
Chapter 119 Ice Barrier

With a determined nod, Rose leaped into action, wielding her ice blade with precision and grace. She twirled and spun, her movements fluid and deliberate, as she engaged in a deadly dance with the fiery snakes that sought to consume us.

Slash... Clash...

The clash of ice against fire reverberated through the cavern, each strike sending shards of frozen crystals scattering in all directions. Rose\'s cryokinetic abilities were a force to be reckoned with, as she conjured icy projectiles and summoned freezing gusts of wind to counter the searing flames.

But the Volcanic Giant was no ordinary adversary. It exuded power beyond comprehension, and its attacks grew fiercer with each passing moment. Waves of scorching heat radiated from its very presence, threatening to melt Rose\'s icy defenses.

Meanwhile, I assessed the stalactites hanging from the ceiling, their jagged formations resembling natural spears waiting to be unleashed. Timing would be crucial, as I needed to find the right moment to dislodge them and bring them crashing down upon our foe.

As Rose battled with all her might, I positioned myself strategically, my eyes fixated on the Giant\'s movements. I could see its concentration waver for a split second, a brief opening that I had been waiting for.


I shouted, my voice piercing through the chaos as I launched myself into the air. With precise control over my own mana, I soared towards the nearest stalactite, reaching out to grab it with a firm grip.

Twist... Pull...

Using all my strength, I twisted the stalactite, gradually dislodging it from its rocky perch. The ground shook beneath me as the massive spike of stone began its descent, hurtling toward the Volcanic Giant below.

As the stalactite descended, the Giant\'s attention shifted, its eyes widening with surprise and realization. In a desperate attempt to evade the impending threat, it summoned a wall of flame to shield itself.


The stalactite crashed into the fiery barrier, shattering upon impact. Shards of stone and splinters of ice rained down, creating a mesmerizing spectacle of destruction. The heat of the flames clashed with the chilling shards, filling the air with billowing steam and hissing sounds.

But the distraction was enough.

Rose seized the opportunity, her ice blade glinting with determination. With a swift and calculated strike, she shattered the Giant\'s fiery shield, her blade carving a path of icy destruction.


The Giant let out a bellow of frustration, its form flickering with wavering flames as it reeled from the blow. It retaliated with renewed fury, summoning pillars of fire and launching them toward Rose, attempting to overwhelm her.

However, he momentarily forgot about me.


I fell from the ceiling, crashing into the giant\'s shoulder and driving my longsword deep into its flesh, leaving a gaping wound, with Lava spewing out.

The Volcanic Giant howled in pain as the blade of my sword pierced its molten skin. Lava sprayed from the wound, sizzling as it hit the ground. The creature thrashed and tried to shake me off, but I held on with all my strength, refusing to let go.

With a surge of determination, Rose continued her relentless assault, unleashing a barrage of icy projectiles that bombarded the Giant\'s flaming form. Each strike was aimed with precision, exploiting its weaknesses and causing it to falter.

In a desperate attempt to regain control, the Giant summoned a torrent of lava, sending it cascading toward us. The scorching wave surged forward, threatening to engulf us in its searing embrace.

"Rose, watch out!"

I shouted, pushing her aside just in time as the molten tide crashed against the ground, sending plumes of steam into the air. Heat washed over me, but I pressed on, refusing to let the pain deter me from my goal.

Gritting my teeth, I channeled my mana into the blade, imbuing it with shadows that coiled and writhed like living tendrils. The darkness amplified the power of the strike, enhancing the blade\'s cutting edge.

As the Giant thrashed and writhed, it summoned every ounce of strength to shake me off its shoulder. It swung its massive arm with a violent force, attempting to dislodge me from its scorching form.

I clung on, my grip tightening on my sword, determined not to let go. The Giant\'s movements grew increasingly erratic as it tried to rid itself of my presence. It twisted and turned, its fiery skin burning my hands, but I refused to yield.

With a final heave, the Giant managed to break free from my hold, sending me hurtling through the air. I crashed against the rocky wall of the cavern, the impact stealing the breath from my lungs. Dazed but not defeated, I staggered to my feet, my vision blurred and head pounding.

