
Chapter 852: Heres A Recording Of It

Chapter 852: Here\'s A Recording Of It

(Tsuki POV)

Ehehe~ I can feel Nii-chan\'s love still inside me~

I\'m so glad I managed to draw the winning straw to distract Nii-chan while the rest of my sisters went to punish that piece of trash.

Sure, it\'s a shame I couldn\'t go and punish that idiot for inconveniencing Nii-chan, but receiving Aniue\'s love makes it all worth it!

What makes it even better was that they had specifically told me to distract Nii-chan for as long as possible so I had no qualms about hogging Nii-chan the entire time.

Oh my? Nii-chan\'s seed is dripping out? That won\'t do. Won\'t Nii-chan fill me back up again? Ehehehe~

And just like that, Nii-chan and I made love until I could no longer feel my legs.

Ahh~ This feeling of bliss! If only this moment could continue on forever!

Unfortunately, as blissful as it is, I still needed to return to reality. But at least I was wrapped around Nii-chan\'s arm when we went back to our little camp~

"Ara, ara? It seems like the both of you had fun~" Manami giggled when she saw us return.

Good, it looks like they came back before we were done. As nice as the love making with Nii… I mean… Aniue was, I don\'t think I can stay conscious if I had to distract Aniue again before they came back from torturing that idiot.

I doubt those two foxes of Aniue\'s would be able to help me distract him either, seeing the two of them curled up in that corner eyeing me.

Aniue scratched his cheek sheepishly, "Sorry, we kind of lost track of time. Did we miss anything?"

Diao Chan immediately sauntered up to Aniue, "Oh nothing much, Master. It\'s just that I was so, so lonely here, particularly the place in between my legs. Won\'t Master help me fill it up, please?"

Predictably, that earned her a very nice spank from Aniue. At least Cai Hong had already went to bed after following them to torture the idiot so she wasn\'t around to hear that. Otherwise, Aniue would\'ve been more harsh on her.

Not that she would complain if it involved hurting her physically in some way.

I unlatched myself from Aniue\'s arm and went towards Elaria, letting my other sisters have their share of Master\'s attention.

The little sister wannabe girl raised an eyebrow at me as I sat down on the seat beside hers, "So how was it? You didn\'t screw up and let Onii-sama know what we were doing, did you?"

I flicked my hair with a hand, "Please. Aniue was too preoccupied with how good I felt to even think about any of you."

"Tsk… I\'ll let you have that one since I got to have fun with that trash."

"So what did you do to him?"

"I recorded it, want to see?" She asked, pulling out a small tablet from under her skirt like it was the most normal thing to do.

Naturally, I was interested in what happened to that piece of trash so I moved closer to her to take a look.

Right now Aniue was being fluffed by Manami and Kiyomi so he wouldn\'t notice what we\'re doing anyway.

Elaria tapped the play button on the screen and it showed the scene of the trash being tied up in a turtle shell bondage and left to hang on a tree.

I could see Brendan sitting in the background with a few bottles of Aniue\'s God pills in liquid form placed around him, ready to bring him back to life whenever the torture drove him to the brink of death.

"So I see you girls are into this sort of play huh? Usually I\'d much prefer to be on the giving end but since I\'m generous, I\'ll allow it just this once," The piece of trash called out.

I turned to Elaria, "What the hell is he talking about?"

She rolled her eyes, "The idiot was so delusional, thinking we came to find him because we fell in love with him and ran away from Onii-sama."

I gagged at the thought, now even more thankful that I was left behind with Aniue so I didn\'t have to listen to this idiot\'s nonsense.

Lian Li was the first one to step into the frame, the man making some stupid remark about her hair that only served to tick her off even more.

I know she was quite proud of it because Master praised it, that\'s why hearing some other guy talk about it would definitely piss her off.

She stepped up to him and started her torture of electrocuting him again and again. His body convulsed and his skin burned up from the heat, I have no doubt that he was also emptying his bowels at that moment too.

