
Chapter 627

The hunters here have gotten used to it. Fighting the weak monsters in stampede. So they can’t grow stronger. And when faced against goblins, they would let down their guard. Resulting in their own death.

That’s why I said that if they want to get stronger, they can’t stay in one place for too long. They should venture out to the world and face stronger monsters. Though if they don’t want to get stronger, they can just stay in Mellian or even not fight at all.

On that note, I don’t want to get stronger. I have to get stronger. It’s different.

Now that the battle is over. The hunters looked around to see that their fellow hunters are dead. As for the guards, they already know that it can happen. I guess despite how I see Hill as someone who likes to play around, he’s still a capable man who can lead his men.

Some people died. But for me, the number of casualty is lower than it should be thanks to me joining in. I say that we have done a good job.

The aftermath of the stampede was done quickly. The guards along with the hunters and even some civilians are helping since it’s safe already.


As for me, I’m staying in Hill’s office together with Hill waiting for Kayla to return.

“She’s not back yet?” Hill asked.

“No. Victoria told me that there are too many monsters’ nest nearby. As for the goblins, overpopulation was indeed one of the cause. But not the overpopulation of goblin alone. Instead, it was the orcs. The orcs who left their nest because their nest can’t hold that much orcs attacked the goblins’ nest. Most of the goblins run further deep into the forest. And part of them were coming here,” I said.

Those are the things that Kayla and Victoria found while they are investigating. Their investigation skill is much better than the agents specialized in it because Ray was just too fast. He can just go further if there’s nothing to see. But the agents’ sight were limited. And it will be too dangerous for them to stay too long out there.

“...Fuck! If that’s just small part of the goblins, it means that there are more of them, right? Just that many is enough to kill some of us! That does it! I will ask the lord to get rid of all monsters’ nest nearby! There won’t be any more stampede anytime soon!” Hill shouted in his office.

“Let’s wait for Kayla first. She should know what to do. Just in case, I’ll prepare to get Albert if your lord disagree with our plan,” I said.

“Even if you don’t do that, the lord will still do what I ask him to do. But at least if you call his majesty, the lord will do it voluntarily instead of being forced to do it,” Hill said.

...Just what has he done to the lord? I said it before that he doesn’t have as much influence in the city as Oleg. But influence to the people doesn’t matter if you can just control the one in charge of this city.

After waiting for a bit longer, Kayla finally appears along with Victoria and Ray.

“Roy. I think this will be a good place for our clan to train. There are many monster’s nest here. And each one of us can take care of one nest at least. Most of the monsters are weak so we can defeat them easily. Maybe we can each lead a group of hunters to raid those nests to help the hunters get stronger as well,” Kayla said.

“There are that many monster’s nests? Well, I will leave the decision to you. I’m busy with the circus so I won’t be able to help. Though if you need me, I’ll come right away,” I said.

“Oh, Roy! When will your circus leave?” Hill asked me.

“Thomas said that we will make at least one more show so we can cheer the people up. After that, we might take a few more days before we leave. There’s no problem with our supply until our next destination since I can use my portal. But it will be too suspicious if we leave too early. After the show, I guess I will make my appearance as the living armor in another location. I have been acting as one so close with the circus a few times already. If the cult take notice of it, they will be suspicious of the circus,” I explained.

“I see. Well, I will be busy so I can’t see you leave. But I’ll try to watch the circus,” Hill said.

“Okay. Though you will still pay for the ticket,” I said.

I can’t expect that the show this time will have all the audience seat filled. After the civilians who evacuated returned and heard the news that there are more casualties than usual, they all feel down for underestimating the stampede. Some of them want to feel better by watching our performances, but I doubt all of them will feel the same.

I will at least perform like usual to those who attend. That’s my duty as a professional circus clown. Making people laugh.

“Okay. Before you leave, I have something I want to ask you,” Hill suddenly stopped me before I jumped out of the window.


“The circus have two strongmen as the members, right? Do you know if any of them have lover? Or maybe the two are actually lovers?” Hill asked.


Without hesitation, I jumped out of the window. Though I can hear Victoria and Hill is talking excitedly and Kayla finally snapped and stopped the two before giving more suggestions to Hill on what to do.

I escaped to the circus where they are planning to raise the tent again for just one show.

“Has Kayla returned?” Burnes asked me.

“Yes. She’s with Hill in his office. Victoria is with her as well while Ray is running to the sky somewhere. Sometimes, he’s like a dog and enjoy going for a walk,” I said.

“What will you do now? If it’s now, if there’s any spy in this city, they should be doing something suspicious. You’re not going to make your move?” he asked.

“Not at the moment. The agents in this city should be investigating, right? I’ll make my move later. For now, I’ll help in building the tent,” I said.

I then start helping building the tent after telling the two strongmen that Hill said hi to them. They are a bit confused hearing that since they never talk with Hill. I guess not everyone knows what Hill is really like.

“...He’s not saying anything to me, right?” Thomas asked.

“Not at all.”


I think Thomas is the only one in the circus who knows about Hill.

During the stampede, I used portal to return him back to Cassau. It was before I called Kayla. And after the stampede is over, I grabbed him back.

As for Candy who came here with Kayla, she’s with other agents staying here to investigate more. Just as Burnes said, this is a good time for spies to make their action.

After they finished their discussion, Kayla and Victoria comes to my room at the inn. And after a while, Candy entered my room as well.

...I’ll do my own investigation tomorrow. Let’s just sleep with beauties tonight.

The next night, the show ends well. There were actually so many people who wanted to come. Some are those who have watched us before. I guess I’m just that good.

My investigation shows that there are no spies here other than those that Albert sent. Though if they are good actors, I won’t be able to tell. But at least this city seems to be fine.

Candy joined Kayla and Hill and they have a meeting with the lord and the guild master. I don’t need to call Albert it seems.

They agreed to make a formal request to the clan. I don’t need to use portal it seems. They are riding on Spot’s back to come. Though when he’s close, Spot will shrink himself and make it as if they are coming here thanks to Angela’s and the others’ wind magic.

As planned, they are going to lead several groups of hunters who will raid the nests. Many are interested in going with Angela, Kayla, and Shirley. Though in the end, the guild arranged it so everyone can go.

While the hunters are raiding the nests, Hill and the guards will protect the city.

This will be the biggest event in Mellian that can change the future of Mellian. From a city that often experiencing stampede, to a safe city with less chance of stampede.

There might still be some monsters left. But it won’t attack the city as often as before.

Everyone will take part in it. From the civilians, guards, hunters, and even the nobles.

But I won’t join unless I’m truly needed. And by the time they are preparing to attack monster’s nests, our circus group have left the city and we are moving to the next one.

They will be fine. Everyone in my clan is that strong.

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