
Chapter 734 Blackstar Fall

How many exchanges had the two shared? Three?

Ah, no. That was unfair.

While the fight had been woefully short, it was laudable for the Tyrion to have lasted so long against a superior opponent.

The Bear Armor raised its arms in victory, thundering a masculine voice skyward.

"[(I, Growling-Bear, shall claim my VENGEANCE for the FALLEN!!!)]"

The watching gentleman raised an eyebrow, taking a moment to translate the Elven words in his head.

That explained much.

⊰ you . save friend ⊱

⊰ you must ⊱

Upon hearing scalding-hot, interrupting thoughts that were not his own, the man rolled his eyes, "You\'re rather chatty, this sun, Miss Beatrice."

During their journey, the young fire elemental\'s vocabulary were limited to \'hurry\' and \'burn.\' Sensing something new was... novel, but still overall unwelcome.

⊰ move now ⊱

He sighed, but nodded simply, "Mhm."

The man cracked his neck left and right as he stood up, his own Divine Armor standing with him. Placing a foot upon the rock he was hiding behind, he leapt up and forward... and was slightly surprised by how much power he had.

"Beatrice, lower your output in movement to a third," He ordered.

⊰ move faster ⊱

The petulant child was arguing with him.

"Redirect the mana to our weapon systems," He scolded. "Do you hear me, young lady?"

It took a second for the child to respond.

⊰ yes ⊱

"Good," He nodded.

It was risky to remain airborne for so long, but since he had just emerged from cover he had the offensive advantage.

He reached out an arm, an open palm aimed at the still-gloating and woefully-unaware Bear Armor, "Talks-With-Fire, activate your strongest attack that can hit at this range."

⟬ Understood. Activating ⌈Blackstar Fall: Dragonslayer⌋. ⟭

"Hmph," The man scoffed. "What a pretentious name."

It did have a certain ring to it, though.


Haelvia grit her teeth and swallowed the blood pooling in her mouth. She felt the only reason she was still conscious... was because she was fervently praying to the Eternal Flame for strength.

All the strikes that Gaheris took had left her shaken and dazed. His chest plates were bent and dented in... but miraculously still intact.

Her head pounded like it was being hit by a dozen hammers.

She was just trying not to die without a fight, but she\'d expended far too much mana in a tiny window of time.

Haelvia felt like the biggest joke in her Century. Even after resting for so long under Teneca\'s protection, she hadn\'t lasted more than a few minutes...

"I\'m... sorry, Gaheris..." She gave her partner a final smile, "but it looks like this is the end."

The massive Bear Armor lifted its oppressive claws.

When they fell, Gaheris\' chest would be smashed in... and she, inside of it, would be smashed into an unidentifiable pool of blood, torn skin, and broken bones.

But then... the enemy Divine Armor looked up.

There was... something there?

It looked like... a falling star. But... the timing was all wrong. The morning sun was still high in the sky!

Haelvia had no idea what she was watching, but as it grew closer, she realized that its size was in no way inferior to Gaheris. It was... a flaming... giant?

"[ ⌈Blackstar FALL!!! ...Boot to the head.⌋ ]"

The giant\'s outstretched leg collided into the Bear Armor with a deafening crash, launching it away. Haelvia\'s fearsome opponent bounced upon the plains no less than three times before creating a trail of dirt.

"[Delta-One-Tyche to Metal Wolf,]" A deep, mana-empowered, male voice thrummed through Gaheris\' interface. "[How copy, Metal Wolf? Over.]"

Haelvia gulped.

What... was this development? She was saved... by another Divine Armor?

She blinked her eyes, trying to focus on the figure standing in front of Gaheris. They... were offering their flaming metal hand.

It... it was definitely a Divine Armor, but its full form was sheathed in a thin curtain of flames.

Haelvia shook her head and mentally commanded Gaheris to open the communication line, "Y... yes. I hear you, Delta-One-Tyche. This is Echo-Four-Libra... Y-you... just saved my arse... Over."

Haelvia\'s mind raced, trying to comprehend just what was going on.

The other pilot... it was possible that they were Tyrion. That... that would be why they came to save her!

They seemed to be familiar with the callsigns detailed in their Divine Armor manuals.

She was fourth-tier enlisted, Echo-Four... and her personal identifier was the letter \'L\'.

But... the other Divine Armor... they used the Delta identifier for their rank?

\'Omicron\' stood for officer... \'Camel\' was reserved for cavalry... but \'Delta\'?

If she took that at face value... the other pilot... was a Duplicarius?

No, that was surely wrong. Duplicarii were impossibly rare... the title only given to persons whose single-handed actions were responsible for saving entire centuries.

It... it might have been a Decanus, an Echo-Five-- or rather-- the Eastern States equivalent, a Sergeant. Most likely, the other pilot didn\'t fully understand Tyrion callsigns.

They were thousands of miles away from the Holy Country. Chancing upon another Tyrion-- and without a team of other Divine Armors, was a nigh-impossible anomaly.

⟬ The other pilot requests a visual connection. ⟭

Haelvia\'s heart shook. A visual connection? She... didn\'t even know that was a function between Divine Armors!!

« Gaheris... Please accept it. »

An illusory image displayed at the corner of Haelvia\'s interface, a handsome, green-haired youth gazing at her with a serious face.

He had... the most jarring, golden eyes.

He was... a hero straight out of an epic, wearing armor wreathed in divine flames, arriving at the perfect time to rescue her from a savage monster.

If the man was right in front of her, Haelvia would have thrown decorum aside and kissed him.

"Good morning," He said, "This is Duplicarius Tycon, current pilot of Talks-With-Fire. Requesting status, Echo-Four-Libra?"

"D... duplicarius... we..." Haelvia furrowed her brows. So it was true.

And that name... it sounded... so familiar.

Then there was the shape and form of his Divine Armor. She\'d seen it before, somewhere... it was so... very...

"WAIT!" Suddenly, her eyes widened in shock, "T-talks-With-Fire?! Wh-wh-whhaaaaat?!"

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