
Chapter 2 Memories ( Edited )

Daniel couldn\'t help but smile as a bright blue screen appeared in front of him. He eagerly looked at the screen, curious about the system that he had just activated.

\'System? How interesting. Do you have a name?\' he asked silently in his mind.

To his surprise, a cold, genderless voice replied, [No.]

Despite the lack of a name, Daniel wasn\'t discouraged.

He had read countless system novels, and he knew that most systems didn\'t have names at first. They only developed a name after their host gave them one.

Daniel was too lazy to give the system a name, but he knew that he needed to be cautious because there was always a possibility of the system developing its own emotions and turning against him in the future.

He couldn\'t let that happen, so he decided to keep the system emotionless.

"What capabilities do you have?" Daniel asked, his expression serious.

[At the current level, the system has a personal stats review, harem rewards section, and, as long as you reduce world child luck and fate child luck, you can get Heaven-Defying rewards], the soulless voice replied.

Personal status, harem, and awards - the system\'s complexity seemed overwhelming at first, but upon closer inspection, its function was surprisingly simple.

Daniel\'s mind raced with questions upon hearing the system\'s last words. "What are the ways to reduce luck? Surely stealing their women can\'t be the only way?"

The system\'s response was chilling. [The host is correct - there are other ways. You could publicly humiliate them, prevent them from taking advantage of lucky opportunities, or even destroy their companions. However, women are undoubtedly their greatest source of luck. Killing or taking the women destined for them is the surest way to reduce their luck, and strike a blow to their power.]

Daniel nodded thoughtfully, considering the implications of this information. "But what about humiliation? In stories, they\'re always humiliated, yet it never seems to weaken them."

The system\'s voice took on a cold, robotic tone. [That\'s because they can come back and take revenge for their humiliation. These kinds of humiliations are fate plans to increase the fame of world child and fate child, but it\'s different when you humiliate them.]

Daniel could easily understand the reason. He is a transmigrated person, and out of fate\'s calculations, if he humiliates the protagonist in front of others, they will not have a chance to take revenge or something similar.

"What is the difference between a world child and a fate child?" Daniel asked the system.

He already knew the answer, but he wanted to make sure he didn\'t miss any important details. He could feel the excitement building up inside him, knowing that every piece of information he gathered would be crucial in shaping his future.

[The fate children are people who receive blessings from fate, but the world children are blessed by the world\'s will. They can reach the peak of the power of the world and go beyond it. Their luck is very high. The protagonist of this world that you know is the world child], the system replied.

Danial nodded in acknowledgement, it was one of his guesses, but Daniel felt that the system did not fully explain everything. Anyway, he could not do anything now.

He decided to take a break from his deep thoughts and check his beginner\'s awards.

As he scrolled through the list, he couldn\'t help but feel a sense of satisfaction. The awards were not only good, but they were also essential in his quest to win the hearts of the heroines. He couldn\'t wait to put them to use.

Suddenly, a thought struck him. "System, it won\'t hurt me if I get Daniel Hudson\'s memories, will it?" he asked hesitantly.

He knew that gaining the memories of someone who had lived for over a hundred years could be overwhelming, but he also knew that it could be an advantage.

[Host, can you ask more precisely?] the system replied.

"I mean, if I get his memories, my personality won\'t change, right? I\'m just a sixteen-year-old boy, and Daniel Hudson has lived for over a hundred years. If I\'m going to receive a hundred years\' worth of memories, it could change me. So, I\'m asking if these changes are good or bad," Daniel explained, feeling a little anxious.

He walked over to his chair and sat down, waiting for the system\'s reply.

[Naturally, as you absorb more than a hundred years of memories, your personality is bound to change], the system explained. [But fret not, dear host, for memories are not just a source of information. They can also solve the biggest problem in your personality.]

Daniel let out a weary sigh.

He understood what the system meant. On Earth, being an introvert wasn\'t a big deal. However, in this world and with his current position, he knew that he needed to have good social relationships with others, or he would be in trouble.

He settled himself into the classic, ancient-like chair and closed his eyes.

The memories of Daniel Hudson flooded his mind, thousands of pieces of information and experience crashing through his consciousness.

The sheer volume of memories was overwhelming; if they had come any faster, Daniel would have surely vomited.

He saw himself through Daniel Hudson\'s eyes - intelligent, accomplished, sociable. The memories praised him for his achievements, his intellect, his charming personality.

As the memories continued to flood his mind, Daniel absorbed them all. When he opened his eyes, his gaze was colder, devoid of emotion. His face, once full of expression, was now smooth and emotionless.

"Hmm, interesting," he muttered to himself. "Daniel Hudson did have feelings, but he couldn\'t understand them and often misunderstood them. Well, I guess no one can be perfect."

By absorbing Daniel Hudson\'s memories, Daniel\'s personality had changed. He had become colder and more ruthless, and all his fears of society had disappeared.

However, he wasn\'t as cold and ruthless as the real Daniel Hudson, rather he had his own unique personality.

"Memories can help me a lot. Not only can I make people not suspect me, but they will also help me get to know this world better." Daniel muttered to himself, lost in thought as he rubbed his chin.

Through the memoirs, Daniel learned that this world was divided into four vast continents: the Heavenly, Central, Northern, and Southern Continents. 162 kingdoms and four empires governed these lands, with each empire reigning over one continent.

The Heavenly Continent was the most powerful, boasting 72 kingdoms and ruled by the almighty Paradise Empire. The Central Continent followed, with 55 kingdoms and the Sun Empire as its sovereign.

The Northern Continent came next, with only 21 kingdoms and the Yang Empire in charge. Finally, the Southern Continent was the weakest of the four, with merely thirteen kingdoms and the Friedrich Empire as its master.

But Daniel\'s attention was not just focused on the empires and kingdoms

He was intrigued by the free areas that existed between the continents.

These were places that nobody seemed to control, though their strength was limited.

The Heavenly Continent reigns supreme as the most extensive and prosperous landmass, rendering the other three continents mere shadows in comparison.

Within the Paradise Empire, the Collins, Atkins, and Barnes families hold significant power, but it is the Hudson royal family who reigns supreme. Their authority is unmistakable, and their rule is absolute.

However, the Paradise Empire was not always a peaceful place. Once, the three duke families rebelled against the Hudsons, but their defiance was met with a brutal response.

The Hudson family slaughtered countless members of all three families and left them on the brink of extinction.

The memory of that massacre lingers, and the three families have since abandoned all thoughts of treachery.

Instead, they compete fiercely with each other, each vying to be recognized as the strongest of the three ducal clans.

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