
Chapter 560 - Never learnt such foolish act.

Chapter 560 - Never learnt such foolish act.

Feng Yi Lan was also dumbfounded by Qi Shuai\'s sudden appearance. But what made her more addled at the situation was his words and the sudden gesture of closeness. This has not been him in any of the years before. He looked different claiming her again with that endearment of the name. So different that she lost track of the time when he came to stand by her side and sn.a.k.e.d his arms around her.

When realized, she yelped and was almost at the edge to jump out but then halted, hearing the irritated voice of her mother from the side.

"You are with him. Didn\'t I say I would never accept him with you? What are you thinking Yi Lan? He is not a right choice for you" Zhen Qinrou\'s eyes instantly saw red when she saw her daughter again in the arms of the man, with whom she never wanted her to be.

Why does she always have to go opposite to her words? How could she not consider the hard efforts she has made to separate them?

After hearing all those words again from the lady, for a second Feng Yi Lan almost lost all the strings of her patience, getting almost at the edge. But just before she could jump for her own destruction, she felt a light tug on her waist that forced her more into his arms.

Getting annoyed with his childish audacious act, she would have turned and slapped him hard on his c.h.e.s.t or arm. But just when that thought crossed her mind, she saw the man raising his brows for something that instantly paused her reckless brain.

It would have been a lie if she had ignored the thing Qi Shuai was trying to help her with. Because both of them knew it well that no one would know them better than they know each other. After all, spending years with each other was not a time of waste.

Understanding all well, Feng Yi Lan closed her eyes to take a deep breath in. Then opening it she turned to look back at her mother, before saying, "And mother, didn\'t I already say that whoever you would dislike, I would like them the most. Since you chose to dislike two of the most important people of my life, here is my answer."

Her words halted with some determined intention, as she turned to Qi Shuai. Bringing her one hand to hold him by his shoulder, while her other hand went to cup his cheeks. And the next second she leaned in to place a kiss over his cheek.

That was a small kiss but still, the effect it left was not anywhere near that. That small touch was more than enough to accelerate the already racing heart of the man. But he feigned all his reality well, simply putting a smile over his lips. His eyes just staring all lovingly at his love, in a way that he was sure would irk Zhen Qinrou.

Feng Yi Lan also did not mind the skip of his heart. She didn\'t know that even after promising herself about moving on, she was still stuck at the same place from where everything has begun.

She coughed a little, clearing her head of such useless thoughts then turning around, she looked at the woman and said, "Is it clear enough now? If not, then I am sure I can not be any more clear than this." She said, keeping a sarcastic face in front.

"Yi Lan, you …"

"Father must be waiting for you mother. Please!" Yi Lan cut her off before she could even start, gesturing her outside. All this time, she has not made any efforts to detach herself from Qi Shuai\'s arm, neither the man has shown any mind for that.

Zhen Qinrou curled her fist at the side as she glared at her daughter. But her glares served no purpose. "Qi Shuai, is this the way you are keeping your words? Didn\'t you say that you will never get near Yi Lan?"

At those words, Feng Yi Lan\'s face turned ugly as everything came streaming back to her head. Subconsciously, she tried to move out but the man kept her firm in his arms. Of course, he knew what brought the sudden change in her attitude.

He felt guilty but his lips curled up to give the best smile to the lady who has been successful to hurt her daughter at the wounded spot all well.

"I never knew Ms. Zhen took me as a gentleman. Thank you! Definitely, you are right. I am a gentleman with everything, but sorry, I am not the man of words. Especially, when I know that those words will not bring me any good"

"Qi Shuai! This was not our deal", the woman yelled, getting at the edge.

"Indeed, this was not our deal. You offered me to save one of the two precious women of my life. So, I chose to save the one who came first in my life, while leaving the other in the keepsake of my best friend"

He said, pausing in the middle to look assuringly at Yi Lan. Her expressions seemed moved but he knew any of his explanations or excuses would be enough to mend her broken heart. His eyes showed regret for the slightest second but then again turned to look back at the front to continue.

"At that time, I wasn\'t capable enough. I needed to bend down to keep my mother safe. So, I did. But now that I have things up in my reach, do you think I would be foolish to stay away from my love, just because I gave some words to you. No, no, I have never learned such a foolish act."

"Qi Shuai, are you saying, I can\'t do anything against you?"

The man at once shook his head. "You again got me wrong, Ms Zhen. I am not talking about what you can do and what not. But I am saying, now, I have become capable enough to do many things".

Feng Yi Lan could not help but smile at the man\'s humorous words. But she was having enough of the things. So, nudging lightly on his arms, she said, "I am feeling tired. Let\'s make a move outside. Mother, will be fine alone contemplating the things".

The man nodded before guiding her way out.

Behind them, the woman could only grit her teeth. Her eyes showed something evil behind but none could guess what it was for. "This won\'t be as simple as you think, Qi Shuai", she mumbled to herself, before getting her phone out to make a call.

"Hello! I think I would need your help again, Pan Hong!"

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