
Chapter 1412 Did I Again Speak Something Wrong?

Feng Yi Lan stiffened at that voice for a while. Her back was facing towards the entrance where Feng Shufen was standing with WeiWei in arms and Qi Shuai.

Her face paled while she stared at Li Xue blankly. Although she stands bold against her brother like this very often, she makes sure that she never gets caught in it.

After all, since childhood, she never had a death wish. Nor did she ever wish to face the consequences near to death.

Li Xue saw that expression on her friend\'s face and already understood her stiffness. So, habits simply do not change.

While shaking her head internally, she gave a knowing smile to Feng Yi Lan. Then tilting her head slightly to the side, she matched her gaze with Feng Shufen and said, "It\'s nothing. We were just talking about something."

Then stepping aside with a step, she properly faced to ask with a smile. "Did you three have a nice walk in the air outside?"

Feng Shufen didn\'t reply, rather he checked the expression of Li Xue before turning to check on his sister.

Li Xue noticed his gaze but she didn\'t make it too obvious. Instead, she stared at her daughter who was comfortably asleep on the shoulders of her father. "She is asleep. Do you want me to put her on the bed?"

She asked, knowing exactly that the man would never allow her. Especially in her situation like that.

Feng Shufen turned to look back at Li Xue. His gaze told her that he understood something that she was hiding from him.

But Li Xue kept her smile.

"You can rest. I will put her on the bed", Feng Shufen said but at that moment, Qi Shuai who has been watching all this while spoke.

"It\'s okay, Shufen. Let me put her to bed. You can stay here itself."

He said and was expecting to get some appreciation for his good thought. But what he didn\'t expects was a cold shrill sown his spine.

His eyes were at Feng Shufen, so he knew it wasn\'t him. But if not him, who else?

Qi Shuai didn\'t understand until he turned his head and found the source. Li Xue. His eyes blinked as he tried to understand where it went wrong. But no matter how he saw he couldn\'t understand.

Did he do something wrong?

Ready to ask it from Li Xue, he was about to speak when suddenly Feng Yi Lan turned to speak, "That\'s enough, Li Xue. There is no need for you to protect me anymore. It\'s not like I said something wrong. He is pretending to be clueless so it\'s better that I show him the mirror."

Feng Yi Lan confessed taking a deep breath, acting on the spur of courage. When Li Xue looked at her like that, she was at a loss for words. Not knowing how to respond to her over exaggeration, she simply shook her head and kept mum.

After all, she knew what this would end up like. While once again Feng Shufen would be on the winning charts, Feng Yi Lan would come to her, whining with another complaint about her brother.

Qi Shuai might not have had an idea before but now that he has heard Yi Lan, he understood what Li Xue has been working on. But now that things have already turned up like this, his action any further would be nothing but his crying over the spilled milk.

So in the end, he also kept mum. Having nothing else to do, he simply turned to Feng Shufen, took WeiWei in his arms and said, "Don\'t worry. I will take her up safely and comfortably."

Feng Shufen didn\'t reject. Carefully putting the little one in the arms of Qi Shuai, he waited for him to ascend the steps before turning to look at his sister.

"You accused me of being clueless. Can I know what it was for?" His voice came all cold, laced with ice.

Feng Yi Lan might have had the surge of courage earlier, but the moment her eyes met with the steely and cutting pairs of her brother\'s, she no longer knew what courage was.

Staggering a step back, she stuttered, "I ... I ..."

"What? Cat got your tongue?" Feng Shufen deadpanned and Feng Yi Lan bit on her lips to keep herself in a sane mind. But then losing it all, she spat without thinking anymore.

"What do you want to hear? Do I have to tell you how irresponsible you have been towards your wife?"

Feng Yi Lan roared confidently only to feel chills running down her spine. Knowing what was causing it, she wanted to take back all her words but she also knew that it was of no longer use. She has shot the arrow twice and now she can\'t take any of it back.

"You ... You always pretend to be a great husband. B-But you forgot to give her a wedding. Do you even know what a wedding means to a woman? Now don\'t say that you forgot it. Because if you have forgotten it, it still proves me right. You are nothing but pretending to be nice to her." She said with a pitched voice.

While Feng Shufen heard her, Li Xue simply shook her head before covering her face with embarrassment. Of course, she also desired a wedding like every other girl, but she never thought to bring it up like this and accused Shufen. After all, she has just recovered today and so many things have happened. She knew it was tough to get this random thought out of blue.

While both the women were contemplating the things according to their own thoughts, a surprised voice suddenly interrupted to ask, "But hasn\'t their wedding date already gotten decided and is taken care of?"

Qi Shuai said and both Li Xue and Feng Yi Lan\'s eyes turned to look at him with confusion. Looking at them like that, even Qi Shuai was equally confused. "Huh? What is happening? Did I again say something wrong?



Dear readers,

First of all, sorry! These days I am hardly updating because of my busy schedule at the college. But believe me I am trying my level best to manage it. it will take time but I am sure I will be able to do it soon. Just to let you know I will not leave the book on hiatus. I will complete it soon. This book would have been completed a way back if I have been on my usual update schedule. But again I am sorry for not able to do it.

But I promise from today on, I will try to not miss any day without an update. But you guys have also to be patient. There are two thing you would need to understand.

1.) As I said, I can\'t ignore my studies and just focus on the book. I need to take them both together. And for that I am explaining today that my master degree is divided in different blocks which has test after ever 15 days. I can\'t explain much about the study model of my college here. But to keep it short, I will say that because of that test every month I will not be able to update for four days. You have to be understanding to me in those days.

2.) There will be an update everyday i.e. in every 24 hours. Don\'t complain until 24 hrs gets crossed.

I hope you all will understand.

Yours truly,


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