
Chapter 92 [Vol 1 Epilogue]: So Long As They Need Me

Two figures stood in stark contrast to one another. One was a transmigrator that is shrouded in black flame-like shadows with blue outlines. The man had black eyes and emitted black smoke coming out of his mouth. In his hand lay a weapon forged by his beloved family. A family he now will never be able to see again.

Opposite him was a white-haired man with the same face, build, and demeanor as the first. Only their weapons differed and this man had in his hands a large greatsword a meter wide and a man tall. On his upper back were two longswords while a small curved eastern blade rested on his lower back.

A few meters away from the two men, a bald woman with charred skin stood in silence. The woman had critical injuries that spanned, mutilation, deformities, and painful open wounds. Yet despite the pain, she should be enduring her focus allowing only the two men in front of her to enter her thoughts.

Prior to separating the girl asked the white-haired man. "Hiro-sama how are you here? And why were you masquerading as Gideon? I saw visions when I touched your armor earlier. I had glimpses of the life I lead as Filiale Von Drachenfeuer and my death. You were in that life too. How are you here?"

The man replied in a joking manner. "Filia, your curiosity will be the death of you. You have yet to enter the [Awakened] rank in this life. Nothing I say would matter as you cannot handle the truth behind your questions. As my final gift to you who I consider my last living sub, I will knock some sense into this bastard."

Once they separated the amount of power circling the two men grew catastrophic, the nine remaining devoted of Starfall could not even move due to the intense pressure that weighed on them. The white-haired man waved his hand and like a lie, the pressure surrounding the devoted vanished abruptly.

Frank who choked due to suddenly being able to breathe asked in a fluster. "Why are you helping us? Who are you? Are you Rilu\'s ally?"

The white-haired Hiro didn\'t bother replying and walked towards the shadow-covered swordsman who currently was raising his sword to the heavens. When he passed the nine men his voice echoed in their minds like a command.

"Run. Get out of here as fast as you can. The only reason any of you are still alive is due to me putting him on guard. That will not work forever."

The mage quickly lambasted white Hiro in a loud voice. "Just who died and made you dom? My orders are to kill that man and Rilu. We cannot return should we fail. There is no escaping for us."

White Hiro then continued walking without turning back. "Is that so? Good luck then." Suddenly the Black Hiro vanished from his spot. In the same breath, White Hiro appeared in front of Frank with an overhead slash.

The metallic sound of two giant pieces of steel clanged into the skies. The auditory information would have reached passed 300 decibels. This was more than seven times the sound of a plane taking off. If loud enough, sound energy has been proven capable of shattering glass at 100 decibels. This single strike at 300 decibels followed the same principle.

Intense vibrations, pressure, and force threw the devoted like tumbleweeds in the face of the overwhelming power. The only one unaffected turned out to be the same man who stopped Black Hiro in the first place. What came next was the crisp reverberation of metal splitting in two.

[Blade of Mitsurugi] could not handle the power of the attack. The only reason it didn\'t break upon hitting White Hiro\'s greatsword was due to it being covered in [Malice]. Surprisingly, both Hiros stopped moving completely upon seeing the sword they cherished snap in two. Tears fell from both men as if to grieve the loss of its creators from the world.

Unexpectedly, in the next second Black Hiro threw the sword handle like it was garbage and spoke to his opponent. "Sword of form." A gem in Black Hiro\'s glove leaped and created a greatsword identical to White Hiro. White Hiro got into a typical Kendo sword stance as he waited for his opponent\'s next move.

"I\'ll be back…" with just that one line, Black Hiro seemingly teleported and reappeared near the devoted. The White heavy knight with a Zweihander called out his strongest skill in panic. "[AEGIS]!" it should be known that [Aegis] was a rank A skill that gave 2000 Defense for seven attacks.

Yet Black Hiro swung his sword of form like a bat and separated the heavy knight\'s top and bottom portions at the waist. The blow also tore apart the [Aegis] like it was made from cardboard as a bonus. The Lion-kin with an axe, the young knight, and the black knight with two swords all attacked him in retaliation.

Black Hiro, had a face without any emotion and nonchalantly moved his greatsword towards them in a simple swing. After less than a second all three assailants got quartered into four pieces and their blood fell to the ground in a waterfall of crimson liquid.

The white-haired assassin suddenly appeared behind black Hiro and moved to stab him in the back with a new evil-looking knife. "Sword of Substance" at the transmigrator\'s call two longswords suddenly appeared on his back. Hiro\'s left arm immediately drew a black longsword and blocked the strike.

Five devoted remained and all were stunned at the inhuman sense of perception from Black Hiro, not knowing when it happened, Black Hiro instantaneously appeared behind the assassin and stabbed him in the heart.

The assassin tried to pull the sword jutting out from his chest in panic, only for the transmigrator to rip his body apart with a simple flick. Z*nitsu and the archer attacked Black Hiro in desperation but their best efforts were shrugged off with a few simple moves.

The Lightning swordsman prepared to draw his katana to use a skill. The number of calibers gathering in his weapon became a clear indication of the big move he was about to make. "RAJIN SWORSMANSHIP - 9th for….""

Unfortunately for him, black Hiro closed the distance drew his white longsword, and decapitated him. Unable to even finish his skill name all the calibers the devoted gathered then violently flowed to the white longsword. Hiro then swung his black longsword towards the archer and out came a lightning dragon reminiscent of the crybaby\'s most powerful skill.

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