
Chapter 560 - That Was Easier Than I Thought

Well, not alone since Shiori and Akari were watching me from their place at the bed, both of their tails waving lazily in the air.

Of course, Xun Guan was still on me but she insisted on continuing to hide that fact for now. Something about not instilling jealousy or something, not really sure what she meant by that.

I only glanced through the note when I was at Muon\'s place so now I gave the time to look through it properly.

Hmm… In order to procure it, I have to at least be able to go into a Complete Harmonious Avatar Origin State.

Remembering what Muon had said about my Star Power form, I should already meet the requirement to do it.

Now what\'s next?

Get into that state… Manipulate the energy within myself… Reach one hundred percent concentration… Purify the gathered energy… Circulate it for… One thousand years?! And I would only get a single drop of it?!

This is pretty much useless then, I definitely ain\'t going to sit here for one thousand years just to make this. I guess I should just tell my disciples not to bother anymore since it\'s an impossible task for me.

Why the hell would I want to waste a thousand years on retrieving past memories when I can just live my current life with my cute disciples? Definitely not worth the effort.

I guess I should return this to Muon and tell her I can\'t do it after all.

Hmmm? Wait a minute.

There\'s some fine print written at the bottom of the page.

\'This is the normal procedure to create pure liquefied Origin energy. But if it\'s you, you can just will it to existence.\'

Will it to existence it says. Are you sure things are even that simple?

Do I just stretch out my arm and wish for there to be some liquified Origin Energy? And what does it mean by \'if it\'s me\'? Could you stop raising all these weird flags that I never asked for?

Are you telling me that if I put my hand out and then imagine the Origin energy in a liquid form, it would really appear in my hand as a--

I felt something wet drop onto my palm.

Looking down at my hand, there\'s now a pool of pure blue liquid that was resting in the middle of my palm, some of it overflowing to drip down onto the ground.

No way… Come on, there\'s just absolutely no way.

There\'s absolutely no way I can create something that\'s supposed to be that hard to make simply just by thinking about it, can I? The first part of the note says that it should take a thousand years to refine a single drop you know? And now I just made a handful of it just like that?

How does that even work?!

Is it because I\'m a conduit? What even is a conduit?! If you ate my patron, why aren\'t you explaining all these things?!

I\'m having a headache now.

You know what, I don\'t even care anymore.

What am I supposed to do with this bunch of liquified Origin Energy now? In fact, what use does it even have?

Hey, patron god of mine, send a little guidance here will you? I\'m really, really lost now.

Yeah, no answer, no way it\'s going to be that easy.

"Ummm… Master?" Akari called out to me, the red fox standing to adopt a battle stance.

I looked at them with a raised eyebrow, "What is it?"

"Umm… You might want to look at the floor…"

I looked down to see vines growing out from the ground where the trickles of Origin Energy had fallen.

Ah, this Origin Energy thing is supposed to be the \'origin of all things\' after all, so I guess it might have given new life when it dropped on the floor.

Hmm… What happens if something or someone drinks it?

I suppose I should test this thing out first before it gets mixed into the potion.

Of course I\'m not going to test it on myself, nor will I get any of my disciples to try it either.

There\'s also the issue that I\'m not supposed to be the one gathering the ingredients so I\'m not sure how my disciples are supposed to get their hands on this. Ugh, I\'ll see? what they think later, first I need to test this.

I quickly disintegrated the vines before pouring that handful of Origin Energy into an empty vial from my storage ring.

I\'m glad I changed into my female form so I can do things like this without thinking. I\'m surprised that Brendan was adamant about not changing though, preferring to stay in his male form instead. I assumed he was taking the opportunity to grow stronger like what that hermit had mentioned about this Plane.

Always the hardworking one, he is.

"I\'ll be heading out to test this on some stuff," I declared, raising the vial in my hands.

Shiori and Akari immediately leapt down from the bed and climbed up my shoulders, settling themselves comfortably on top of me with their tails wrapped around me.

Teleporting us high up into the air, I tried to look for a place where I could experiment without bothering anyone.

Akari nuzzled my cheek, "If Master is looking for somewhere quiet and away from civilization, I recommend the volcano directly south of here."

"A volcano?"

"Uh-huh. I was sent there when I came through the portal! Very deserted. Or at least it\'s deserted now. Maybe just a few groups of wild monsters wandering here and there but that\'s about it."

That sounds rather… Ominous… I guess they must have tried to attack her when she appeared and got annihilated because of that.

Deciding to take her offer, I flew in the direction she pointed out until the volcano in question came into view.

I scanned the area and found it was as Akari had said, it was quite deserted except for a few animals and monsters running around, none of them a threat.

I dropped down at the edge of it, no reason to go right to the volcano after all.

Now let\'s see… First let\'s try a single drop on this random tree here… And then there\'s some kind of red feathered bird chirping up on one of the branches there.

I used a Technique to restrain it before letting it take a sip of the liquid.

Hmmm… There\'s also a small pond over here so let\'s drop a little here and see what happens too.

Oh, and since a wolf monster decided to conveniently show up here, I\'ll just restrain it and give it a drop as well just to see what happens.

Now we sit back and wait…

What? You didn\'t think I\'d just leave and forget about them do you? I\'m a responsible person, ok?

Who knows what these things would transform into? It\'s imperative that I\'m here in case anything goes wrong, you know?

And judging by what has been happening so far, that is very, very likely.

So now, we wait...

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