
Chapter 242 The Mettle Required Of An Empress 6

The question now is will Hiro choose their feelings over his? Will he trust them enough to allow them to fly on their own? One cannot fall if one does not try to fly. The ground may be safe but is the safety of the earth worth more than soaring to new heights?

And Hiro who felt like this choice would shape his life... hesitated. But ultimately he had to make a decision not just for himself but for his women who opened their hearts to him.

It wasn\'t like Hiro was just being paranoid. Alter-Hiro\'s story reminded him of what failure would look like. The man became the strongest person in his reality, yet his wives died one by one. When Hiroto tried to sympathize with the regret and sorrow his counterpart felt, he almost went insane.

How is saving a bunch of nobodies better than having his wives beside him? In this reality, the need to choose has yet to arrive. But Hiro knew, if the moment required him to either save his women or the world, the man knew without question he would much rather allow the world to be destroyed.

Yet, now His women also wish to make a similar choice. Some manipulative men intentionally weaken their wives so that they do not leave them. By taking away their friends, lively hood, and even support from their family the wife\'s capabilities grew smaller.

Without friends, family, or income the wife would then be forced to remain servile to the husband. While it does work, it commonly leaves the woman an empty shell of what she could have been. It takes an insane amount of love, self-discipline, and will to remain happy when you are in a cage.

Hiro unknowingly attempted to do the same thing. His wives just now called his hypocrisy and the truths he wished to hide.

Lene addressed his desire for control, "You do not need to bear everything, let me help you. It\'s not because of vague reasons, I want to because I love you. Do not hide me in a box to become dependent on you."

Nessa focused on the fears he secretly harbored. "You don\'t have to be scared, you are worthy of love. Even if we see other people we will remain yours. Even if we become strong we will remain by your side."

Lastly, Jei called out the lies he told himself. "We are stronger than you think. You know you are being selfish. Let us protect you too. We refuse to be your weakness. Trust us more. Let us free."

Even when they all knew how unreasonable Hiro acted in forcing what he wanted, none of them grew cynical nor expressed scorn. They all chose to believe their husband did so out of pure love.

This unwavering trust made the butcher feel despicable. While he already agreed to train hard for a week, that only included not sleeping and fighting nonstop. Performing caliber experiments on their bodies was not something he wanted to do.

Yet if they did not do it they would need someone else to do so. Hiro already had access to all three calibers thus being able to verify quickly became impossible due to the lack of test subjects.

All three wives, with Jei being the leader knew how important finding out these truths was. They did not have the luxury to wait. Once they awoke their first calibers, they would no longer be able to adjust the caliber limits outside of leveling. So if this theory works they could gain a boost as early as level one.

Jei, who researched a lot knew one needed to be bold in order to learn the truth of this world. She felt a kindred spirit when she learned Hiro approached things in the same manner. Her heart grew full at his care and worry. But she understood they did not have the option of merely being bystanders.

To become a woman of the heavenly sword required a mettle similar to steel. And if they become weak-hearted they would not be able to help their man but only hinder him instead. Thus with both sides choosing to suffer for the other they again came to the same impasse.

Hiro\'s wives knew they needed to show results in order to set his heart at ease. This would be their first hurdle. This first test would prove their nerve. Thus after their honeymoon, each wife intended to execute the test to increase one\'s calibers.

The plan essentially had two parts. Similar to Hiro, when a being arrives or is born in Valorious they do not have calibers innately. They gain them after their first battle. Hiro after his duel with Artorius gained 10 AP, SP, and MP.

This number became his starting point, which is why even at the time of his death he had pitiful calibers, all less than one thousand. Hiro who finally relented started to brainstorm with his wives.

"Okay if we are going to do this, let\'s walk through it. By our understanding, the awakening process floods the body at its initial stages."

Jade then continued his line of thinking like a model student. "Yes, once a limit is felt the source or valve that grants the calibers is cut off."

"The next part then has the awakener feeling bloated from the excess caliber they have." Nessa added the next step as she placed her finger on her chin.

Raylene closed the recap by saying the last part of the awakening process. "The caliber limit is defined when the excess caliber is used outside of the body. Once set the body can no longer increase it without leveling."

"Okay, we all agree on these parts. Jei, what is your idea?" Asked Hiro.

The pink-haired empress then continued. "If the body is the bowl, then wouldn\'t a person already have calibers they haven\'t used? My first process is to intentionally drain the body once it awakens."

Hiro who noticed the danger challenged his woman. "Wouldn\'t that mean you will incur caliber diseases while awakening? That\'s dangerous Jei! I have fought with them, they make you prone to irresponsible behavior."

"I get that husband, but with the bowl empty the amount to be gained would be purer rather that the calibers already in the body. The next step after that is to compress the power to pack more than possible." Jei asserted.

"How can we do that then Jei? If you cover your body with calibers, you manifest it. How will you keep it without having it appear outwardly?" inquired Nessa.

Jade then confessed. "I don\'t know. I don\'t know how as my mana was pitiful before."

Raylene then bit her lip as she started to fidget, after a few moments the woman ran her hands through her hair and said in a defeated tone.

"It is possible. The caliber combat doctrine of my family follows the same principle. If you infused calibers into your arm, you can only get a few points in before it manifests. But if you fuse into muscles or tissue fibers you can insert more. Our style infuses calibers into our cells."

Hiro who knew of Raylene\'s history remained silent. While he already had an idea of the lives his wives led prior to meeting him, the man respected their privacy. Thus he never asked and waited for them to share it on their own.

"Is that even possible?" Vanessa asked incredulously.

Jade on the other hand spoke a name history already forgotten. "The Bravery combat doctrine." At her words, Raylene nodded her head. "The caliber combat doctrine of my family. the one used by Dius Valorious."

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