Meanwhile, Rose fought on, her icy onslaught relentless. She summoned blizzards of freezing wind, creating a tempest that encircled the Giant. Its flames struggled to withstand the onslaught, flickering and diminishing in intensity.

But the Giant was not yet vanquished. It roared with renewed fury, its form pulsating with fiery energy. With a mighty stomp, it sent shockwaves rippling through the ground, creating cracks that snaked toward Rose.

Reacting quickly, Rose leaped into the air, narrowly evading the searing fissures. She landed gracefully and continued her assault, her ice blade slashing through the air with precision. Each strike sent freezing tendrils spreading along the Giant\'s molten skin, cooling and solidifying its fiery essence.

With unwavering determination, I regained my footing and rushed back into the fray. My sword gleamed with anticipation as I focused my energy, preparing for the next strike. The Giant loomed before me, its fiery aura pulsating with primal intensity.

Although my original plan was to indeed impale the creature with the stalactites, it was now aware of the threat and it\'d be very hard to lure it underneath one of them.


Suddenly, strong heat began to radiate from the Giant\'s core, intensifying with each passing moment.


Instantly, I knew that the Giant was charging up his attack. My eyes quickly went to Rose, who was also aware of the impending danger.

"Cryokinesis: Ice Wall!"

She quickly summoned a towering wall of ice, shielding us from the giant, however, I frowned, seeing that the wall was too thin to stop the upcoming inferno.

"Make another two!"

I spoke, looking at her, but she only shook her head with a slightly bitter smile.

"I have no Mana left to conjure another ice barrier..."

For a moment, everything around me seemed to stop as the weight of the situation settled upon us.

However, I managed to think quickly, assessing the limited options available to us.


Looking at Rose\'s slightly trembling arms, I almost jumped when an idea came to my mind.


Without hesitation, I grabbed the Elven Princess\'s hand, not caring about the thin layer of ice that was covering her skin.


Before she could even speak, I sent my Mana surging through our intertwined hands, channeling it into her.

I could see her eyes widening for a split second before a surge of energy coursed through her.

She quietly accepted the injection of my Mana, her body absorbing it with newfound vigor.

"Cryokinesis: Ice Wall!"

"Cryokinesis: Ice Wall!"

With the infusion of my Mana, Rose summoned two more Ice Walls in rapid succession.

The three Ice Walls rose before us, forming a formidable barrier against the impending inferno.


Suddenly, the heat gathered in the Giant\'s core erupted in a fiery explosion, sending shockwaves through the camber.

The cavern shook as the Giant unleashed its devastating attack, a torrent of flames that crashed against the Ice Walls with a thunderous roar. The intense heat battered against the icy defenses, causing them to crack and groan under the pressure.

Rose and I stood behind the Ice Walls, bracing ourselves against the scorching blast. The flames licked at the barriers, threatening to breach our protection. But Rose\'s cryokinetic abilities, fueled by the surge of my mana, held strong, reinforcing the walls and preventing the fiery onslaught from reaching us.

As the inferno raged outside, I caught a glimpse of Rose\'s determined expression. Her eyes shone with absolute focus.

This was the first time she seemed like a true protagonist...

The flames roared and crackled against the unyielding ice, their furious dance of destruction met with the unwavering resolve of Rose\'s cryokinetic prowess. She stood at the forefront, her gaze steady, her breath steady, as she channeled her inner strength.

Sweat trickled down my forehead as I watched the intense battle unfold before me. The cavern trembled under the strain of the Giant\'s relentless assault, but Rose remained resolute, her icy barriers standing firm. The walls groaned and shuddered, the cracks spiderwebbing across the frozen surface, but they held their ground, refusing to succumb to the searing heat.

With renewed vigor, the barriers surged with an icy radiance, pushing back against the searing flames. The Giant\'s attack faltered, its fiery assault weakening against the combined might of the Ice Walls. The flames flickered and sputtered, their once ferocious dance now reduced to feeble embers.

"It\'s time to beat his ass..."

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