
Chapter 82 - Signatures of both parents were needed.

Chapter 82 - Signatures of both parents were needed.

Qi Shuai felt like the Earth had started rotating in the clockwise direction, going all opposite to its nature when he saw that sporadic gentle smile on Feng Shufen\'s lips. He just could not believe it. He can bet that it has been his first time seeing him like this.

For a moment, he felt it to be his illusion when he found no special surprise reaction on the driver\'s face. "Did I just get illusioned or did that devil man really smile moments before?" he asked the driver.

But there came no reply. Qi Shuai sighed inwardly. \'This man has a real bunch of loyal people around him. Not giving any secrets out!\'

"Hey I know that you are not allowed to say anything about your boss but I am not anyone. Quick, quick tell me … was that for real or it was just a figment of my imagination?" he asked, perking his ears up to get an answer.

"That … Director Qi, I can\'t break the concord I have signed before. So I can\'t tell you anything. I am sorry", the driver denied politely.

Qi Shuai was disappointed. He was really aching to know the changes that have come in his friend but this world was simply not helping him.


Inside Li Xue walked along with the man. There was no doubt their individual presence has always been very awe – inspiring in the midst of the crowd but being together like this was making them look hundredfold stupendous to the people\'s eyes, garnering everyone\'s attention only on them.

Since it has always remained difficult to track down Feng Shufen in cameras, no one could identify him walking around the school. And as for the woman, though her beauty never died but her name has been long forgotten by the public\'s active memory.

Not paying any heed to the stares, the couple directly walked to the principal\'s office. Since the school had already guessed their arrival, there was already a staff waiting for them to receive outside.

"Good afternoon, President Feng! It\'s really been an honor for our school. Please come inside", the man greeted him and pushed the door of the office open and then all politely turned to greet the woman who was following elegantly just behind the man.

"Good afternoon Madam Feng! It\'s nice to see you again". Li Xue was shocked at the addressing words again. First it was Qi Shuai, who addressed her as \'Sister – in – law\'. She can understand his words out of misunderstanding but then why was this man referring to her as \'Madam Feng\'?

Li Xue looked at the man weirdly. She clearly remembers her to be the same man from before, Mr. Martin. She thought to clear the things out but then seeing her little\'s Handsome Angel already waiting inside, she ignored her thoughts and walked in.

The Principal was already standing in greetings. "Good afternoon, President Feng! Good afternoon, Ms. Li Xue! Please sit", the lady said as she gestured politely towards the comfortable chairs.

Feng Shufen pulled the chair out first for her to sit and then swiftly went to grab one for himself. Li Xue was a little taken aback by his gesture. But what could she do? She thanked and took the seat, turning her eyes to look back at the principal.

"Is there any problem? You called before … Does Li Wei create some problems for you?" she asked, knowing the past records of her back from the previous schools. Her little devil has always been in her teacher\'s book as the most curious child of the school. And now being called again by the Principal, she thought the same.

"Haha … There is nothing like that Ms. Li Xue. It has been just the first day and Li Wei has been a really good child in the class. I have talked to her class teacher before and she was quite impressed by her level of intelligence and understanding. And about being naughty in the class, though she has not been like that but even if she does something, we can handle it. She is just a five years old child and we know children are naughty in their beginning years"

The principal said with a smile. Hearing her say that, for instance Li Xue remembered from the previous school. She was happy that this time her daughter has got a good school and teachers.

"Sorry to bother you today. There was a paper left to be verified at our end and it needed your signatures, so we have called to inquire if you could come today and go through that process. It\'s something called after - admission process. We did not intend to harm your work time, hope it does not cause much disturbance", the principal said while gesturing to Mr. Martin to bring the papers up.

"Oh! it\'s okay Principal mam. I wasn\'t busy but please don\'t bother President Feng into this. There is simply no need", Li Xue said as she looked at the man who was sitting silently and going through the school\'s prospectus. Though he looked busy with the book, she knew that he was hearing everything they were talking about.

"I can understand. But this form needed the signatures of both the parents so I have to disturb both of you", the Principal said apologetically and then looked at the man and continued. "Last day when you have come with Ms. Feng to carry out the initial process, it was even fine with only one parent signature. But the after admission process form requires the details and signatures of both the parents".

\'Both parents! Who? She and Mr. Beelzebub! How?\'

She screamed inside her mind as her eyes turned to look at the man in horror. \'Oh God! What type of misunderstanding is this? How did they misunderstand him to be the father of Li Wei? Has her little devil said something here? Now what should she do? What is this man thinking now? Did he also misunderstand things? No, no this was not her fault\' her inner voice was getting louder and louder as she saw the man lifting his eyes up to look at the principal for the first time.

His eyes held a mystery of expressions that she wasn\'t able to contemplate. Not knowing what to do she turned to look at the principal, she asked "S – sorry but can you tell me how did you comprehended him to be Li Wei\'s …", she paused in hesitation but at the end continued, "Li Wei\'s father. I remember I have not mentioned anything about her father and has even kept the column empty"

Even though her voice seemed to be calm at the situation, her heart was feeling dreadful inside. For some reason she was fearing that the man will take her wrongly and will misinterpret the things. She looked at the principal and waited for her to give an answer.

"You don\'t have to panic Mrs. Feng; our school does not leak the information out. So even if you fill this form today, your secret marriage will remain a secret. We know you would have your reasons behind it, so please don\'t worry!" the Principal said with a consoling smile but her consolation was doing no good to the woman.

She turned again to look at the man and still she was not able to read his expressions. What exactly on earth is happening with her? She thought as a forced smile got over her lips.

"Actually, you might have misunderstood the things. We are not …" she tried her best luck for the last time, praying to all her lucky stars but at this moment a cold voice interjected in between.

"Fine! Bring the papers"

His voice was cold as ice. Li Xue was taken aback. This was her first time hearing him like this. There was no doubt he was angry. She was doomed now! How is she going to explain the things to him?

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