
Chapter 462 Another Failed Promise.

You know when they say that the moment you miss school for one day, that\'s when all the fun things happen, right? That was exactly what had happened to Harold. But the difference was that nothing about what had happened was fun. He still could not wrap his head around it. None of it made sense. But no matter how hard he tried to deny it, he had seen the signs. 

Where does he start? Ask why and how long he has been asleep? Ask how and why Alicia was unconscious? Ask why all around the palace was very noisy when he woke up, even though it was late at night and the night guards should already be out?

He didn\'t even have time to think about the strange encounter he had just had.

Alvin was beside him when he woke up in his dimly lit chamber. He had never seen Alvin so broken. Usually, Alvin was a very strong person. But when he saw Harold stir awake, tears filled his eyes, and he embraced Harold even before he could sit up, sobbing quietly on his shoulders. 

"Alvin?" Harold called in surprise, but he didn\'t push him away. Instead, he hugged him and gently patted him on the back. 

"T-Thank you, Harold. For waking up... thank you." Alvin said gently, though his voice trembled with emotion.

That was Alvin speaking as a friend. 

Harold wasn\'t sure what exactly had made Alvin like this, but when he knew why, he wished he hadn\'t. 

In solid steps, he was out of his chamber, and as soon as he stepped out into the hallways, the castle seemed to hold its breath, and a heavy silence fell on the palace, the air carrying a tense aura that permeated the whole building. 

Wherever they were, they could all sense that a great force was in the palace. 

One would think Harold would barge into her chamber with how determined his steps had been, but that wasn\'t the case when he got there. His steps slowed, and when he got to the door, he hesitated before he slowly opened the door and entered the room. 

The head physician was attending to Alicia with two other maids assisting him and Paulina waiting beside her bed. As soon as they saw him enter with Alvin closely behind, they fell to their knees with their heads on the floor. Their reaction was both relief and fear, and even one of the maids began to cry. 

However, Paulina stood still, but she burst into tears and brazenly raised her voice at Harold.


The others were taken aback by her outburst, even Alvin. But Harold wasn\'t. He had also asked the same question. Why did he wake up only now?

He had promised her. Yet he failed her once again. 

Harold kept his eyes on Alicia, who was still unconscious. He ignored everyone else and slowly made his way to her, and when he got to her bed, he looked down at her and then slowly sat down beside her.

He slowly reached to touch her pale face, but he hesitated when he noticed the needles piercing her scalp. He didn\'t want to do anything that might cause complications. He reluctantly withdrew his hand and turned his eyes to the physician. 

"How is she?" She asked in a quiet voice. So quiet that it would have been difficult for the wind to carry his words with how Paulina was crying bitterly. 

The physician turned while still on his knees to face Harold, shaking. His eyes moved around at the others in the room, and Alvin understood. 

"You are all excused," Alvin said to them. The mains flinched at his voice before they rose and left in a hurry with their heads down. Paulina hesitated before she left while cleaning her tears. Alvin was about to follow them out when Harold said a quiet "Stay," directed at him. I think you should take a look at

Alvin looked at him and nodded gently before he stood in front of the door. 

"You can speak now," Harold said to the physician. 

"My... Prince. It is..." The man hesitated. It seemed like whatever he was about to say was too heavy for his lips. 

"Speak freely." Harold urged him quietly. 

"The... the sword... pierced deep into her heart, my Prince," he explained, his eyes filled with pain for his prince.

Harold swallowed hard. 

"When is she going to wake up?" He asked the man.

It was obvious he needed no excuses for why the physician could not save her. 

The man briefly looked at Alicia before he turned to face Harold with a heavy expression. "I... have done all that I can for her, My Prince," he said somberly. "But... the wound is severe, and I... cannot guarantee her survival. It is a miracle that she has made it this far."

Harold clenched his fists, feeling a surge of desperation and determination. "You still hold a rank here because we believe you are capable." Harold reminded him, adding, "And you will not prove me wrong."

"My... Prince..."

The physician hesitated, his eyes avoiding the prince\'s gaze, and then he turned to look at Alvin.

He had something to say, which they guessed was important, so Alvin hesitated between remaining there and leaving the room, but Harold ordered, 


The frightened man flinched before he said quietly, "There... is something unusual, my prince." He began cautiously. "I think... an overpowering energy within her is... keeping her alive."

"What... is that supposed to mean?"

"I... dare say... that it seems the princess is with child."

Surprise washed over Harold\'s face. That was the last thing he had expected to hear, and it was obvious in his round eyes. 

Alvin also looked very surprised by the news, and his eyes went to the unconscious Princess. 

"She... is carrying our... child?" Harold whispered, the weight of the news sinking in. He turned to look at Alicia, his face a mixture of different emotions.

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