
Chapter 210 - Meeting With Werewolves

"Follow me!" Shelia said.

Then the three Werewolves run toward their settlement so I can finally meet their king.

I followed them and running behind them. Seeing that I can catch up, they ran even faster. Though I didn\'t increase my speed. I don\'t know if I\'m going to fight or not, so I\'d rather keep my abilities as secrets. But Victoria warned me.

"Roy, if you\'re not catching up with them because you want to keep your speed as secret from them, don\'t do that. Werewolves hate dishonest people. Once you lie to them, it will be difficult to regain their trust however many fried chickens you have." Victoria said.

"Damn it!"

I had no other choice but to catch up with Shelia and the others. Seeing that I can catch up, she smiled lightly and go even faster. And I continue matching my speed with them.

The three Werewolves keep looking at me from time to time. I don\'t think they are checking if I can catch up to them. They are checking if I have more fried chicken.

"You\'re quite fast! Are humans as fast as you?" Shelia slowed down and run beside me. I don\'t think she has shown her full speed. Me neither, but since she\'s leading the way, I\'ll match her speed.

"No. I\'m just a rarity among humans. Most of them used magic to become faster, but I don\'t know how fast the other humans are. I\'m more… physically gifted." I replied. I haven\'t told her that I\'m an Aura user.

"So, each human is different, huh? Interesting. What kind of fight are you going to give us?" Shelia asked more.

"The enemies are humans as well. And most of them are powerful mages. Our side is lacking manpower. I\'m actually here as a summoner trying to get a monster to make a contract with me. But if I could make some allies along the way, that would be better."

"What\'s a summoner?"

"It means a mage who awaken to summoning element. We can summon a monster from this world to my world and help me fight against enemies. Victoria here is my first summoned monster." I patted the blob on my shoulder while we\'re still running.

"Hmm… I don\'t understand it. But I think I have heard about human and human world from the old grandpa. Hey, get that grandpa to meet the king as well!" Shelia ordered the two male Werewolves to get someone she called grandpa.

How long is a Werewolf\'s lifespan? If they can live for a thousand years, this grandpa might know about Aura users and about summoners. I hope that\'s the case.

Finally, we reached the Werewolves\' settlement. The two male Werewolves left Shelia and I, and they went to that grandpa. As for Shelia and I, we just walked.

"Welcome to our home!" Shelia welcomed me.

This place… is just a rocky mountain area. Rather than houses, Werewolves live in caves. And not any natural cave. I can see traces of attacks on the rocky wall. They build their own caves by destroying part of the wall.

"You all live in caves?" I asked Shelia.

"No. We basically sleep anywhere we want. The caves are there to shelter us from the rain. And if there are not enough caves, we build another one. Well, there are two people who have their own places. Grandpa and the King. Grandpa lives in a cave far from us, and the King lives in that building." Shelia pointed her finger at a mountain quite far from the other Werewolves, and then pointed at a big dome-shaped building in the center of the settlement.

That cave where the grandpa lived is quite far. No wonder she asked someone to get him since she\'s taking me to the king.

As for the king\'s building, it\'s just one bedroom, and the rest of the building is one big room. Probably for some kind of meeting or discussion. And that place has several big windows for others to see and hear what they\'re discussing. I guess there\'s not much privacy among Werewolves.

But there\'s one more giant building next to that dome shaped building. It\'s a… colosseum. A big oval shaped building with a huge arena in the middle and place for audience to watch. And it\'s maintained quite well. I guess that\'s just show how well they use that building and shows how often that place is used. For fighting I presume.

I won\'t ask Shelia about it since it\'s not within my normal sight. I\'ll ask about it later if possible. But I think my guess is correct.

While walking to the king\'s place, everyone watching me curiously. They are wondering what kind of species I am, I guess? And what am I doing here? I guess they will listen to my conversation with the king and that grandpa. Everyone has wolf ears on their heads. And wore only the minimum. The female Werewolves wear some kind of fur bikini just like Shelia, and the male Werewolves wear fur pants which should be itchy.

