
Chapter Book 21 11: Sinister Design Hidden In The Heart

After sitting down, with nothing to do, Xu Ziling focused his energy into his ears to listen to the voices in the main hall on the other side of the door. He happened to catch a familiar sounding man’s voice with foreign accent, “The warhorses can be transported to Jiangdu within ten days’ time, so that Da Wang will have time to restructure the cavalry. All I want is the head above Kou Zhong’s neck.”

Although the voice was faint and barely audible, Xu Ziling was able to hear without missing a word. And he jumped in fright, because he recognized the voice as belonging to Ku Ge.

Li Zitong let out a couple of hollow laugh, before speaking complacently, “Khitan warhorses are world-renowned. Wangzi [prince, son of a king] may set your heart at ease, these five hundred good horses of excellent quality, I will definitely not receive them in vain. As long as Kou Zhong agrees to lead his troops coming south, when the situation is appropriate, Guaren [I, a first person pronoun used by royalty or nobility] will ask Wangzi to personally lead your ambushing troops, combined with our elite squad, we will ruthlessly give this little thief a heavy blow, so that he will never be reincarnated forever.”

Another harsh-sounding, like-a-broken-gong, voice said, “Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling have shown their awe-inspiring authority way too long! They managed to tie enmity everywhere; just yesterday Liang Wang [king of Liang] notify us, brothers, he already dispatch the ‘Da Li Shen’ [Titan] Bao Rang, ‘E Quan’ [Vicious Dog] Qu Wuju, and ‘Wang Ming Tu’ [Exiled Disciple] Su Chao [see Book 21 Chapter 4], his three main martial art masters to provide assistance in handling these two men. At that time, working together with numerous martial art masters serving under Wu Wang’s banner, even if those two have three heads and six arms, it will still be difficult for them to escape this ambush.”

Li Zitong laughed and said, “As long as I have the Da Jiang Hui lending a hand to uphold justice, I won’t worry this important matter will not succeed.”

It was only now did Xu Ziling realize the harsh-sounding voice belonged to none other than the ‘Dragon Lord’ Pei Yue, the older brother of the ‘Tiger Lord’ Pei Yan. He could not help feeling amused, because if Li Zitong knew that Xu Ziling had efficacious ears to eavesdrop, he would definitely have deep regret.

Li Zitong continued, “Now the man sent by Kou Zhong is waiting outside the door. Let me ascertain Kou Zhong’s foundation first, and then I’ll discuss it with gentlemen. That little thief rejoices in grandiose deeds, always thinks that he is omnipotent, and has no regard to anybody else. I will exploit this point of his, let him taste a little sweetness, and lure him to bite the bait.”

And then there was the noise of Ku Ge and the others leaving the hall from the back.

Xu Ziling thought the moment has come for him to perform on the stage.

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Kou Zhong pulled Chen Changlin to take a stroll at the Zongguan Mansion’s garden; he spoke sincerely, “Changlin Xiong’s life is your own, you don’t have to give it to me; not to anybody else even more. We all walk together, the most important thing is to have identical ideal and interest, then I will die for you, and you can perish for me, but separately we are still doing it for ourselves. In case there is disagreement, we can go our separate way. Ha! Won’t that be ideal?”

Smiling bitterly, Chen Changlin said, “Shao Shuai and Wang Shichong are absolutely two different kinds of people; what he wants is blind loyalty. Individual interest is completely set aside, only his interest must take precedence.”

Kou Zhong laughed and said, “That is what the emperors throughout history required of his courtiers; how could I be the same? To Xiaodi, the superior/subordinate relation is simply a difference of convenience; it would be best if everybody can forge ahead for a certain lofty goal as brothers with common interest, doing good deeds for the suffering people, challenging all kinds of evil forces oppressing the people.”

Chen Changlin said, “Shao Shuai’s way of thinking is extraordinarily grand and unusual; it is emotionally touching.”

Kou Zhong suddenly halted his steps; with his hands behind his back, he carefully observed a vegetation bush by the small alley. After muttering to himself irresolutely for a moment, he said, “Currently our Shao Shuai Army is already taking shape, the squad training is conducted by Xuan Yong and Jiao Hongjin, the governmental operation is under Xu Xingzhi’s supervision, in reconnaissance and intelligence we have Luo Qifei, financial affairs and army provisions are under Ren Meimei, naval warfare we have Bu Tianzhi. If I can also have Changlin Xiong in charge of the river and ocean commercial trade and in building fine warships and cargo ships, our Shao Shuai Army will be like a tiger that has grown wings.”

