
Chapter 17,Part 1: — Work Hard!

Chapter 17,Part 1: — Work Hard!

Lin Momo, of course, couldn’t see what was being said in the comments barrage.

At this moment, Lin Momo felt as if she had been injected with chicken blood, and she was solely focused on completing the task.

She thought perhaps that—in the dream—they were disliked by the audience because they did not complete the task and performed poorly, so she was determined to do well this time.

“What can I do?” Lin Momo asked Lin Cheng.

“You don’t need to do anything.” Just stay quiet and don’t make trouble.

The latter sentence was rumbled directly from Lin Cheng’s heart.

Lin Momo: “…” Somehow she felt judged and found lacking…

“I can help you,” Lin Momo insisted, as if she wanted to fight for a job for herself

“Help me move the gas tank?”


Seeing Lin Momo’s posture of rolling up her sleeves ready to start working, her skinny arms out in display, the corners of Lin Cheng’s mouth twitched slightly.

In order to let the little girl settle down, Lin Cheng threw the work phone to Lin Momo. “Here, you are responsible for taking orders.”

Lin Cheng briefly explained things to Lin Momo. “This is the new order app. If there is a new order, it will pop up. The blue dot represents where we are going to deliver the pre-scheduled orders—if there is a new order in an area that we will pass by or near the blue dot, you can accept it and we will deliver that on the way.

“Do you understand?” Lin Cheng asked to confirm.

Lin Momo nodded and looked at Lin Cheng, “If there is a new order, I can accept it?”

Lin Cheng looked at Lin Momo for two seconds before responding, “Yes.”

… …

At this time, in the livestream channel, there were a bunch of people watching the proceedings with much excitement.

[I just saw the veins on Dad’s forehead pop up.]

[I’m afraid that Momo will click on the phone randomly, haha.]

[Lin Cheng: I have an ominous premonition. ]

[Guess if Lin Momo will directly accept 200 orders in order to complete the task? ]

[It is possible. ]

[Dad’s life is too difficult, haha.]

… …

Lin Cheng was riding the electric tricycle in front and realized that the cargo bed behind him was quiet. Too quiet. Lin Cheng turned his head and saw Lin Momo holding the mobile work phone, her little face focused on it.

“Stay here, I’ll go down to deliver some gas tanks.”

“Um.” Lin Momo was busy taking orders and didn’t have time to respond to Lin Cheng’s words.

The corner of Lin Cheng’s mouth twitched slightly: I have a bad feeling.

Lin Cheng finished delivering a few cans of LPG. When he got back, Lin Momo no longer hugged the mobile work phone, ‘dotting’ it with her finger, but had now taken out a notebook to write and draw something. Lin Cheng didn’t know what she was doing.

“Have you taken an order?” Lin Cheng asked

“Yeah,” Lin Momo nodded, handed the phone back to Lin Cheng, and said, “I’ve grabbed 89 orders. That’s 169 tanks of gas in total!”

Lin Momo lifted her face, looking like she was asking for praise.

Lin Cheng’s expression froze slightly.

At this time, the discussion among the audience in the livestream channel was even more lively

[Hahaha, you guessed it right, Lin Momo actually received nearly 200 cans!]

[There are so many, they can’t possibly finish them today.]

[I don’t think it will be delivered even by tomorrow. ]

[Aiya, sorry. ]

[Poor Dad is going to be exhausted. ]

… …

Lin Momo didn’t seem to notice the black lines on Lin Cheng’s face. “Dad, look, I’ve already planned everything.”

She handed Lin Cheng the notebook densely packed with a child’s handwriting.

“There are four scheduled orders in this area, and then I grabbed 2 new orders and they are also in this area. We can deliver here first.”

“For the second area, just go here, there are 3 scheduled orders and 1 new order.”

“And then here…”

… …

“The last place is very crowded from 5pm to 7pm, we can put that until the end.”

Lin Momo pointed to the mapped out orders in the notebook and explained to Lin Cheng one by one.

Hearing Lin Momo’s explanation, Lin Cheng’s eyes flashed with surprise.

Although Lin Cheng was taking orders according to the principle of going along the way before, he did not divide them as carefully as Lin Momo.

In the notebook, Lin Momo put all the nearby orders in one area, roughly drew the delivery route according to the mobile phone map, and arranged them in sequence according to the shortest distance and the route to and from the delivery station so they could pick up more gas tanks.

Lin Cheng took a quick look at the plan, and overall, it was reasonable.

“How did you think of this?” Lin Cheng looked at Lin Momo and asked in surprise.

“It’s very simple, I just follow how I do it—,” Lin Momo stopped talking mid-sentence. Remembering that she was recording a program, she quickly stopped what she was going to say.

The gas supply route she planned for Lin Cheng was similar to the route she used to pick up recyclable waste and bottles.

Some paths were made by her grandma, and some she discovered herself later.

In the beginning, Lin Momo would also take detours and went over the same paths repeatedly. Later, as time went on and she walked the area more times, she naturally learned to find the nearest and fastest paths, and became more efficient.

“What are these stars?” Lin Cheng pointed to a page of the book where Lin Momo had drawn a few stars, and asked.

“These places are the all-important orders,” Lin Momo said seriously.

These were the famous food streets with high foot-traffic City C. There was a lot of people at night, and there would be a lot of beverage bottles and beer cans consumed.

Lin Momo would often go to these places to pick up bottles during dinner and supper time.

The restaurants and snack bars on these streets basically use small and medium LPGs, one for each table, and the consumption rate was very high.

If they go there at night, they should be able to fill orders for many cans at once.

Lin Momo told Lin Cheng her thoughts.

At this time, not only Lin Cheng was surprised, but even the audience watching the livestream was surprised.

[Goodness! So smart.]

[Indeed, if you send them area by area like this, it can indeed improve efficiency by a lot.]

[If I remember correctly, Lin Momo is not yet ten years old?]

[How did she think of this?]

… …

While the audience were still talking about their surprise, Lin Cheng had already settled Lin Momo to deliver another order of liquefied petroleum gas.

Before setting off, Lin Cheng looked down at the notes on Lin Momo’s notebook.

Lin Momo listed both the scheduled order and the new order chronologically in the notebook. The labeling was not complicated. There was only an order number, abbreviated address and the quantity of liquefied gas required.

Simple, but concise; the key information could be seen at a glance.

Lin Cheng continued to deliver gas all day, while Lin Momo sat quietly on the cargo bed at the back, not disturbing or making trouble for the other party, just holding the phone and reminding Lin Cheng of the route from time to time.

The Lin father and daughter had a very busy day.

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