
Chapter 685 - Straightforward shot.

Chapter 685 - Straightforward shot.

"What about her? Did she refused your offer?" After a long pause, Shin Tinming asked, lifting his gaze up from his plate to look at the woman.

Chen Rui did not miss the taunt behind his words. Her eyes didn\'t leave staring at him while her lips curled up in response to his words. "I never knew you had such confidence in her. How do you know so well about her character? Of course, you guessed it right. She is not a girl to take favors. She would confirm her merits before taking any decision".

Seeing her attitude like that, the man didn\'t know what else he could say. He already was aware of how good his wife could be with her words, but still, every time he hears her, he could not help but smile.

"You praise her so much, Rui. I see you have more confidence in her than me." Shin Tinming said, chuckling out for a bit and then looking back at his plate.

"Indeed, I have confidence in her because I was not like someone to judge her just on other\'s perceptions first. I had my independent thoughts of her and those were all right". She retorted back sweetly, giving a look to the man that asked, \'you-better-not-blame-for-the-next-coming-words\'.

Shin Tinming smiled, nodding. "Mhmm … let\'s see how well she confirms her merit?"

"Don\'t worry, Tinming. When I say, she is like you, believe me. She will take the straightforward shot that you have always liked to play. I am sure of this". Chen Rui added back, keeping her eyes and smile slightly meaningful to the man.

"Straightforward shot like me? Are you sure?" Shin Tinming asked and the woman didn\'t think twice before nodding.

"I never blabbered without confidence".

"Okay, then let\'s see. I am in the palace for the day. I am sure if something happens, I will not miss it. But just a reminder to you, Butler Cao has visited her twice to invite, yet she never showed any interest. If I were you, I would have to think twice before holding such confidence."

"Luckily and evidently, I am not you, dear. Anyway, let\'s wait and see. It will be proven soon."

The husband and wife discussed their words but right at the moment, an eager voice popped from behind, evidencing his existence. "Is someone visiting the palace? A foreign delegate?"

At once both of the people\'s attention was shifted to the person who had suddenly appeared.

"You are late, dear!"

"You are late, You Jun!"

The voice erupted at the same time and the young boy could not help but scratch the back of his head. "Haha … I am sorry, Ma and Dad. But last night I was busy studying. I only slept in the morning so I got up a little late. Hehe".

"If only you could study the whole year, you would not need to burn the midnight oils like this before the exam. Anyway as long as you do not disappoint me with your results, I don\'t care for anything else". The father said, shaking his head at his son. He knew too well to know that whatsoever he says, his son will go according to himself.

At such an attitude of her husband, Chen Rui could not help but shake her head. "You Jun, come and have your breakfast first. I can\'t blame you because you have taken after your father, especially all your faulty habits". She said before gesturing to her son to take his seat.

Shin You Jun gulped at those words, knowing well where he was getting trapped. He could already feel his father\'s glares which were ready to confirm his death.

"What are you still standing for? Take your seat fast and complete your breakfast". The mother said again. Her eyes warned her son to not further delay the things.

"Haha, Ma, I was just thinking why did I come this late? The breakfast looks so delicious. I should have been early here. Haha" The young prince said, pulling a chair out to take his seat and faking small laughter in between. Internally he was already chiding himself. If he had known before then he would have simply chosen to skip the meal with just an apple in hand. But now that he is here he has to take both the warning glares of his parents and also the next coming punishments.

He felt doomed but in the end still feeling that way would not change things for him. His eyes turned to look at his father, who was still giving him the scary looks. "Haha Dad, won\'t you enjoy your plate. Come on, let\'s eat first. With your talks earlier, I can guess there will be a guest coming". He said as he efficiently turned to look back at his plate, ready to complete it fast and run off.

But just when he thought that was even possible he heard a cold instruction coming from the side to let him know its impossibility.

"You Jun, after breakfast, come to library to help me out." Shin Tinming ordered and the young prince had no other option than to nod in acceptance.

"Hehe … I was already expecting this to come. Only if I can know who else was responsible for this changed moods of my parents." He murmured under his breath, forcing a smile over his lips.

At his grumble, Chen Rui asked, "Did you say something?"

Shin You Jun shook his head in denial. "Nothing serious, Ma. Just wanted to ask, who is coming later. Some foreign country delegate."

At that question of her son, the Queen turned to look at her husband before saying. "Nothing is confirmed. Your father and I were just guessing. Let\'s see." She said, forcing a smile over her lips as well.

The young prince was not an idiot. He has seen his parents since he was born and was all aware of their bantering. Just a look at their attitude was enough to tell him that something was not right. \'Who else other than me has got this talent to make my parents get into this defensive argument zone? Am I not their only son?\'? He pouted internally, thinking more of his own question when the answer came strolling in.

"Your Majesty! Your Highness!" Mr. Cao greeted, bowing a little. "We have a guest outside".

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