
Chapter 211 [Bonus ] 35: There's No Way My Goblin Little Sister Is This Slutty!

Vincent and Mel\'Zeth spend quite a long time together; she shows him places that were her favourites as a little girl, then places that are no longer there anymore after such a long time away, which causes her to be sad. Finally, they began to rest in the central promenade.

"Phew... We should probably go greet your mother soon, right?" Vincent said, his slightly sore feet resting on Mel\'Zeth\'s thigh\'s as they sat on a bench, her powerful green fingers massaging the soles of his feet and calves.

"Mmmm... promise you won\'t hate them...?" Her voice became a little worried as she breathed deeply, putting more pressure onto her fingers as his toes popped, the feeling of his feet being cracked sending pleasure down his legs, as Vincent couldn\'t help but shudder his hips.

The pair were like a flirting couple of newlyweds; several old goblin couples often walked past and gave Mel\'Zeth a thumbs up. It seemed common in their culture, the woman being congratulated for getting a fine male to continue the goblin line.

\'This tribe is amusing; the woman is all really buff and has nice muscles and plump bodies... I wonder how her siblings look?\' He thought with some amusement at seeing so much skin exposed around this part of the city compared to other parts he had been to before, where it was rare to see anything above knee length. \'I don\'t think I have seen any females here wearing trousers.\'

Mel\'Zeth still remembered her cute younger sister as she lowered Vincent\'s feet slowly after replacing his boots. As if reading his mind, Mel\'Zeth spoke up. "Well, my sisters aren\'t nearly as attractive as me..." She chuckled lightly, embarrassed by what she said next: "Well... they are much cuter, though...."

Her stomach began to feel a little strange, so she patted his thigh before giving him an apologetic smile and standing up, "Darling, I need to visit the bathroom to freshen up. Can you wait here for me? Then we can go see my mother, and hopefully, she will accept our relationship hehe~."

Vincent didn\'t mind, giving her hand a soft stroke before watching her leave; his eyes focused on the scenery before he sat on a wooden bench in the centre of the goblin town, his eyes wide as he took in the bustling activity around him.

The town square was filled with goblins doing their daily business, some carrying baskets of goods, others pushing carts full of wares. The air was filled with clanging metal and the hiss of steam as the goblins worked at their forges and machines.

\'It truly is nothing as I imagined; they are all so vibrant and work so hard... yet we believe them to be disgusting and worthless...\'

Vincent\'s thoughts became deeper, his eyes and mind taking in the goblin townscape, the desire to protect their culture and homes surpassing to protect the family of his lover Mel\'Zeth.

He felt more relaxed and at home here than he ever did in the human kingdom; each Golbin would greet him or, at the very least, give him a pleasant smile; while he didn\'t believe it was all good things, the fact they were currently at war, yet would smile like this at a stranger, caused him to love the goblin people more.

\'Why are the dungeon goblins so different... Is it the dungeon? Does the dungeon twist their minds?\'

In front of him stood a magnificent fountain, its stone sculptures depicting mythical creatures and legends of old. Water spouted from the mouths of the sculptures, cascading down into the pool below. Couples strolled hand in hand around the fountain, their laughter filling the air.

He couldn\'t find the answer but would ask the women he saved from the dungeon and see what they said, Ophelis, Ophelia, Ambrosia. He was sure they might know about it better than him, as once again, his mind filled with the goblin town\'s scenery.

Beyond the fountain stood rows of buildings, each unique in its way. A large building seemed to serve as a market, with goblins haggling over the prices of various goods. Next to it was a smithy, its chimneys belching smoke as goblins worked tirelessly at their forges. Across the way was a small bakery, freshly baked bread wafting through the air.

\'Those smell good. Should I get some before she gets back? Is there a custom of buying gifts for the woman\'s family when you visit? Why didn\'t I ask these things before...\'

Vincent began to wonder how much he truly understood about dating women; his mother was too loose and never taught any of this stuff, only beating into him to respect and treat them affectionately; filled with confusion, he continued to think about the subject in silence, rubbing his chin.

As Vincent watched, a group of goblins gathered in front of a nearby building, their excited chatter drawing his attention. He stood from the bench and looked over, curious about what was happening.

\'I wonder why they keep cheering so loudly?\'

As he approached, he saw that the building was a theatre, and the goblins eagerly awaited a play\'s start.

\'Is it some form of play? Oh, it\'s so cheap to enter...\' Vincent happily paid the cheap few bronzes to enter the play, his large body almost double the normal goblin\'s.

Still, thankfully they arranged a seat for him on the right side of the stage to avoid his tall back blocking the view for others; in return, he got a good look at the cast as they came on and was a prominent figure in the crowd.

Almost like those nobles at the plays in his city.

The stage was elaborately decorated, with painted backdrops depicting fantastical worlds and creatures. Vincent sat and watched the goblins perform a play about a group of adventurers on a dangerous quest. The actors wore elaborate costumes and wielded wooden swords, their performances drawing cheers and applause from the audience.

That\'s when "she" appeared.

A short female goblin danced onto the stage, her body wearing a thin red dress with a long pink veil that danced around her body like a misty trail.

It swayed and floated in the air; Vincent found his heart throbbing; the attraction to this girl was strange; his blood began to surge as her golden eyes looked around the room, soft pink lips and dark twin tails bouncing around with each of her graceful steps.

She made eye contact with him, a slight blush across her cheeks. She bowed elegantly to him before walking towards him and bowing.