And I can see the two Werewolves who left us are already entered that building with a really old Werewolf being carried on the back of one of the Werewolves. He must be the grandpa. The grandpa is also wearing similar pants as other male Werewolves, so his muscles is easily seen. For a grandpa, he\'s absurdly strong. Why does it seem like he\'s gathering his strength on his hand that\'s clenching a cane?

Seems like he\'s eager to fight. Fighting me? I need to be prepared.

Then the two Werewolves and the grandpa Werewolf informed the king who was sleeping that I\'m coming. Probably. I don\'t know what they\'re talking about.

As soon as I entered the meeting room, everyone looked at me curiously. The other Werewolves who are interested also watching us. There is no privacy here.

I was about to greet the Werewolf King first, but suddenly, the grandpa Werewolf who had been gathering his strength on his feet, leaped at me and swung down his cane.


I\'m kind of prepared about it, so I quickly grabbed Victoria and turned her into a shield, and block the grandpa\'s cane.

So damn powerful! Even the ground where I\'m standing is cracked! Thanks to my Aura, I can defend it well. But my left hand which is holding Victoshield is shaking like crazy!

"Hey, grandpa! What are you doing!? He\'s my target so I won\'t let you fight him first!" Shelia shouted.

I\'m her target? So, she already decided that we\'ll be fighting? I really can\'t avoid battle, huh?

Finally, the grandpa stopped putting his strength on the cane and I returned Victoria back to her blob form on my shoulder since I don\'t feel any more enmity targeting me.

"Hahahah! So, you\'re a human, a summoner, and an Aura user! I never thought that I would meet another Aura user in my life!" Grandpa Werewolf said.

So, he really knows about Aura user!

"You know about Aura?" I asked Grandpa Werewolf. I\'ll call him this from now on since it\'s easier to remember.

"Of course I know! Over the last one thousand three hundred seventy-eight years of my life, I only ever be defeated once! And it\'s by an Aura user around a thousand and a hundred years ago! Come on, boy! You can do what you want to do here first. I\'ll be the king for today." Grandpa Werewolf said.

"Umm… Grandpa? What about me?" The Werewolf King asked.

"It was just a title for you. I have always been the king for the last thousand years and no one is stronger than me! You are the king because you were the second strongest after me. And now, you are just the third strongest! Shelia is the second strongest! So, after I die, Shelia will be the Queen of Werewolves!"

"So, I\'m really just a figure. Whatever. It\'s not like I don\'t know." The Werewolf King whose name I don\'t know sulked.

"So, what do you want? You\'re a summoner, so are you thinking of making a contract with me?" The grandpa Werewolf seem to know about contract as well. He\'s old after all…

"Yeah. I actually wanted to make a contract with the king as well, but I think I\'ll ask Shelia since you\'re so close to death. I know you\'re dying, grandpa."

Even though he\'s a Werewolf, the organ inside his body is similar to that of human. That\'s why I know he\'s dying. Though there\'s no one here surprised about the fact that he\'s dying.

"Hahaha! So, you knew! But that doesn\'t matter. What are you going to ask us the Werewolves? It\'s not just about contracting one, right?"

"Yes. I want to ask for an alliance between the Werewolf tribe, and the kingdom I\'m affiliated with. War is coming in our world. And if we lose, they will come to this world. Our enemy will destroy everything. That\'s why I\'m hoping to create an alliance with the Werewolves."

"Sure! Let\'s do that!" Grandpa Werewolf answered so easily.

"…that\'s it?" I asked. And the other Werewolves don\'t seem to be confused by the quick decision. Instead, they are happy that they will go on a war.

"Under one- no. Two conditions. First is food."

"I can take care of that. I have given Shelia and two other some samples. I can\'t give you unlimited supply, but only what we have." I answered.

"That\'s fine. As long as they\'re delicious, we\'ll enjoy them. Then next is… you have to duel against me!"

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