
Chapter 218 Countdown

Ethan realized that the existence of this central machine posed a threat not only to the people of this world but also to the balance of the realms. If left unchecked, it could continue to drain resources from other worlds once they find that such a thing is possible, perpetuating the cycle of suffering and decline.

"What a fucking mess…" Ethan thought and then sighed.

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Ethan knew that he had a crucial role to play. He had to confront the central machine, the heart of the city that kept its inhabitants alive. By destroying it, he could break the chains that bound the world to its imminent destruction. Still, he was starting to feel like he was doing a lot less saving and a lot more killing for someone who had the title of a hero.

"How much time this world has?" Ethan asked.

"Less than three months," The time silver bird said. "Once my territory collapses, the only thing that is holding this planet together will fall apart, and then…"

"The story of my life…" Ethan sighed. "In the end, I am not a hero. I am just a famous cleaner of worlds that only receives fear and hatred in exchange."

As Ethan contemplated the weight of his heroic journey, he couldn\'t deny the toll it had taken on him. The path of a hero, filled with sacrifices and difficult choices, was a thorny one that few could navigate unscathed. It was a path riddled with exhaustion, both physical and mental, as the weight of responsibility pressed upon him.

Saving as many lives as possible came with its own set of challenges. Every decision he made, every action he took, had to be weighed against the greater good. Sometimes, it meant making tough choices that left him emotionally drained. The burden of responsibility weighed heavily on his shoulders as he grappled with the consequences of his actions and the sacrifices he had to make.

The toll on Ethan\'s mental well-being was undeniable. The constant battles, and the encounters with darkness and despair, all left their mark on his psyche. He had witnessed the suffering of others, felt the weight of their hopes and expectations, and carried the weight of their lives in his hands. It was a heavy burden to bear, and at times, it threatened to break him.

In the face of the relentless challenges and the toll they took on his psyche, Ethan realized that there were two paths he could tread. One was to become numb to the pain and suffering, to detach himself emotionally in order to preserve his sanity. This path would shield him from the full weight of the tragedies he encountered. Still, it risked turning him into a distant observer, unable to truly connect with the people he was trying to save.

The other path was to embrace the role of a hero, fully acknowledging the tragedies that unfolded along the way. This path meant confronting the pain and suffering head-on, experiencing the full spectrum of emotions that came with it. It meant feeling the weight of every life lost, every heartbroken soul, and every shattered dream. It was a path fraught with heartache and anguish, but it also held the potential for immense growth and empathy.

Ethan knew that becoming a hero of numerous tragic stories was a real possibility. The weight of his choices and the burdens he carried could shape him into a figure of sorrow and despair. Each loss, each sacrifice, would etch itself into his being, leaving scars that would never fully heal. But he also recognized that there was an opportunity for transformation and resilience within those tragedies.I think you should take a look at

"It seems that my life is a joke," Ethan muttered and sighed again.

"Your path is thorny, but great things await you if you follow through them and if you manage to remain the kind of person you are until the end," The time silver bird said.

"Yeah, it is like asking me to draw without trying to submerge," Ethan said while shaking his head.

As Ethan approached the northern side of the city, a sense of foreboding gripped him. In the distance, he beheld a formidable army of robots, their metallic forms stretching as far as the eye could see. The cold glint of their steel bodies reflected a malevolent intent, and it was evident that they were prepared for his arrival.

Guarding the heart of the city stood towering titanium walls, a testament to the enemy\'s anticipation of his approach. The walls stood resolute, a barrier seemingly impenetrable to all but the most determined of adversaries. It was clear that the enemies had calculated his path and had concentrated their defenses at this critical location.

Ethan\'s mind raced as he assessed the situation. The odds appeared overwhelming, and the enemy\'s strategy was clear—they believed he would make a desperate push toward the reactor, the lifeline that sustained their existence. They had positioned their forces accordingly, expecting a fierce battle to protect their source of power.

Undeterred, Ethan steeled his resolve. He knew that his journey had brought him to this pivotal moment, where he had to confront the full force of the enemy\'s might. The weight of the impending battle pressed upon him, but he refused to succumb to doubt.

"I suppose I can\'t hold back here…" Ethan said when he saw an army of one hundred of those giant robots that had those extremely large swords.

As Ethan stood before the army of robots and the formidable titanium walls, he reached into his inventory, his hand grasping the hilt of the legendary Pandemonium Sword. The blade shimmered with an otherworldly glow, its ancient power pulsating in his grip.

With a firm resolve, Ethan drew the sword from its sheath, its metallic clang resonating through the air. The Pandemonium Sword, a weapon said to possess the essence of chaos itself, imbued him with a renewed sense of purpose and strength.

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