\'What the fuck? What does this mean?\' His mind raced, trying to process what had happened. Did she bow to me?! Was she mocking him? Trying to flirt? Or maybe she wanted something else?

His head spun with questions and doubts, but one thing was clear: she was beautiful beyond compare. She was perfect; every curve, detail and feature was perfectly sculpted. Even among the beauty of the goblin girls he knew, she surpassed them.

When she raised herself from the floor, her face revealed a gentle smile and bright, sparkling eyes. In response, Vincent smiled awkwardly back at her, his brain struggling to understand what happened; he felt like an idiot for not knowing how to respond properly!

Little did he know, the amount of money he paid was more than double even their most expensive ticket; despite this, he showed down a sour face at the lack of seats, was pleasant to the goblin staff and sat down without any trouble; this was a sign of both goodwill from the theatre staff and the troupe performing the play.please visit

Although many actresses wanted to stake their claim, the short girl with twin tails felt a twang in her chest upon seeing him. Thus Mel\'Ren would make this man her! Not to mention he was a VERY attractive male, and this tribe of goblins was one that females were dominant and would choose their mate, then do anything it took to take them back and have their child.

After another moment passed, she turned to walk towards the centre of the stage, now holding a short but beautiful sword in her right arm, holding a certain pose before an exotic tune began to play throughout the theatre, and then "her" sword dance began.

With each blade movement, she moved gracefully, her movements fluid and elegant. Each strike sent chills down his spine.

\'How could someone move like that? How do they even learn such moves? They\'re so fast!\'

While he admired the show, he noticed a man sitting in the second row who kept looking between him and "the dancer". He caught his gaze, smiling gently and nodding at him; the man nodded back and returned to his seat.


Was the guy staring at me because I\'m big? Am I so scary? That\'s weird. Maybe he thinks I am ugly... But why is he looking at me...?

Unsure of himself and confused, he ignored the man completely until it ended and focused on the performance instead.

But as time passed, his attention drifted away from the dancers; he stared into space, lost in thought. After a few minutes, the song stopped playing, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

\'Maybe she wants something? Do I want something? No idea, but whatever happens next is going to be interesting.\' He mused to himself, thinking about the situation.

He didn\'t know how to act or react. Would he try to talk to her? Ask for her name. If she would be dancing here tomorrow? All these thoughts ran through his head, making him nervous.

As the play ended and the goblins began to disperse, Vincent returned to the bench in the town square.

He gazed at the vibrant scene around him, feeling a sense of wonder and appreciation for the goblins\' unique culture and way of life, finally clearing his mind of the mishap in the theatre; the scent and atmosphere must have made him strange, he began to wonder where Mel\'Zeth went because she took quite some time.

\'Oh? Is this her?\'

Vincent stood up as if certain the pretty goblin with her hair down was Mel\'Zeth, his arms wrapping around her body as she slightly jumped and seemed shocked, but a moment later, her arms began to grip around his waist; her body was soft, like warm butter, her huge breasts squishing against his waist as he noticed something strange, this girl was short.... too short!

This goblin wasn\'t Mel\'Zeth!!!

Yet why... did she not make any sound or show rejection... Why were her hands sneaking into his pants like Mel\'Zeth did when they first met? In public too!

Suddenly a familiar voice sounded from behind Vincent, "Sorry darling~ I took so long because the aunt that lives next door told me that my younger sister is now working with the theatre troupe and travels all of the goblin empires, but thankfully she is currently working in this town, so I wanted to check it out, but they said she went to meet her boyfr.....?"

Her voice stopped for a moment as she stepped to the side of Vincent, wondering why he was a little strange; there was a slight view of a woman in front of him, so she felt a little jealous, but when she stood beside him and looked at the girl, her voice and thoughts stopped, a short goblin woman, the cutest girl she\'d ever seen, currently had her hands inside Vincent\'s pants and was playing with his erect python with an entrance look on her face.

"Mel\'Ren? Why are you jerking off, Vincent?" Mel\'Zeth\'s voice sounded with a hint of shock and jealousy.

The cute girl whose twin tails shook in the air gave a cheeky smile, her little fangs on display as her hand moved faster, the warm sensation in her hands too irresistible.

"Ah!? Big sis! This guy\'s cock is huge. Do you want to share?"

Not the brightest of her younger sisters, she couldn\'t read the atmosphere and continued to caress the now solid dragon before being dragged away from his body by the nape, Mel\'Zeth\'s face twitching with veins popping from her forehead.

"Ahh.... sister, you can\'t take him for yourself! He\'s big enough for us all!!!"



Mel\'Zeth launched a powerful jab into their stomach of Ren, causing her to fall unconscious before carrying the little pixie over her shoulders, then looking at Vincent with his awkward face before a sly smile filled her lips as she took his hand with the other.

"So, that date.... let\'s use the medallion when we get to the hotel... you have to make me pregnant before my sisters all ravish you and get knocked up..."

Mel\'Zeth wasn\'t angry; she expected this to happen, so she brought him. Her love for family was as big as for Vincent\'s cock and blacksmithing.

Thus she would never become jealous or selfish, her visit here was a ploy, honestly feeling bad for Vincent, but she wanted her sisters to know the true pleasure of a goblin woman, not one like her mother forced to live a life of frustration, using fake toys to find her joy.

"Come, darling, let\'s go home, hehe~ I never thought my little sister could become this slutty, though....."

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