She kept it up until Brendan came up to stop her, indicating that he was going to die soon before splashing the contents of Aniue\'s healing potion on the idiot.

He finally realised that my sisters were not there to hook up with him and began struggling at his bindings, only to fail at it miserably.

Manami came up next and simply blasted him with a gout of flames. She kept it going until Brendan stepped in once more, healing him back up with Aniue\'s potion.

The rope that was used to tie him up must be specially made since it could withstand Manami\'s fire without burning up.

Cai Hong came next in her adult form and simply started beating him with her bare hands. It was simple but still brutal enough to make me satisfied from watching. No one there was paying any attention to the idiot\'s screams, everyone was simply revelling in his pain.

She stopped by herself before Brendan stood up, the little dragon girl obviously knowing just how much she could hurt him to bring him more than enough pain. She even spat on his face before moving out of the frame, this is definitely a side of Cai Hong she wouldn\'t want her precious papa to see.

Next was Eris who I thought would start cutting him with her sword but she surprised me by keeping her sword sheathed. Instead, she had made use of the sheathed sword as a blunt weapon and started wailing away on him as well.

The brutality was no less than Cai Hong\'s beating, especially when Eris kept switching between her personalities to beat him up in different ways.

After her was Kiyomi who started with blowing a white mist onto the idiot. I was confused for a moment until she went up to snap off his frozen fingers one by one. I could hear his soft screams of pain in the video as she did so, but he was unable to move or scream any louder since his entire body was frozen.

She stopped after breaking off every part of his limbs and Brendan came along to heal the moron up again, but this time he was free of his bondage since Kiyomi had broken him out of it.

I thought that was a mistake on their part until new ropes appeared to bind him again right as Diao Chan stepped into the video. It seems I was right about the ropes being special since Diao Chan was the one who conjured them with her Spell.

She manipulated the ropes to hang him upside down before materialising a whip with barbed spikes at the end, using it to lash at the idiot while laughing sadistically. She even brought out a few nails and hammered it into his body, starting with his eyes.

You would never have guessed she was the most sadistic one out of all of us when she\'s normally the masochist in front of Aniue.

After she was finally finished, Elaria came in next with something black in her hands.

"Ah, the Glock forty three," Elaria grinned at the screen. "Simple and elegant."

I expected her to start shooting at him indiscriminately but she simply shot him once in the stomach and turned to leave.

"Explosive rounds, his organs would have ruptured and he\'ll bleed out in the next few minutes," Elaria explained proudly.

The video showed him being gagged by her to stop his groans of pain before walking off, literally leaving him to hang there and bleed to death.

She fast forwarded the next few minutes until Brendan came back to heal him, which also meant it was his turn.

He removed the moron\'s gag and hung him right side up. Before the trash could say anything, Brendan had poured some kind of clear liquid into his mouth and then gagged him again. Then he simply walked off and left him there like what Elaria had done.

"He told us it was a type of acid that would eat away at his insides slowly and painfully. We didn\'t ask for details," Elaria whispered, noticing Aniue was finally freed from the fox sisters\' fluffing, only to have Lian Li and Eris start cuddling him.

She fast forwarded the video again and I noticed the video wasn\'t even a quarter of the way through yet, didn\'t that cover everyone already?

My question was answered when Brendan healed him back up and this time Lian Li and Manami stepped in to burn and electrocute him at the same time, starting the entire process again.

Ah, this is most definitely satisfying! I would have been disappointed if it ended there!

After another few more cycles where it ended with him being subjected to everyone\'s torture at once, he was finally stabbed in the gut and left to die while hanging on a tree.

Naturally, the entire moment of him bleeding out to death was recorded so we got the satisfaction of watching him die too.

Ah, watching the video almost made me regret not being there… Almost.

At least Lian Li had the idea of keeping a book of all the idiots that had inconvenienced Aniue so that we could revive them and torture them later when we got our godhood.

I can\'t wait to torture this idiot when we do!

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