Submitting cheerfully, Chen Changlin said, “Shao Shuai is indeed a standing-tall-and-seeing-far person, unlike Shen Faxing or the like, who, after gaining authority, was solely preoccupied with consolidating his power, fleecing the blood and sweat of the people, plundering wealth and army provisions; those ignorant who are lacking foresight. Shao Shuai may rest your heart at ease, Changlin will not fail to live up to your expectations.”

Kou Zhong said, “With Changlin Xiong, naturally I have nothing to worry about! But our biggest problem is that we don’t have much time. Once Li kid pacified Guanxi’s other militias, he will immediately send troops to the east; therefore, we must seize the opportunity before that day came, to establish a huge supporting fleet of navy, while using cavalry as the main force. Only by doing this will we have hope in the decisive battle against the Guanzhong Army. About constructing the ships, I wonder if Changlin Xiong has any good proposal.”

Chen Changlin nodded and said, “The most important equipment in naval warfare is precisely the ship itself. It is like the combination of an open city, an army camp, and vehicles and horses. A good warship is dauntless in battle, and solid in defense, fast in pursuit, and powerful in charging forward. Only by attaining dauntlessness, solidity, speed and power, will a warship be called a good warship. But in naval battle, a warship is extremely easy to break and damage; therefore, not only the quantity must be high, also a variety of equipment installed on it must ready to function, to cope with the ever-changing battle.”

Kou Zhong turned around, and said in delight, “Changlin Xiong indeed has deep understanding of naval warfare. I have never thought of those problems before. When I was young, I heard storytellers narrated the tale about ‘Azure Dragon’s remaining hundreds of ships, Yellow Dragon enumerating thousands of ships’, I thought they were exaggerating.”

Chen Changlin laughed and said, “Talking with Shao Shuai is both relaxing and fun; perhaps chatting and joking about military is just like this. But thousands of ships in naval warfare is true; for example during the Eastern Han dynasty Ma Yuan dispatched an expedition against Jiaozhi[1] [modern day northern Vietnam], he used two thousand multi-decked ships. When the Liang Dynasty [502-557AD] fought Northern Qi [550-557], in the battle of Hefei they put three thousands of Qi’s ships on fire.”

Shaken, Kou Zhong said, “Isn’t that Liang Dynasty the ancestor of Xiao Xian’s Liang Dynasty?”

Chen Changlin nodded his head confirming Kou Zhong’s guess.

Obtaining sudden understanding, Kou Zhong said, “No wonder Xiao Xian made such a big deal out of Bu Tianzhi’s betrayal, because in everything he imitate his ancestors, and has a deeper understanding of the importance of the navy. Humph! Therefore, in order to defeat Baling Bang, other than closing Xiang kid’s brothels to break the source of their intelligence network, we must also break their navy. These two aspects are indispensable.”

Cheng Changlin had no choice but to listen respectfully; he felt deeply that Kou Zhong’s insight was like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies; it was hard to measure.

Kou Zhong pondered a moment and asked, “Based on our current manpower and resources, how long will it take to build a navy fleet of five hundred ships?”

Chen Changlin readily replied, “If everything starts from scratch, it will take at least fifteen years.”

Stunned, Kou Zhong said, “How can it be?”

Having a card up his sleeve, Chen Changlin said, “Shao Shuai, don’t worry, the fact is that there is not much difference in the hull structure of most warships and cargo ships for civilian use; whether the oar, the paddle, the pole [for punting boats], the scull, the sail, the seat, the rope, or the sinking stone, they are the same thing. Any cargo ship for civilian use can be rigged with defensive equipment and weaponry, and they can be used for military application. Fit them with high-ranking military officers and soldiers skillful in naval battle, they will be able to fulfill the requirement of navy fleet. In less than a year I will be able to provide Shao Shuai with a navy fleet of sufficient scale.”

Pleased beyond his expectation, Kou Zhong said, “I am glad there is such convenience. Can Changlin Xiong make them so that in normal times people cannot see them as warships, and then at the time of battle they will reveal their true color? That will make them more like ambushing troops on water.”

“I can think of ways,” Chen Changlin replied.

Kou Zhong hugged his shoulders and pulled him in the direction of the main hall; lowering his voice, he said, “In this matter we must weigh our abilities and act accordingly, we must not disturb common people. After obtaining the ‘Duke Yang Treasure’, we will have large amount of gold and silver to acquire civilian ships. For now, there is no harm in putting up a bit with retrofitting Pengliang Hui and Luoma Bang’s old ships, then we will truly have a hundred more or even two hundred ships. With the Jukun Bang’s defecting several dozen of ships, big and small, it will be a sight to behold!”

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[1] For more information on Ma Yuan, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ma_Yuan_(Han_dynasty)

Li Zitong sat high on the dragon seat. Squinting, he looked askance at Xu Ziling stepping into the main hall, accompanied by Shao Lingzhou and Shen Beichang, as if he wanted to see him through.

