
Chapter 208 - A girlfriend can ditch her boyfriend but a wife cant ditch her husband.

Chapter 208 - A girlfriend can ditch her boyfriend but a wife can\'t ditch her husband.

Wrapping her work up, Li Xue was all ready to leave her workplace. Suddenly she remembered something. Making her movements quick, she dialed a contact with little urgency. At the very first ring the call got answered, "Did your work get over? I am on my way there, wait for me I will go and pick you up"

A warm, loving voice came, the moment the call got connected. "Ah, you are already on your way?" Li Xue felt a little guilty. Her voice was evidently showing it. And Feng Shufen could too feel it.

"Why? Is there something? You don\'t want me to come there to pick you" he asked, making Li Xue interject his words at an instance. "No, no, nothing is like that! It\'s just that Yi Lan is coming to pick me up. She was sounding a little off, so I thought to give you a call to inform that …"

"Umm I see … So my girlfriend is ditching me out on the very first day of our relationship" He said out, without letting her complete her words. His words had some hints of childishness that made Li Xue wordless and deprived of reasons for an instance but soon she got some good ones to deal with.

"Ahh! How can that be? A girlfriend can ditch her boyfriend easily but how can that be so easy for a wife to do so. How can a butterfly bear to abandon the flower, she loves the most!" she said. Her words perfectly matching the devilishness of the Devil.

As she completed her words, a light giggle left her lips. Though Mr. Beelzebub was not in front of her eyes, still she could visualize him getting surprised with her words. His eyes getting glittery like it was witnessing several fireworks booming in the sky on the darkest night. Whoa! She never thought that with her zero flirting skills, she could even stump Mr. Beelzebub. It felt so nice teasing the Devil.

She was about to celebrate her victory when suddenly heard the man say all nonchalantly, like he had never gone speechless and surprised with her words, moments before. Like everything she felt was just her illusion. "You better remember what you have said today. Your words, I have taken them as the virtual promising terms that we have agreed on some virtual legal papers. From now on I am the only flower in your world\'s garden and you are the only butterfly for me".

Li Xue was stumped, getting no reasons to respond. This Devil can never be the one at the losing end. He knew how to find his gains in the stream of losses. How dumb of her to even think that she can outwit him, even for once.

Coughing a little to clear her thoughts and throat, she said "Hey! Can you not be shameless even for once? I just called to let you know that today I will be accompanying Feng Yi Lan and you don\'t have to come. Now I won\'t disturb your work anymore. Enjoy it! Hmph!" Her words brought a deep rumble of laughter from the other side, making her stomach give the feeling of fluttering butterflies.

"Okay, Then I will end this call. See you later!" Getting a little conscious, she quickly said and then disconnected the call, heaving a deep sigh to normalize herself back in her composure.

Right at the moment she disconnected the call, a now – familiar voice questioned her from behind. "How do you know Director Qi? What relation do you share with him?" The words were itself improper, raising some dirty suspicions at the person, whom it was directed to.

Li Xue turned on her heels to see what this woman has got now. She was already getting under her skin now. Her eyes getting a little tired, clearly showing the hints of irritation she was feeling inside. "Sorry, Chef Ning! Can you please be a little clear in your words? It might give people wrong assumptions. What do you mean by that question?"

"My question is already clear. It\'s you, who is trying to pretend to be all innocent to it. Come on, tell me how close are you to Director Qi? You don\'t have to hide it. I am sure there must be something special between you two that for your sake, he made Ms. Lin resign from her position", those words were vicious but it did not affect Li Xue even a bit.

Her eyes kept being sharp, while her lips were tugged up to give an impressive smile. This woman truly knows how to create her own web of non – theoretical stories, no doubt she created such a good one with President Feng first and now creating another one with her.

Pinching the space between her brows lightly, Li Xue said, letting out a deep sigh of exhaustion that she was truly feeling inside now. "Seems like Chef Ning is being too much on Ms. Lin\'s side. Any special reason for such closeness? I am getting a feeling that there must also be some special bond between you two. Something like strong friendship".

Ning Meiling was taken aback by her words. But this time she has come prepared to answer this. Folding her arms over her chest, she said in an all confident tone, "Yes, of course, I am feeling bad for her the most. She has been a friend of mine for a long time. And has also helped Sweet Delicacy in many ways on my humble requests. But now, just because of you she has lost her precious job. Grieving on her loss is the least I can do for her!".

Lost her precious job because of her! What is this level of absurdity!

"Wait a second, Chef Ning! She lost her job, how can that be because of me. It was due to her own fault. Her over obsession of power. I did nothing there. And if she had been so good to Sweet Delicacy, why suddenly she turned out to be bad? Was it because this time it was me, in place of you? Or did she felt too much insecure about her friend\'s position here that she could not help but think of giving me a lesson to back off on my own"

Her words were too direct to let the woman shrug it off easily. A sudden frontal attack often takes people off guard and the same happened to Ning Meiling. She was not expecting such directness in Li Xue\'s words.

Gulping the fear of getting caught, she quickly said, "What are you saying? There is nothing like that. You are just pushing the blame onto me to avoid the topic. I answered you already, now you tell me what relationship do you share with Director Qi? You are not at all that innocent and righteous, you always pretend to be".

Li Xue\'s smile got deeper as her amber eyes showed hints of sudden dangerous fierceness and cunningness in it. Taking her slow steps to the woman, she said all softly but the softness was the last thing Ning Meiling could feel from it. "Did I ever say that I will respond to your questions. Or do you take me sheep, who will do whatever you ask her for?"

"You … I knew it. You won\'t …", with the sudden change in the woman\'s aura, Chef Ning was taken aback. She wanted to provoke Li Xue into accepting the things she wanted her to accept, but everything got backlashed. Her weak confidence flew away leaving no traces behind.

Li Xue smirked at her as she continued, "But since you have begun this topic already, let me finish it for good. My relationship with Director Qi is far more innocent, existent and friendly than what you pretend to share with President Feng in front of others! So what type of relationship do you think, I share with him, Chef Ning?"

Fear of getting caught in something bad, shot in her eyes as her brows got furrowed in anxiousness. Bead of sweats formed over her forehead, making Li Xue smile grow bigger internally. Before Ning Meiling could realize, an offending word rolled out, "You are such a sl*t!"

Li Xue\'s brow raised up at her words. She wasn\'t offended by her, those words were no less than barks of the dog. But there is no way she won\'t give an answer for it. She was about to respond to the insult when someone bellowed from behind, "Dare to say that again and you won\'t have any tongue to use again!"

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