
Chapter 138 8: Raizel's Budding Feelings

Five months later,

Inside the grey room, all the stone pillars were destroyed, massive chunks of rocks dug out from massive blows, and walls cracked. His body was filled with countless wounds, yet Vincent looked perfect, the slightly lacking muscles of his back, arms and chest now ideally refined to use his spear and fight at high speeds against this daemon named Astaroth.

During the several months, he spent here, only five hours passed in the real world; he apologised to the worried Silvari and Efrita while spending an hour speaking to the cute Zera, that shed tears thinking he ran away because of her private garden and promised to take her out to play when he returned later on, so she should take a nap.

Vincent spent most of his time fighting against the training dummy that resembled Astaroth; from the beginning, his chances to beat her as he was were impossible. However, that was not the reason for this training.



The crimson blade of his spear ripped through the hard metal of the doll, ripping apart her beautiful face as it slanted on the spot, dropping down and dissolving into a pile of liquid silver.

"Ha ha ha hahaha! Ha hahaha!" Vincent roared as he kicked the remains of the broken doll with his boot, laughing hysterically. "You\'re mine now, fucker! Hahahahhaaa!!"

After kicking the mess, he picked up his spear and turned around to see Raizel standing behind him, holding a wooden box in one arm and a small bag in the other. Her outfit was changed entirely; instead of the blue dress, she wore a simple black corset with a matching garter belt, stockings and knee-high boots, and a black leather jacket overtop.

"Congratulations, master, you\'ve finally defeated her dummy; let\'s return it to this box which will take a week in the real world to remain in here using the residue anima that your body emits. Also, this bag can carry limitless items and weight; it can also change shape! See?" The moment she spoke, the bag transformed into a small glossy, black backpack that suited her petite figure.

A mana vortex swirled around her chest as a small black gust of energy sucked the spear from Vincent\'s hands.

As it began to impale her chest and vanished like magic, Raizel let out a slight moan of pleasure once his lance fully penetrated her, then pulled out her little pink tongue towards him and put the bag on her back.

\'She\'s so cute!\' Vincent thought to himself, long since the months passed, this girl spent all the time in her human figure, now able to split from the weapon and use his Anima to remain beside him.

Raizel handed the box over to him, opening the lid and releasing a cloud of purple smoke within the box, vanishing after a second as the liquid shot into the container instantly. Inside was the broken doll with her face missing, but it remained intact otherwise; she had used her power to keep it whole, although cracks were visible on her skin.

With a smile, she placed the doll back inside the box and closed it tightly.

"Now, let us leave, Master Vincent."

Her ass swayed as she passed by him, now carrying the cute black back as she seemed to be skipping. Thanks to her taking in his thick white essence in the evenings, her body was complete, different from her former demon body.

However, now it could improve by fighting demons, which would upgrade the spear, which could now be duplicated so both could fight with a spear simultaneously.

Vincent swayed his hand across the air and began to take deep breaths; he felt a significant change in his mind after the six months spent fighting against the daemon princess, learning to use his tail and wings to catch the enemy off guard, even his horns could be used defensively or to penetrate an unknowing enemy.

His body was covered in scars; they weren\'t fresh either; some were old injuries, but others were recent, especially his left wing, which still had a few days until it healed completely. Despite having these, he didn\'t care; he was ready to fight Astaroth any day if he must.

"Let\'s go home, Raizel." He said, turning his attention to his companion.

"Yes, Master Vincent."

They continued walking side-by-side; Vincent\'s legs were longer than hers, so he took smaller strides to keep at her pace; since they had spent so long together, there was no longer any sense of rejection about her origins or past.

He held out his hand, brushing against hers gently. Raizel blushed slightly; they never did anything obscene as during these past months, it was like he turned them off, only releasing them during sleep which she gladly enjoyed.

\'Hehe, the master would take care of me each night, no matter how tired or injured, he would wipe me down and tend to me...\' Raizel gushed; she no longer differentiated between her and the spear; both her human and spear were her.

As they walked, Raizel reached into her pocket and removed something; it was a gold necklace engraved with strange symbols that reminded her of a language she couldn\'t understand, but the sign for \'love\' was written near the middle. Her little hands spent six months learning to write in his language and wrote their names together.

Raizel looked sneakily towards him as they came close to the exit; once they left, he would probably become busy; she already knew he planned to take the other girls into the dungeon as his assignment only had a short time remaining and prepared to clear it all in one fell swoop before Astaroth caused any more troubles for him.

\'Will Master like this necklace I found and modified for him; I hope he doesn\'t know what this symbol means!\'

The moment before they reached the doorway to the exit, Raizel grasped his hand tightly, sweat oozing down her back and palms which only added to her strange tension; although she was a demon goddess, this was the first time she would gift a man something; the fear of rejection, being mocked filled her mind as Vincent stopped moving, his eyes looked towards her with concern.

