that time, but surely a few millennia have passed now, that dragon should be quite old at this point.

\'I see so these are the marks that bound them to me.\' Ren clutched his chest as he remembered the scene he saw. Even though those were the companions of his past incarnation, he still felt a sense of familiarity from them. Same as what he felt for Silika.

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