
Chapter 88 The Main Source

Han Cai\'s father made it a point to write him a letter every month after that.

Han Dai would describe how the Han family was doing after their relocation in the letters.

Eagle Cai Town was renamed after the town where general family members were relocated. The majority of Han Cai\'s distant relatives, including guards and their families, were relocated to that town.

His father, uncles, cousins, and grandmother, as well as his immediate family, were relocated to Cloud Mountain City.

Han Cai discovered that life in Eagle Cai Town was comfortable and prosperous for the general family members. The town was well-kept, and the sect provided plenty of resources to the residents. The Han Family\'s commercial enterprises had begun to thrive in town, with merchants and traders travelling from all over Yin country to do business with them. The Han Family\'s reputation as merchants was rapidly growing.

Life in Cloud Mountain City was even more luxurious for the Han Family\'s primary members. The sect had given them a magnificent mansion on a hill overlooking the city. The mansion was large and spacious, with a lovely garden and pond. The Han Family lived a life of luxury and comfort, taking advantage of the best that the city had to offer.

The Han Family\'s commercial business in Cloud Mountain City was also thriving. The sect had lavished them with gold coins.

The Han merchant family was astute. They had made investments in a wide range of industries, including real estate, trade, and manufacturing. They expanded their business into a variety of industries, including agriculture, mining, and real estate. They had also opened a few shops and restaurants in the city, which were doing exceptionally well. Everyone in the city regarded the Han family with respect because mayor Hong had personally announced that the Han family was an official merchant family under the sky-soaring sect. Harming the family\'s business is equivalent to harming the sect\'s business. As a result, many merchants and traders sought the Cai family\'s approval in order to do business with them.

Han Cai was relieved that he had almost fulfilled his karma with the Han family. He was extremely helpful to them this time.

But he had another problem: the sect had left him in a lot of debt.

As well as he knew elder Dongmei, he had to pay it back in full sooner or later. The old man was the epitome of Palpatine.

Han Cai did not respond to his father\'s letters at initially, leading Han Dai to believe Han Cai was angry with him for sending him to the sect alone at such a young age.

But he couldn\'t be more way off the mark. In his last life, Han Cai, the great procrastinator, was too lazy to text. In this life, how could he sit patiently and write a letter?

But, seeing his father\'s concern, Han Cai wrote back, finally explaining that he was cultivating in seclusion and thus couldn\'t respond to the letters.

Instead of sending the letter through sect, Han Cai had his butler Yongnian deliver it to his father at the Han family household in Cloud Mountain City.

Returning to his requirement for a large number of spirit stones.

Han Cai considered using family businesses with his father\'s assistance to earn a shitload of gold coins and then converting those gold coins into spirit stones. But after some thought, he realised his family\'s entire business couldn\'t help him. A shitload of gold coins would be useless to him. Because there was a limit to how many spirit stones gold coins could purchase.

His gluttonous blackhole of celestial technique required a f** spirit stones. Even f**kton of spirit stones may be insignificant  to his celestial ascension technique.

Even if all of his family members, guards, and guard families sold their kidneys, they would be unable to contribute even 5% of the large number of spirit stones required by Han Cai.

In the cloud mountain city, his family\'s business was just starting out. It was not a good idea to burden them. He needed to give the family businesses time if he wanted money from them. He was confident in his father\'s abilities. The company should thrive.

However, Han Cai did not have the time. He only had two years.

Instead of focusing on minor sources, Han Cai decided to broaden his thought process.

Why not consider the bigger picture and the primary source?

What was the most important source?

Where did everyone get their spirit stones?

The answer was spirit stone mines.

The spirit stone mines, that\'s right. Spirit stone mines supplied spirit stones to every sect and cultivator.

Han Cai had read about spirit stone mines before. Spirit stone mines were rare and valuable places where concentrated spirit energy was compressed over time, resulting in the formation of solid spirit stones. These mines can be classified into three types based on their size and the number of spirit stones they can provide.

Small spirit stone mines held a hundred thousand to a million or more spirit stones. These mines were difficult to find because they were discovered in areas where the spirit energy was relatively thick but unused. A small spirit stone mine would take thousands to tens of thousands of years to form. Small mines can be found in a variety of environments, including forests, mountains, valleys, and caves.

Medium-sized spirit stone mines had between 100 million and 900 million spirit stones. There was a significant difference between medium-sized and small mines. These mines were more difficult to locate, and a medium-sized mine could take hundreds of thousands of years to form. Medium-sized mines are typically located in more dangerous terrain, such as deep within mountains, beneath the sea, or in extremely harsh environments.

Large spirit stone mines contained one billion or more spirit stones. These mines were extremely rare and nearly impossible to find by chance. A large-scale mine took hundreds of thousands to millions of years to form. They were usually found in the most dangerous, remote, and difficult terrains, such as deep within volcanoes or on isolated islands.

The spirit stones are embedded within the surrounding rocks and minerals in all types of mines. They were usually extracted by mining the rocks and then extracting the spirit stones using various techniques.

Many cultivators used to look for these mines as a source of wealth and power. They\'d spend years wandering through forests and mountains looking for telltale signs of a mine\'s presence, like strange rock formations and dense concentrations of spirit energy. Once a mine was discovered, they would spend months or even years mining the spirit stones from it.

It was not an easy task to mine spirit stones. The stones were frequently embedded deep within the earth and required considerable physical and spiritual energy to extract. To mine the stones, many cultivators had to use specialised techniques and equipment, and they frequently had to work in hazardous conditions deep underground.

Han Cai, on the other hand, didn\'t have to worry about finding the mines or mining the spirit stones. None of them posed a genuine challenge to him. He possessed the cheat system and the problem solver. Han Cai decided to wait instead of using spirit stones or exchange points to increase his cultivation because he could do anything as long as he had enough exchange points.

"System, scan the area as far as you can in 3 million exchange points and find all the unexplored spirit stone mines," Han Cai said as he sat in his meditation room.

The spiritual energy in this world was very dense, and Han Cai suspected that there were many spirit stone mines that no one knew about. The system obeyed his commands, keeping the sky-soaring sect at the centre. It began scanning, the system charged ten exchange points per mile, and it scanned 300,000 miles of the area surrounding the sky-soaring sect.

The system discovered twelve small mines and one medium-sized mine for Han Cai. They had never been explored. Han Cai had not anticipated discovering an unexplored medium-sized spirit stone mine. He could explore the small mines with some effort, but the medium-sized mines were always in dangerous terrain.

What did the discovery of unexplored medium-sized planets mean? It indicated that no one has been in that area for a hundred thousand years, or that if someone did explore it, they would only survive if they had extremely high cultivation.

Han Cai was neither greedy nor stupid to consider exploring a medium-sized mine unless he had the necessary power. He could, however, start exploring small mines and using the spirit stones in those mines to gain exchange points directly.

However, in order to explore the mines discovered by the system, Han Cai would have to leave the sect. As the dark hall was always watching his cave abode, the question of how he would leave the sect arose.

He could feel dark hall people following him whenever he left his cave abode. They would follow him if he escaped to the spirit mine. After much deliberation, Han Cai decided it was time to repay the sect for all of their assistance to him and his family. Even if he is unable to repay the entire amount, he should make an effort to reduce the debt.


Author\'s Note:

Some readers mentioned he is becoming too overpowered. All I can say about this is, You will have to wait and see his true enemies. It will make sense, then.

Special thanks to reader Pandabunny for providing the book with a castle.

Your contributions increase the book\'s exposure, which motivates me to work harder.

Please continue to give gifts of any kind. Your support means the world to me and allows me to continue pursuing my passion for writing.

Thank you again.

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