
Chapter 1453 Difference Between Angel And Devil.

A few months went by within a blink of an eye and it was almost near the month for Li Xue. As said when in happiness, time seems to fly with double pair of wings.

After getting her internal issues resolved, Li Xue was happy with how easy her life turned to be. With so many people around to take care of her, she barely had anything to worry about.

Amidst so much happiness, for a moment she couldn\'t even bring to make herself believe that whatever was happening was reality or just a dream. But everything she pinches herself to confirm her doubt, the piercing pain on her skin would make her realize that it was God damn reality and not her fantasy.

"Mr. Beelzebub, you know I have always heard that when angels come to your life, even hell turns out to become heaven." Li Xue said suddenly looking up from the fashion magazine she was reading. In the magazine, her success picture from the great fashion ceremony was flaunting the extremes, making her proud for not stepping back when she actually decided to step in. It was due to that courage from that moment that brought her to the dream of getting on the stage and receiving the prestigious award of \'Supermodel Perfectionist Award of Chiboa\'.

Feng Shufen was accompanying Li Xue in the room, while working on his stuff. When he heard her like that suddenly, he looked up from his laptop only to find her gazing at him with stars fluttering in her eyes.

Li Xue smiled his way and continued with a nod of understanding, "I am not exaggerating it, believe me. I have been to hell and I have also seen angels coming my way just to save me from the extremes of the darkness." Her smile deepened as she added more meaning to her words. "First, it was WeiWei, who tore away the darkness of meaninglessness from my life. And then it was you, who came to give back the courage that I lost in the world very badly."

She still remembers the night when he asked her to dream her lost dream again. The night when he assured her that he would support her in her revenge. The time when he said that no matter how dark and vicious, she became she will always his heart for he will love all her sides without asking for any explanations.

People make a lot of promises when in love. But not everyone can fulfill those sweet coated words. When Feng Shufen has committed those words to her, she never expected him to fulfill them rather she depended on the power and strength it provided to her. But even though she didn\'t expect him to fulfill his promises, when he actually did it, not even the tiniest bit of her was surprised by it. Maybe because she never doubted him or his words.

It was strange but she must say that from the very beginning the man had different effect on her. When she trusted no one, she always bends to trust him like no other.

Now that she thinks of back then, she couldn\'t help but laugh at herself and her reluctance to accept her feelings for him. Back then, how the hell did she think that she would be able to escape the feeling and the temptation that this man always brings to her. She was really idiot to even think that she was capable of that.

"Thank you for being an angel and giving me an angel. For being with me even when you weren\'t actually with me. Thank you, Mr. Beelzebub. It wouldn\'t have been possible without you." She said and in her glittery yet tearful eyes, Feng Shufen could clearly read her emotions that she was expressing half way.

After coming this long way with her, there came no change in his feelings for her. But no matter how he tried to remember the process that brought them together like this, he couldn\'t remember. He doesn\'t know the reason for such selective forgetfulness, but maybe it was because he always counted her presence around him and not his hardships in the process of getting her.

"Do you really think that I was an angel?" He suddenly asked and at his askance like that, Li Xue\'s brows jutted together in confusion.

"Huh?" She asked to get the clear meaning of his words.

"Angels don\'t expect profit from their deeds and that\'s what differentiates them from the devil. And in our case, we both know how much I have taken advantage and how much profit I have gained at the end." He said and again for a moment Li Xue was unable to comprehend his words.

But the moment she got the look of the ravenous desire darkening in his shiny yet dark gray orbs, she understood what he actually meant. While her cheeks flushed at the meaning, something tightened in her stomach making her feel the flutters of excited butterflies inside. After all, during pregnancy even the slightest can trigger the women\'s hormones.

"M-Mr. Beelzebub, I think I misused the word. The next time I will make sure to not think you anywhere near an angel. Because no matter how I try a devil by characteristics can never come to become an innocent angel." Li Xue blurted out, averting her gaze the very next second.

But just when she thought that she had overcome the situation, from the corner of her eyes, she saw Feng Shufen rising up and walking in her direction. Her face turned red. "Shufen, I got what you said, you don\'t have to come this way to give me the demonstration. Also don\'t forget I am near the time, it\'s better we …"

Before she could say more, she felt him in close proximity. She shifted slightly in her place but before she could move more, his fingers came to hook under her chin, lifting it to make her look at him.

Her lips quivered but before she could word out more in the context, he bent his head, bringing his lips to press over hers. She expected it to be a bit rough given the context they just talked about. But with the kiss, his intent was once again to show his umpteen gentleness for her. His movement was soft enough to make her realize what he holds precious in her.

Soon after he initiated, even Li Xue started to reciprocate. After all, she had long lost all her control to him. Her fingers held his dress fabric on the side while her tongue and lips matched his passion. The position in which she was sitting, with her head tilted towards him was making her fight for more.

"Shufen, I …"

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