
Chapter 999 - Meant Two Things.

Chapter 999 - Meant Two Things.

Chen Rui didn\'t hesitate from accepting it straightforwardly. Her eyes held a pride as she confidently announced Li Xue as her own.

Su Ce heard her and his thoughts paused. Even Li Xue struck dumb at the moment. Though she had already known that the lady takes her as one of her rare dearests, she never imagined her to be so frank in front of others as well.

"Your daughter?" Su Ce asked with a bit of surprised tone as he interestedly turned his sight to look at Li Xue. "Have I gotten forgetful? How come I can\'t remember His Majesty and Her Highness adopting a daughter?" He said and the meaning of suspicion was all clear in his words.

But his suspicion didn\'t waver Chen Rui\'s confidence. Her lips gently curved upwards as even without saying anything, she delivered a lot of meaning through her gestures.

"From when did my parents have to give prior notice before having a daughter. Is it just me thinking or have you truly become a poky nose recently, Prince Su?" Shin You Jun\'s eyes hadn\'t left Su Ce. He was sharply looking at him and to some point, he was irked to find him looking at Li Xue like that. "First, you got here unexpectedly, and then now you have got the dare to question my mother like this."

He added a bit of brief about his words and Su Ce\'s was taken aback with the sudden witty talk of the boy.

From when did this crude young prince become so refined in his attitude? Anyone\'s behavior can\'t be tamed so easily, unless and until the tamer is a seasoned player who knows almost all tricks and processes to do so.

"It\'s okay, You Jun. I am sure, Su Ce didn\'t intend to ask that way. He must be just curious seeing Xiao Xue here like this and also seeing her getting along with you so well." Chen Rui said calmly as her hands gently went to pat over the hands of her son, before looking meaningfully in the direction of Su Ce.

To which, Su Ce just smiled back. "Of course. Her Highness has guessed it right. I was just curious otherwise it\'s hard to see both the royal lady and the Crown Prince accepting someone like that."

"Haha … that\'s because Xiao Xue has her charms." The lady reasoned vaguely but most appropriately before gesturing Li Xue to come and sit beside her.

Li Xue smiled. Though she had been taken aback a while ago, she has composed herself back very easily. Since the lady was not hesitating, it would only pull her down if she does so.? So, to protect both the trust and expectation of the royal lady on herself, Li Xue maintained a beautiful smile over her lips before getting to take the seat on the side of the queen.

"Good afternoon, Prince Su. I have heard about you before. It\'s nice meeting you." Li Xue greeted as turned to him with a smile. But her smile looked quite strict and professional. Though she hasn\'t mentioned it in her words, with that one smile it was already clear she knew him just professionally.

Su Ce smiled at her as well but his smile looked a lot different. "Really? Are you sure that you have just heard about me and we have not met before?" He asked and Li Xue frowned at his choice of words.

Her brows scrunched a little in confusion, as she shook her head to deny, "I don\'t remember you anywhere in my memory though." She said before giving a nonchalant smile, looking at the lady and the boy beside her. Both of them looked serious, holding a restriction in their attitude that was definitely not for her but the other man sitting there.

Just their attitude towards him was enough to tell the story.

Hearing the woman deny accepting, Su Ce\'s lips gently tugged up on the corners. "Let me remind you. A few days back at Emerald De-Luxe. You were there, right?"

Li Xue understood, but her brows tugged in a frown when she looked at him. Though she could see him holding a very genuine expression at the front, looking at him in a detailed way she could see a glint of cunningness sparkling at the corner of his eyes.

Su Ce enjoyed seeing the woman frowning. She looked more beautiful like that so to enhance that expression on her face he added, "You were quite not looking right at that time, as you were even struggling to walk properly. I offered help to you at that moment, but you decided to reject it straightforwardly. So …"

He didn\'t need to say more as just with the details, Li Xue has remembered it all. Though she had always had a memory of a man meeting in the corridor that night, she never remembered it to be Su Ce. Now, she gets to understand why vaguely but surely, she was finding him familiar.

"I don\'t remember you quite well, Mr. Su. But since you are adding it with such details, I am sure that must be true. Anyway, if I had rejected your help that night then it only meant two things." Li Xue said with a smile but along with some politeness in her tone, there was also a pricky sharpness. "Either I wasn\'t really in the need of help or it must be you whom I didn\'t find suitable for help."

She said and her words were well delivered. Shin You Jun was sitting all silently looking at Li Xue couldn\'t help but chuckle at her savageness. Suddenly, he felt like praising her for her skill of words. Though he didn\'t like it when she uses it against him, he was loving it when she slapped Su Ce with it.

Su Ce raised his brows at Li Xue as if challenging her. He didn\'t mind giving a look to the boy at the corner as at the moment the woman was enough for the whole of his attention.

Li Xue didn\'t cower back as well. She never had a habit of retreating back seeing the challenges coming her way, rather she has got the pride to defeat everyone who thinks that they could challenge her all with ease.

Su Ce found her attitude interesting. Though he had known that she had an arrogance in her personality when he met her that night, he never thought that arrogance could also get so enticing until today. To see more of it in her attitude, he provoked, "Not found me suitable for help? But I have seen you leaving with President Feng the very instant he appeared.. And seeing him with you, anyone would easily say that you were in dire need of his help."

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