
Chapter 152 Respect

Faced with Tycon\'s Iron Dragon Rend, Liber had canceled his spell, leaping back and shielding his eyes.

As the dust cleared, he glanced down to see that he stood in the dirt a few fulms lower, uncovered by the floorboards.

"...An impressive attack, Mister Tycon."

Tycon rolled his right shoulder. It ached terribly, "I dislike it. It exerts far too much mana and stamina for its effect."

"As for its effectiveness... Does it merely split the earth?" Liber ran his hand about his body, "I seem have gained no new injuries... unless your intent was to stick me with a few slivers of wood."

Tycon raised his palms in a shrug, "It\'s unfortunate. Had you not retreated, you\'d have been well-battered by rocks and a few very nasty splinters."

"It *was* quite terrifying." Liber clenched his fist, reigniting it with the roiling flame of Witchfire, "Well, I still have the mana to continue. And you, sir?"

Tycon shook his head, "My mana reserves are nigh depleted."

Liber nodded, "I see. You\'ve done well. Had I not been recently empowered by the Snake God\'s Blood Cleansing ritual, I would have been defeated soundly."

"Ah, yes, an excellent tactic on your part, sir."

"I know this is rude of me, but I have quite enjoyed our duel. Would you entertain the idea of joining forces, Mister Tycon?"

"...No, Mister Liber." Tycon shook his head lightly, "Though I too, have enjoyed myself-- our goals and ideals greatly differ."

"Well spoken, sir-- very well spoken. Then, I shall not insult you by offering mercy."

Tycon chuckled derisively, "I do wish you would."

Liber held his palm forward, focusing his mana into a concentrated sphere aimed at Tycon\'s chest, "Speak your final words, nonbeliever."

Tycon tried his best to hide a knowing grin, "Blood and thunder."


[A few moments earlier]

Captain Lang Hai lied on the floor, drifting in and out of consciousness.

Stupid noble. Why did he say that?

What about Rico?

Rico was dying... Had Tycon... had he fixed her?

Why was the fight so gods-daaaaamned nooooisy?

Were they talking? Scummy noble. All they do is talk...

Hai wasn\'t a coward... Tycon was a bastard for daring to call him that.

Marines don\'t surrender-- but what could he do without strength? And against a magic caster clearly above his level?

He did good, though. He broke that Liber guy\'s shield. The mage was pretty strong.

Tycon looked pretty weak, but the prick was handy with the sword.

Oh, wait. He threw it at the mage. Hah. Idiot.

Hai tried to lift himself up-- just so he could mock the green-haired nerd.

Oh, that\'s right. He was poisoned and all his strength had left him.

What did he mean, though? Why did he say that he\'d tell Rico?

...And why did the thought royally piss him off?

He wasn\'t a coward. Rico would never believe him, anyroad.

The stupid girl looked at him like he was a god.

She stuck around him, no matter what. She was super annoying about it, too.

She showed him things like starfish and shiny shells and how beer made her drunk.

Hai had to teach her how to wear clothes, so she wouldn\'t go around the ship naked. He taught her how to count. He taught her that it wasn\'t okay to kiss everyone she liked.

She\'d never believe Tycon if the noble said Hai was a coward.

Aw, shite. What was he doing, lying on the deck?

He couldn\'t help it, so far away from the waters... His healing factor was barely keeping him alive, so it wasn\'t a surprise he couldn\'t stand.

Sea god\'s socks, he just wanted to die in peace, but his thrice-damned healing factor wouldn\'t let him.

Screw it. Hai would just get up and stop dying like a gods-damned coward.

Hai tried to push himself off of the floor-- it was no use.

He wasn\'t a coward! He scratched the floorboards, trying to force his muscles to move. Mind over body! Heart over mind! Rage!! Over!! Logic!!

Aw shite. Hai lost a fingernail. It hurt.

He wasn\'t a coward. He couldn\'t give up. Marines don\'t give up. Sea Wolves don\'t give up.

The crash of a barrel landed nearby him, spilling seawater onto the deck and drenching Hai.

Yes. Yesssss. What idiot left out a barrel of sea water?

Hai lapped up the water like it was piss from the gods.

Shite. Really? Hai got a splinter in his tongue. Bweughh~

Was this the actions of a coward? Slurping up seawater off of the floorboards?

His strength was returning-- but slowly. Too slow.

Sea god\'s spear! It was too slow!

He needed to get up! He needed to punch that dickweed, Tycon in the throat.

"Blood and thunder."

Hai\'s eyes widened, the Sea Wolf motto echoing in his mind.


Tycon had remained too long, hoping that he could defeat the weakened Liber with pure martial skill. He should have withdrawn as soon as Rico dropped.

[Inspirational Surge conditions met. Activate? Y/N?]

Tycon smirked. This was his wager. If it failed, he would die.

« Do it. »


Liber closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "Blood and thunder, indeed. Unfortunately, sir, you will find no--"

A dark blue blur of a ravaged Marine coat rushed past.

The teenage form of Captain Lang Hai gripped Liber\'s throat with both hands, "FUCK YOU, WIZARD!! I WILL MAKE YOU EXPLODE!!"

Empty night. What kind of battlecry was that?

Hai ran forward, smashing Liber against a wall. Holding him down with his right, he smashed his fist into Liber\'s ribs. "BLOOD!!"

"AND!!" Again he punched. Liber spat out blood.

"THUNDER!!" And again he struck, Liber\'s eyes rolling back in his head.

Hai smashed his forehead into the man\'s face and kneed him in the groin, "VICTORY!! AT SEA!!"

He bit Liber with his very human teeth.

Tycon walked over, grimacing, "You had some ten minutes to think about what you\'d say, and all you managed was \'I will make you explode?\'"

Lang Hai didn\'t appear to have heard him.

Hai took him to the ground and brought down his elbow on the Warlock\'s eye sockets.

He broke all of Liber\'s fingers and twisted his right forearm completely around.

Tycon crossed his arms, "Well, would you mind dragging his face against the floorboards?"

"FUCK YOU TOO!!" Hai screamed, spraying saliva.

Tycon snapped his fingers, "Right, then."

Though the boy was indignant about it, he flipped the Warlock onto his face and grabbed the back of his head. He dragged the body across the floor, leaving a cruel streak of blood.

Several moments later, Hai stood up covered in blood, his breathing labored. Liber\'s skull had been crushed, the pink of brain matter spilled onto dirt-- as if his head had exploded.

He turned to Tycon looking up. He opened his mouth in a scowl to speak, but quietly closed it, crossing his arms.

Tycon nodded, "You did well, young man."

Lang Hai furrowed his brows, his entire body still trembling, "Is... Rico okay?"

Tycon glanced back into the other room. Rico was curled up into herself, sleeping. She nuzzled her snout into her haunches, "She\'ll be fine."

Hai grimaced and stared at the broken floorboards. With a sigh, it appeared his fervor had left him... "Sir Tycon..."

"What is it, young Captain?"

"What... do I have to do to earn back your respect?"

Tycon chuckled as he placed his hand on Hai\'s shoulder, "I see no cowards here, Lang Hai."

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