
Chapter 272: Goind To Meet The Elder

Chapter 272: Goind To Meet The Elder


Nesephise decided to bring Abyss and her party towards the Tribe Elder so they could talk about their problems. In the tribe of the Saphibians within this area of the planet, they always had an Elder and a Chief, and their ranks were often separate from one another.

The chief was the new and younger leader, he was strong, and usually the best hunter. Actually, Nesephise was offered this title several times, but she rejected it, saying she cared more about the kids than about the entirety of the village and there was someone else for that job. Taking care of all the dozens of orphan children was a big task already.

At the end, the guy that she rescued ended becoming the chief, a muscular and intelligent hunter, father of a young and cute boy, who was actually the grandson of the sister of the current Elder.

The Elder of the Village, named Elder Mortahr, was one of the oldest Saphibians in this tribe’s village, he was an old man with a lot of knowledge of the world. Saphibians often lived up to 70 to 80 years, almost the same as most humans, so the old man being on his 76’s was already a big feat, with most of the people having died around the 50’s and 60’s out of old age.

He was one of the oldest, with the other old people population only being a few dozen grandmas and grandpas at their 50’s and 60’s… he was the one that had accumulated the most knowledge and was well known for knowing which herbs were edible, which mushrooms could be eaten, which areas of the swamp could be visited, and which ones couldn’t, and he had also heard many things from his own parents and grandparents. And just like them, this old man gave his knowledge about the planet to the younglings, teaching them his ways and the ways of the tribe to survive and thrive.

Nesephise guided the group across the village at night, the sky was all filled with beautiful stars, and the two moons that this planet had, which were orange and silvery blue, shone brightly atop the skies. One of such moons was covered in icy landscapes, while the other was covered in sand and other precious metals, this was the reason of its strong orange color.

Abyss looked at the moons as she sighed. It was really a beautiful sight. It made her desire to be with Chaos so the two could see this beautiful night while holding hands.

“Chaos…” she sighed.

A gentle hand touched her shoulder, Nesephise smiled back at Abyss with an innocent aura to her.

“You miss your lover?” she asked.

“I… yes, he was the one that got swallowed… He’s stronger than all of us… I am sure he’s fine even in the hardest of environments… But… even then…” sighed Abyss.

“Sigh… it breaks my heart to see you like this. I’ll do everything I can to find a way to help you out… Maybe the egg could be the key, so let’s go meet the Elder and ask him out.” Said Nesephise. Abyss eyes shone brightly with hope.

“Thank you… In my whole life in this Universe this is the first time I interact with so many people outside of my circle… I-It has really given me a whole new perspective in everything… I am glad I meet you.” Said Abyss.

Nesephise blushed a little bit to Abyss gentle voice, her words were so direct yet filled with her own beautiful innocent… it made her rather mesmerized.

“Of course…!” said Nesephise while giggling.

Everyone behind the two girls smiled faintly.

“Ahh, Abyss-sama, has made a new friend…” said Belphegor while sighing out of happiness.

“Yep, she looks happy to be with the frog girl.” Said Yuki.

“Nesephise is a nice girl, I also want her as my friend…” said Natalia.

“Should I call her auntie?” wondered Erebus.

“I-I don’t think so, she’s young, she might get angry…” said Boxxy.

“Ah, right, women don’t like being called like that, right?” asked Ifrit.

“Like what?!” asked Lilith while looking at Ifrit angrily.

“Geez, calm down! I didn’t say anything!” sighed Ifrit while crossing his arms. Lilith was extra annoying today.

“Lilith might be old if she doesn’t want to be referred as an auntie…” said Yuki while whispering to Boxxy. The two giggled like mischievous kids, making Lilith easily hear them and grow rather restless.

“W-What did you said about me?!” she asked.

“Lilith you should calm down, are you feeling alright?” asked Erebus.

“I… Yes, Erebus… I am fine. I think I am just very tired… Ugh. I need energy…” sighed Lilith.

“Energy?” asked Abyss.

“Like… you know…” said Lilith.

“Like what?” asked Natalia while raising an eyebrow.

“But didn’t you just ate?” asked Nesephise.

“Geez! You aren’t a Succubus so of course you don’t get it!” sighed Lilith, she blushed a bit and looked elsewhere while following everyone.

Until Ifrit who was familiar with demon races realized it…

“Ooooohh! Haha… Hahahaha! You’re horny!” laughed Ifrit.

“S-Shut up! You brainless idiot!” cried Lilith.

“Sigh… you two are really a handful…” sighed Belphegor, although he couldn’t help but smile deep down. He enjoyed these people’s company the same way the silent Chaos did. Someone silent always liked people that talked a lot to bring up the mood. And Chaos very so often acted more and more social as he was surrounded by his people.

“Chaos must miss them too.” He thought.

“We are here!”

Nesephise pointed out at the tent, it was the largest tent in the village, and it was decorated with many paintings of frogs and bugs and other creatures of the swamps.

“Looks like I got visits…”

An old man greeted the group as they entered the tent, he looked like another Saphibian of the bunch, but he was obviously an old man, he had a drier skin, and a large seaweed beard.

He was smoking some of the weed of his own beard, actually.


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