In the main hall, there were altogether eighteen imperial tutor chairs arranged in a row left and right in front of the throne. This moment, the three main seats on the left were occupied by Li Zitong’s trusted aides. Behind the chairs stood two rows of imperial bodyguards wielding halberds in their hands, wearing shiny armors; they were quite awe-inspiring.

This kind of imposing manner would be appropriate in the Imperial Palace, but in Zongguan Mansion’s main hall, it gave the impression of false bravado. However, Li Zitong was under pressure and had no choice; by abandoning the Imperial Palace, which was devastated by the raging fire, and took the Zongguan Mansion instead, he wanted to show that he was different than the muddleheaded ruler. He did not even dare to stay at the other temporary imperial residences that the previous emperor built to enjoy life.

After the herald at the door announcing their arrival, Shao Lingzhou and Shen Beichang followed Jianghu protocol in asking to have an audience with respected figure. Xu Ziling followed their example to save a lot of trouble.

After granting them their seats, Li Zitong coldly asked, “I wonder which position Mr. Ling holds in Shao Shuai Army, whether you have any symbol of authority with which you can represent Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling in this talk?”

The three high-ranking generals sitting below him all stared fixedly at Xu Ziling with cold eyes to see how he would respond.

Li Zitong’s appearance was obviously more haggard than the last time they met, the hair on his temples was graying; it was clear that that was the price he had to pay in contending over the world.

Xu Ziling responded indifferently, “Since our Army was hastily established, we have had continuous military campaigns; a lot of things we still do not have time to take into consideration, symbol of authority and documentation, none has been prepared, I am asking Wu Wang’s forgiveness.”

A big frown appeared on his face, Li Zitong said, “Then how is Mr. Ling going to prove that you can speak on those two men’s behalf?”

Shao Lingzhou interjected, “Da Wang, please understand, our humble Gang’s Gui Xiliang has personally confirmed to Laofu that General Ling is indeed Kou Shao Shuai’s ambassador.”

“Oh,” Li Zitong mumbled, and pointed to the imperial tutor chairs, he leisurely introduced the three high-ranking generals to Xu Ziling; they were, successively, Zuo Xiaoyou, Bai Xin, and Qin Wenchao.

A bizarre feeling welled up in Xu Ziling’s heart; as early as when he was a still a little rascal roaming Yangzhou’s street, he and Kou Zhong had already heard these three’s names, and already admired them.

Especially Zuo Xiaoyou, who was the leader of one of the militias. In the great undertaking ten or so years ago at the uprising of the Dun Gou Shan [squatting dog hill], his might rose up for many days. It was some time later that he surrendered to Li Zitong, who rose abruptly one year later than he did. Among the three, he was also the oldest; in his forties, he was tall, thin, with clear eyes that glanced fearfully, his face was full of wind and frost [fig. hardships].

Bai Xin and Qin Wenchao were youthful, bold and powerful, with typical build of Shandong men, taller than average. Their attitude toward Xu Ziling implied hostility; they simply nodded slightly as a form of greeting, cold and rude.


Li Zitong slapped the armrest and shouted, “Since you can speak on their behalf, General Ling ought to be able to tell me: why did you attack Donghai and kill my younger brother, and rattle my, Ol’ Li’s foundation?”

Unyielding, Xu Ziling met his harsh and fierce gaze, and replied indifferently, “Wu Wang ought to understand people. In time where men are contending for hegemony over the world, there is neither friend nor foe. Plus our humble army had used peaceful measured before using force; we did send Pengliang Hui’s Ren Er Dangjia to Jiangdu to pay a visit to Da Wang, to discuss our alliance, but Da Wangrefused. Hence from friend we became foe; how could the blame be on our side? Moreover, it has come to our attention that Muyang’s Li Xingyuan came to us in feigned surrender; left with no choice, we have to beat you at your game, to gain the initiative by striking first.”

He has not finished, Li Zitong suddenly stood up, pointed his finger at Xu Ziling and shouted sternly, “Outrageous! Guards! Get him out and chop his head!”

The imperial bodyguards jumped from Li Zitong’s left and right.

Xu Ziling pressed his hand on the hilt of his saber.

But while Shao Lingzhou and Shen Beichang were at a loss to know what to do, Zuo Xiaoyou sprang up and shouted, “Hold on!”

The imperial guards swiftly halted their steps.

Zuo Xiaoyou turned to Li Zitong and said, “Working together both sides benefit, separated both sides perish. Da Wang please calm down.”

Panting with rage, Li Zitong stared hatefully at Xu Ziling for a good while before sitting back down in the dragon throne at the top of the steps.

