
Chapter 52 Dominating Hearts And Souls

After the heavy topic, Hiro understandably felt slightly gloomy. Rilu who wondered why the transmigrator would be affected by studies long published felt puzzled. But before anything else could happen they heard the loud shrieking of beasts.

The guide then thumped her fist into her palm like she remembered something. Rilu then commented in high spirits. "Ah! Hiro-sama I almost forgot, Lord Alabarda asked me to give you this letter. He left at Starfall\'s base two days before he left the city."

"From ojisan? Thank you for delivering it to me Rilu."

Accepting the letter, Hiro quickly gave a word of thanks as he spoke. The young devoted nodded her head and started to read a book. Hiro believed it to be another history book about the saviors given her zeal for them.

The transmigrator quickly read the letter and grew concerned with its contents.

"Bastard, if you are reading this it means you already left for the expedition. I couldn\'t stop it unfortunately. The princess influence is so great it even approaches mine. Take every precaution during this entire hunt. Something feels off. Do not trust anyone.

"Avoid using your skill, the one that turns you into an angry slothful depressed sap. My would-be adopted daughters all told me about it the first time they saw your sorry ass.

"In a situation where no one can be trusted, take steps to ensure you do not leave yourself in such an exposed position. Outside the city, the array\'s that prevented death are none existent. So don\'t die you bastard.

"Do not worry about my adopted daughters, I asked someone I trust to look after them while you are away. Just come back in one piece and you can go back to playing house."

"Regarding your curse, I got in touch with some friends and will try to get it off you the next time I come to the capital. ~ Krayto Alabarda."

Hiro felt a load lifted from his heart. The transmigrator grew concerned someone would go after the girls while he was gone. Having someone acknowledged by Krayto would at least guarantee the person would not harm his harem.

The last line made him puzzled though. What does he mean by a curse? Hiro, who could see his status, didn\'t see any curse so what was the old man talking about? As he decided to park the matter for now, a new commotion began. A peaceful ride was not what fate planned for him.


The unintelligent sounds hurt the ears of anyone listening to them. But even more, voices soon joined. The shouting and clashing of weapons echoed in the plains below them. Normally such sounds would be impossible to detect at the carriage\'s altitude but even Hiro the weakest of those present had over seven times the hearing of a normal human.

If he could hear them how much more the nineteen monsters of Starfall with him? Hiro then activated his skill to see what was going on.

"[Farsight]. It seems a group of refugees is being attacked by gryphons. Do we intervene?"

Unlike Hiro who still needed a skill, Rilu had a very high AGI thus she possessed vision ninety times better than normal. She scoped out the monsters as well as the entire situation in silence.

If it was Hiro from a month ago, he would already be jumping down to save the people. But in his first month at Valorious, he quickly learned that it was impossible to save everyone. With each one you save others elsewhere will die. And if you burn yourself out trying to help others, you will follow the same fate sooner or later.

Expecting a rejection, the reply he got had a completely different mindset. "Justice demands that I intervene. Do you wish to accompany me?"

The invite of the young woman in front of him sounded not for one of battle but one for leisure. While Hiro wanted to save his energy for the manticore monster, as someone who felt the hopelessness of being weak, he couldn\'t turn a blind eye.

"Okay. Let\'s go." The young devoted in front of him pressed a button near the door of the carriage and spoke.

"I am invoking Starfall guideline twenty-two. I will be moving to stop a commotion with some gryphons. It will only take ten minutes."

The magic stones around the carriage all lit up as Rilu communicated with someone, waiting a few moments a gruff voice answered in an extremely bored manner. "Understood, we will be waiting on the peak anyway."

Rilu then smiled and stood up as she opened the door. "Well then, shall we go Hiro-sama?" The young woman had a breathtaking smile as she had her hand outstretched. As mentioned increasing stats improved not just one\'s abilities but appearance as well. Rilu would win beauty contests as easily as breathing with her smile.

Hiro himself also changed as repeated level-ups increased his muscle mass and height to near supermodel proportions. He even upgraded his little brother significantly through the same mechanic.

If anyone wonders, Hiro was originally part of the Asian average, little brother-wise. Now he could go toe to toe with a certain bald American brother who played doctors, plumbers, and anything else one could think of. The bald brother named J*hnny grew famous for nailing beautiful women every time he appeared.

Originally 165, Hiro increased his height to 190 as he butchered goblins. Maybe due to subconsciously believing this was the best height for battle, he no longer grew afterward. His muscles similarly became thicker with each level up. From an unfit round body, the transmigrator now looked like a hero.

Yet even with all this, his mentality had yet to leave the shell of a normal human from earth. Hiro, who was still thinking about the similarities between the magic array and phones answered in a fluster. "Ha? Excuse me?"

The sky carriage was currently traveling at a speed of over 100 mph. Its current altitude over 3000 meters, the winds roaring outside were clear indication of it. Falling from this height would spell certain death. Expecting some sort of parachute, flying contraptions, or even wings, the transmigrator didn\'t want to believe the devoted intended to just jump down.

"Rilu, do you have some sort of flying skill that would allow us to glide?" hoping his comrade could fly Hiro waited for a response. Yet as quickly as he made them, his assumptions were dashed at light speed.

"Haha, what are you saying Hiro-sama? System users do not need such things, we fall like everything else!" Rilu then picked up Hiro by his waist and threw him outside like a spear.

"RILU! WAAAAAIIITTT!!!!!" unable to resist due to her immense strength, Hiro found himself quickly heading for a gryphon akin to a bullet. The Devoted then leaped outside the door and made a delta position as she joined him.

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