
Chapter 423 Dual Cultivation

The exact timing that Tycondrius asked his question was... unfortunate. The young, Holy Lancer, Tanamar was leisurely drinking water from his cup. In the silver-haired footman\'s surprise, he abruptly expelled his drink, spewing the contents of his mouth forcibly outward.

Too late to dodge, Tycon shot his palm forward, holding it ilms away from the young man\'s mouth... which deflected the liquid. As a result, the footman\'s face and hair were overly drenched.

"Tycon? What the hells?" The youth glared, wiping his face.

Tycon retrieved a handkerchief from his spatial ring, proceeding to wipe his palm clean... "I\'m assuming the answer is no, but it seemed socially correct to lead my inquiries in a... neutral manner, rather than a negative one."

It was important to not insult a human\'s ability to find a mate... a probable or true as it was. Humans were very prideful, after all.

"None of that is socially correct!" Tanamar growled.

"Are you planning on it?"

"What? Wh-- no! Why are you asking?"

Tanamar was displaying clear signs of panic.

Tycon narrowed his eyes. Because of the signs of distress, he had an inkling that the young man was not being entirely truthful.

...Or there was a degree of regret or embarrassment in the experience.

No matter. Tycon continued.

"There would be... issues... if you did have such designs. If you do not, then I have no worries..." Tycon frowned, suddenly remembering a more pressing issue... "Ah, concerning the payment for the meal..."

"Hold on..." Tanamar held his palm up... "What do you mean?"

Tycon steepled his fingers and leaned forward. He had the conversational advantage... and he felt like quietly leveraging it in order to draw more information out of the young man.

Tanamar finished wiping himself off to the best of his abilities. With a heavy sigh, he averted his gaze and began to speak.

"...I was planning... after all this was over-- I don\'t know... But if there\'s ever a good time for it... I was going to propose to Athena. I mean, obviously, it needs to feel right..."

Tycon assumed the proposition Tanamar spoke of referred to a legal marriage. Good for him.

"I know nothing about \'feeling right\' with these particular circumstances," Tycon openly admitted.

"Right... Well, Athena just needs to agree to it, that\'s all," Tanamar shrugged.

That made more sense. Why didn\'t he say that to begin with?

Tycon nodded, closing his eyes... "You are aware that I\'ve had trouble gathering information concerning the young mistress\' \'Yin Body\', yes?"

"You mean Athena\'s Frost-Mana Soul?" Tanamar asked, "I thought we figured everything out about it through Shao Ran? ...By the way, I think he killed that Chail person."

"Never met her," Tycon shrugged. "They probably deserved it. Anyroad, I met this orc that granted me some insight on her condition."

"Condition?" Tanamar crossed his arms, "You\'re making it sound like she\'s sick."

"Semantics aside, young man," Tycon sighed... "Because of Miss Athena\'s Yin Body, there are possible complications if she were to pair with a male mana-user."

Tanamar slowly furrowed his brows... "What kind of complications?"

Tycon briefly examined his surroundings before lowering his voice... "Her unique body type is sought after by Martialists. Coupling with her, the male will naturally absorb all of Athena\'s mana... likely killing her in the process."

Samurai Garock referred to the concept as a \'Human Cauldron.\' A female cultivator with excess frost mana would be used to refine and cultivate the mana of a male cultivator. Athena had an artificially created Frost-Mana Soul... and she legitimately cared for Tanamar. It was highly likely that, in the exchange of mana-fluids, she would grant far too much power...

Tanamar would grow in power... enough to elevate his progress to or nigh-close-to Gold-Rank. Bereft of her life-sustaining mana, Athena would die... or quickly waste away in agony over several suns.

Because Tycon considered himself a friend and ally to all those involved, he assumed that such a situation was not ideal.

"Yeah, that\'s not going to happen..." Tanamar took a deep breath, rocking back in his seat... "That... shouldn\'t be a problem, though... There\'s a way to turn off my abilities. I just have to take an injury... right here."

He pointed to a spot on his abdomen.

"Tss..." Tycon scoffed in disbelief, "Really? You\'re proposing to forcibly break your mana circuits?"

"I guess?" Tanamar pursed his lips, uncertain if he\'d spoken correctly.

"There\'s a better way," Tycon rolled his eyes, "It\'s slightly inconvenient, but it\'s plausible."

"Then why didn\'t you start with that?" Tanamar glared back, raising his hands dramatically.

"Let me finish, then." Tycon ordered sternly... "There is a Hidden Sect on the north side of the Sleeping Country, somewhere east of Arendelle. They\'re called the Frozen Cairn sect."

"...Then what?" Tanamar asked.

"You find them. You tell them you\'re allied to the Savior of the White Scale Sect, a Guest Elder of the Sea Wolf Sect, and the last Warrior of the Screaming Silence."

Tanamar crossed his arms once more, head bowed in thought... "How am I going to find all those people?"

"All of those titles belong to me." Tycon explained nonchalantly, "I\'ll write you a letter to vouch for you..."

The young footman lifted his chin, his mouth set into a deep grimace, "And you\'re telling me this... Hidden Sect? --will listen to me, because of that?"

Tycon curled up his lips in a smirk, "Usually the sects value titles and honor and alliances with other powerful sects...

"Of course..." Tycon shrugged, "--nothing is truly certain. I\'m only providing you with what I know..."

Tanamar nodded... "Yeah, that\'s fair..."

"The all-female sect will be able to... essentially perform your marriage ceremony. They can perform a ritual to ensure that your coupling will make the both of you stronger, instead of the exchange being one-sided... I\'d imagine you\'d have to prove yourself, of course."

Probably with an obstacle course. Those stupid sects seemed to love obstacle courses.

"Easy." Tanamar forced a smile, "Athena and I, we\'ll... we\'ll go on an adventure, just the two of us."

"I approve of your enthusiasm." Tycon smiled politely, "However, be advised... the journey will be fraught with danger. And honestly... I could be leading you on a foolish chase for a goal that may no longer exist."

"We\'ll... we\'ll figure it out." Tanamar clenched his fist, "If there\'s a way, we\'ll find it."

Tycon stood up from the table, pushing in his chair, "I know you will, Mister Athanasius. I would not have given you such information, otherwise."

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