The imperial guards returned to his left and right.

Zuo Xiaoyou sat down and spoke to Xu Ziling, “This time Shao Shuai sent General Ling here, what good proposal do you bring?”

Because Xu Ziling had overheard Li Zitong’s secret talk with Ku Ge earlier, he was well aware the opposite party was using both hard and soft techniques to create pressure, so that in the ensuing negotiation, they would be able to reap greater advantage. Feeling amused inwardly, Xu Ziling maintained that calm-and-unruffled-in-the-midst-of-chaos attitude; he said, “General Zuo is right, working together both sides benefit, separated both sides perish. Du Fuwei could form an alliance with Shen Faxing, our Shao Shuai Army naturally can also form an alliance with your honorable side. If Da Wang thinks that this suggestion is satisfactory, we can continue our discussion, otherwise I have no choice but to leave immediately to report to my supervisor.”

Li Zitong laughed coldly and said, “Kou Zhong bragged that he can break our Jiangdu’s siege; did he really make that remark?”

Everybody’s eyes were fixed on Xu Ziling.

Xu Ziling smiled calmly and said, “Indeed he made that remark!”

Letting out long laughter, Qin Wenchao said, “When Du Fuwei proclaimed himself hegemon in Jianghuai, and our humble master was preeminent at Shandong, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were just little rascals in Yangzhou. Within Zhuhua Bang, they lacked the qualification to have even one leaf. And now, although they won a little bit of power, what made him think that he would be able to repel the allied forces of Jianghuai and Jiangnan?”

Xu Ziling laughed involuntarily and said, “Compared to Li Mi, who was able to move unhindered in the Central Plains, can Du Fuwei be considered superior? Problem is whether Da Wang can be like Wang Shichong, who was at least able to defeat Li Mi. Even if we worked together earnestly, can Da Wang do it?”

Li Zitong’s countenance changed greatly; because Xu Ziling was implying that since Kou Zhong was able to defeat Li Mi, naturally he did not have any regards on Du Fuwei and Li Zitong. Moreover, since the cooperation with Li Zitong was limited to the breaking of the Jiangdu siege, afterwards both sides will meet face to face to decide victory or defeat.

Bai Xin was afraid Li Zitong could not restrain his anger, he interrupted, “But how do we know that your superior is going to cooperate in good faith?”

Xu Ziling laughed aloud and said, “My humble superior Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling are known to be one-word-worth-nine-sacred-tripods men [fig. words of enormous weight]; have you ever heard they broke faith and abandoned right [i.e. commit treachery]?”

There was a tight silence in the hall.

Li Zitong tapped the armrest with his fingers; he spoke in heavy voice, “Empty promises, what good will they bring? What kind of brilliant scheme does Kou Zhong have that he can solve the crisis in Jiangdu?”

Xu Ziling smiled and said, “As long as Da Wang agrees to lift the blockade at the canal, send army provisions from Zhongli for our use, and provide accurate intelligence about the enemy to us, we will immediately dispatch our troops to mount sneak attack to the enemy’s rear stronghold and army camps, so that their head and tail cannot attend to each other, while facing the enemy from the front and back. In the past, Li Mi was using precisely this tactic, so that Yuwen Huaji’s hundred thousand elite troops were tired of constantly running for their lives, much less Du Fuwei’s insignificant several tens of thousands Jianghuai Army?”

Zuo Xiaoyou said, “At that time Li Mi’s fighting generals were like clouds, his armed forces strong and solid. Now Shao Shuai Army has just taken shape, how could you match them?”

Xu Ziling replied, “This is just as Jianghuai Army cannot be compared to Yuwen Huaji’s elite troops in the past. Besides, we heard that Du Fuwei and Fu Gongyou do not bite the strings [? Must be an idiom, but I have no idea what it means]. Is that true, or false?”

This moment the crowd was beginning to be enraptured by the eloquence of this lobbyist; momentarily nobody was able to say anything.

Skirting the issue, Li Zitong said, “How many men and horses can Kou Zhong spare to help me?”

Xu Ziling confidently replied, “How about twenty thousand cavalry?”

Li Zitong immediately said, “Tell Guaren first; how do you intend to dispose of our Li clansmen from Donghai?”

Xu Ziling smiled and said, “Da Wang indeed understands people; you ought to know that if we do not have any problem in working together, Da Wang’s clansmen should not have any problem if they wish to leave.”

Li Zitong laughed aloud and said, “Very well! It is decided then.”

Xu Ziling already knew that this was going to be the final outcome. By giving Li Zitong a hundred-benefits-without-a-single-harm proposal like this, how could the other party refuse?

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