Since training at such a high level of concentration improved his awareness, Vincent could easily see that something was wrong with her as he turned to face her.

\'To think this girl is named a demon god wished to be destroyed, all through these six months she brought me tea, massaged my legs and helped me tend my wounds... Asking for nothing...\' His large hand brushed aside her drill-shaped bangs, stroking along her soft little cheeks, causing him to smile gently.

"Raizel, are you okay? If something is wrong, you can tell me; no matter how difficult, I will accept it."

\'It\'s not difficult... Master, please don\'t stare at me with that handsome face! Why did you become more rugged and many over the past few months? The girls will notice for sure!\' Her words weren\'t lies; he now looked more fierce and confident with tightly packed muscles made for combat, both versatile and sexy for women.

"I-I wanted to give you this!" Her voice was loud while she stuttered and blushed, pushing up the gold necklace which shimmered in the room\'s dull light; since he stopped fighting, the room returned to the bedroom with countless documents and files lying around.

Vincent looked at the golden necklace and saw his name written in the ordinary human language, with what seemed to be Raisel as the letter "Z", sometimes translated to "S" in the human tongue. \'This is the sneaky thing she worked on and insisted on not letting me see it? Ah, what a lovely little girl... How could I reject her?\'

The moment his hand reached out to take the necklace, his medallion began to throb, and it sucked the golden medallion towards it before it absorbed her loving gift before he could react.

"Eh!?" She gasped, slight tears starting to form in her eyes.


Vincent felt hatred towards the medallion that had shown no signs of interest before, no matter what things he offered to upgrade or improve it. He reached towards his neck before suddenly a blinding light filled the room, causing both of them to look away and cover their eyes; moments later, a golden radiance filled the room.

A golden medallion hung from his neck; although similar to the old one, it changed entirely with a beautiful floral engraving around the edges and in the centre was a strange inscription;

"A gift from Raizel to the man she loves most, Vincent, my dear master. May We stand beside each other for all eternity."

The language of the pendant was written in a language known well to Raizel; it was her demonic tongue, and only the names didn\'t change, the handwriting still hers as a rough finger brushed along her eyes, wiping away all her sorrow and tears, because this medallion was not only an artefact but bound to Vincent\'s soul and could never switch hands for all eternity.

\'Hehe... My necklace became eternal, just like I hope my time beside you can be...\'

After exiting the building, Vincent noticed that the sky outside was darkening quickly; clouds started gathering, and thunder rumbled overhead as the wind blew harder. They hurriedly ran for shelter under a nearby tree, hiding underneath its massive branches and huddled closely together, hugging tightly.

The two stood huddled close together as the rain hammered down with a loud pitter-patter creating their background music; Vincent leaned against the tree\'s trunk to block the dropping water that got through the leaves from hitting Raizels blonde hair; she looked up towards him, her eyes dreamy and slightly wet those big eyes stared at him for several moments while fluttering.

"Are you alright? The past few months were exciting, right?" Vincent asked with a joke; His eyes closed for a moment before suddenly feeling her hands grasp his neck.

His instincts almost made his tail penetrate her abdomen. Still, thankfully there was no malice in her movements as a soft, spongey object touched his lips as Raizel kissed him, her warm breath blowing against his cheeks as she exhaled from her nose with tightly closed eyes and a deep blush.

\'I want him to see me as a woman! To treat me like those girls, not just a weapon! Fight on, Raizel!\'

Vincent opened his eyes for a moment to see the cute girl\'s closed eyes and a slightly worried face as she pushed out her lips like a novice.

\'Ah, this girl already had a place in my heart long ago; why does she seem so nervous.\' He gently hugged her body, with little passion and lust, more affectionate and wanting to comfort her, Vincent began to kiss her softly, sucking on her lower lip gently


Raizel moaned lightly, her breathing becoming faster as she felt his warm tongue touching her bottom lip, tasting his saliva and slowly sliding inside her mouth; she pressed herself closer to him, moaning softly as he pulled away for a brief moment before kissing her again. Their tongues danced and intertwined around each other\'s mouths, exchanging saliva as Raizel\'s body became like jelly in his arms, falling into his tight embrace.

\'I think I\'ve fallen in love with you, master, not like those silly girls... I want to be with you until I should perish; please accept half of my soul so we may forever be linked, not because of that stupid system... Because I want to be with you!\'

Vincent found her slowly becoming somebody irreplaceable to him, sometimes he thought she was annoying, but that couldn\'t be helped this cute girl loved to nag at him sometimes.

However, these past six months he experienced life as if he was married to her, which caused his affection and feelings towards her to become more refined and deep.

\'I sometimes worry that one day this system will decide to take you away from me. One day, I will make sure you will remain beside me forever! My cute Lance Raizel!\'

[Let me help you both achieve that desire!] (Silently)

Their bodies were hot, sweaty and sticky due to the pouring rain outside, but neither cared; they just wanted to be together forever.

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