
Chapter 100 Legend Of Han Cai 2

Blacky quickly disappeared into the dense forest.

Han Cai also disappeared, leaving the whole sect in a state of awe and admiration for the panther\'s strength and intelligence. They were amazed that they had such an amazing, elite beast watching their sect. With such a powerful beast protecting their sect, they did not have to worry about the protection of the sect for a long time.

The Sky Soaring Sect was a place where the talk of the town always revolved around cultivation, spirit stones, and missions. However, what they loved most was gossiping. For the past few weeks, the topic of discussion in the sect had shifted to a young man named Han Cai, who had recently returned to the sect after completing a mission that had put his name on the map.

Disciples and elders alike huddled together, whispering about the handsome young man who had managed to foil the plans of the Cui family with the guidance of Grandmaster Dongmei. They talked about how he had been able to control the sect protector beast. Many speculated that he must have been born with a natural affinity for animals, which was a rare talent indeed.

The outer sect elders and disciples that Han Cai had saved were singing his praises as if he was an immortal who had come down from heaven to earth. They talked about how he had taken on the Cui family and the bandits with ease and how he had emerged victorious.

It wasn\'t just the fact that he had saved the core disciple that made Han Cai a legend in the sect. It was the way he entered the sect on the beast that was imprinted in the mind of everyone.

Many elders and disciples who had not paid attention to the outer sect tournament only knew that he was a new disciple of the sect master and were now curious about Han Cai. They spoke of him in hushed tones, wondering where he had come from and what his true potential was. Some even went so far as to say that he could one day become the sect\'s greatest cultivator.

However, there were some who were jealous of Han Cai\'s newfound fame. They couldn\'t accept that a young man who had only just joined the sect had accomplished so much in such a short time. They whispered behind his back, spreading rumors about how he had used underhanded tactics to achieve his success.

But the majority of the sect\'s members ignored these rumors. They knew that Han Cai was a talented cultivator who had accomplished something great, and they were proud of him. But the disciples Han Cai had saved, and some who had been mesmerized by him couldn\'t take it when their new idol was maligned, so they started spreading Han Cai\'s legend more actively.

As legend continued to grow, things got out of hand very quickly as some exaggerated stories and legends began to spread throughout the Sky Soaring Sect. Some of these stories were so ridiculous that even Sect Master and Elder Dongmei couldn\'t help but shake their head at them.

One of the most outlandish stories was that Han Cai was actually the son of the heavens, sent down to earth to protect the world. According to this legend, when Han Cai was just five years old, he was already able to lift mountains and split rivers with his bare hands. This story was often told by the younger disciples, who looked up to Han Cai with a mixture of awe and adoration.

Another story that was widely circulated in the sect was that when Han Cai was born, a group of powerful beasts descended from the heavens to bless his town. According to this legend, Qilins and dragons could be seen riding on a rainbow in the sky above Han Cai\'s birthplace, bestowing their blessings on the newborn child. This story was often told by the more superstitious disciples, who believed that Han Cai\'s birth was a sign of great fortune and prosperity for the sect.

When they thought they had heard everything, they almost lost it when they heard about the rumors spreading out of the sect. This new rumor was spreading around in Cloud Mountain City and nearby cities of the sect.

Rumour was that of Han Cai\'s battle against a group of powerful demons that had descended upon the Sky Soaring Sect.

According to the story, these demons were unlike any that the sect had ever seen before. They were massive and fierce, with eyes that glowed like hot coals and teeth that were as sharp as razors. They had descended upon the sect in the dead of night, tearing down walls and unleashing chaos upon the disciples, who had been caught off guard.

The elders had quickly assembled to deal with the threat, but even they had been overwhelmed by the sheer power of the demons. It seemed as though all hope was lost until Han Cai arrived on the scene.

When Han Cai arrived, everyone was in awe of him, for he looked like a god among men, his eyes blazing with an otherworldly light. With a wave of his hand, he had sent a bolt of lightning arcing toward the demons, and they had recoiled in fear.

With a fierce battle cry, Han Cai launched himself toward the demons, his fists slamming into their bodies with incredible force. It was said that with each blow, the ground trembled, and the air crackled with energy.

The demons had fought back with all their might, but they were no match for Han Cai\'s strength and skill. He moved with lightning-fast speed, dodging their attacks and striking back with a fury that had left the demons reeling.

As the battle raged on, everyone watched in awe and amazement, for they had never seen anything like it. Han Cai had fought with the ferocity of a wild animal, his eyes glowing with a fierce intensity that had left no doubt as to his power.

In the end, the demons had been defeated, their bodies lying in twisted heaps on the ground. Han Cai had stood victorious, his chest heaving with exertion, his eyes blazing with triumph.

The disciples had cheered his name, hoisting him up onto their shoulders and carrying him back to the sect, where he had been hailed as a hero. And thus, the legend of Han Cai grew, with people throughout the cities and towns telling and retelling the story of his great victory over the demons and the incredible power that he possessed.

Han Cai ended up becoming a legend in the sect and cities near it, and his story was told and retold countless times.

However, they all helped to cement his status as a hero and a figure of great admiration and respect among the sect and outside sect.


Author\'s Note:

100th chapter. New Volume from tomorrow.

Finally, we have a proofreader, so my burden should lessen a bit. He starts from chapter 105. In case you find any errors, do let me know so we can give him a hard time.

Thank You

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