
Chapter 3: You mean, foreseeing dreams?

Chapter 3: You mean, foreseeing dreams?


Editor-simpforlife, Proofreader-Ghostie

The living conditions were substandard, but the stone broke Young Master Wei couldn’t afford to stay at the hotel. His only option was to start the job on the same day. He spent two hours cleaning the messy room and another three hours buying a simple single bed from IKEA, which he assembled by himself. At least he had a shelter in the storage room.

It was late in the evening when he finally finished organizing and setting up his new room.

During this time, the beautiful girl called Zhu Ling came to the storage room’s door to peek around. She gave Wei Fuyuan a cold glare, dropped a resentful “hmph,” and walked away. Her demeanor was extremely unfriendly.

However, the three-year-old little fat baby, Tian, came to deliver tea to the busy Young Master Wei twice. Although he didn’t help much, Wei Fuyuan was touched by the gesture.

Wei Fuyuan took a quick shower in the second-floor bathroom after completing his chores. He arrived downstairs just in time for dinner.

The so-called dinner was just a food delivery from a nearby restaurant. Bei Quan was the only one sitting at the dining table.

Wei Fuyuan was quite delighted to not see the ever scorning Zhu Ling. But he was concerned about another person, “Will baby Jin Xia not eat?”

“Oh, him.”

Bei Quan was already seated at the table and was about to unpack the takeaway package.

“He’s on the rooftop, don’t worry about him.”

Wei Fuyuan: “???”

The causality of this answer was so farcical that Master Wei couldn’t comprehend it.

But as a part-timer on his first day at work, he chose not to delve into this matter.

The takeout consisted of two portions of meat, one vegetable dish, one soup, and two boxes of fried rice. Even Though the flavor was unappealing, it was good enough to fill one’s stomach.

“The contract says that three meals were included, right? But if none of us cooks here…”

Bei Quan took a chopstick, picked some sour radish and mixed it with the fried rice, thinking about it, “Well, if I’m here, just join me to eat. If I’m not there, just order a takeaway, save the receipt, and ask Zhu Ling to reimburse you at the end of the month.”

A bountiful feast for the eyes, to be able to eat every meal with a handsome guy is a very beautiful feeling.

He nodded calmly.

“Is there a limit on meal expenses?”

Bei Quan didn’t seem to have thought about this. He blinked and asked, “Do you eat a lot?”

This question was too embarrassing, and Wei Fuyuan couldn’t shake his head no matter how thick-skinned he was.

“It’s okay.” He could only give a compromising answer.

“That’s fine.”

Bei Quan lowered his head to pick up vegetables.

The two of them were relatively less talkative and finished their takeout meal in silence.

When he was cleaning up his meal box, Young Master Wei used his seldom available emotional intelligence and took the initiative to ask if there was anything he needed to do.

Bei Quan shook his head.

“Not now.” He said with a smile, “But on Thursday night, you have to come and help.”

The sole radio program within Sāntúchuān’s control aired at midnight on Thursday. Presumably, the show would finish airing around one or two o’clock.

Wei Fuyuan had a class on Friday morning, but the teacher was easy-going, so it was not difficult to get off.

——It was no wonder that the requirement of “can stay up late” was written on the recruitment notice.

“No problem.”

He promised in a heartbeat, “I’ll come over after class.”

Bei Quan nodded in satisfaction, and his eyes moved up and down Wei Fuyuan’s body twice.

“You are in good shape.” As he said this, Bei Quan raised his hand and squeezed Wei Fuyuan’s arm, touching his hard muscles through the cloth.

“Do you play sports?”

Wei Fuyuan, as a gay guy, was praised for his figure by another handsome guy and immediately cocked up his tail like a proud peacock.


Master Wei rolled up his sleeves to show off his smooth and tight muscles, “Although I’m a business student, I often go to fitness clubs, and I’ve practiced Karate and Krav Maga for several years. I’m especially good at it!”

Bei Quan lowered his eyes and smiled very brightly.

“So, you should be brave?”

The color on Wei Fuyuan’s face solidified for a moment.

He recalled the humiliating experience of being scared out of his wits this morning. But Young Master Wei had always refused to lose his face, so he selectively pushed aside the inglorious memory of the morning.

“For sure!” He patted his chest in affirmation and said, “I’m pretty brave!”

Bei Quan was still beaming.

“Then I’m looking forward to your performance on Thursday night.”


In the blink of an eye, time passed quickly, and it was April 22, Thursday.

On this day, Wei Fuyuan skipped the third and fourth elective courses in the afternoon and rushed to Sāntúchuān early.

It was just that he soon discovered that the broadcast day seemed to be no different from usual.

After dinner, Bei Quan took Wei Fuyuan inside the studio on the second floor to let him get acquainted with the equipment briefly.

The operation of the mixer was complicated, and Bei Quan was too lazy to explain it. He simply informed Wei Fuyuan that he didn’t need to come in during the broadcast. He just needed to watch his gestures from outside and control the two main switch buttons.

Thursday, 11:55 pm.

Wei Fuyuan stayed in the studio room separated by a glass window and watched Bei Quan who was seated in front of the mixing console.

Then he saw his boss hang a small, yellow paper bag on the speaker.

Wei Fuyuan: “???”

What strange operation was this?

But there was no time to delve on it, as the broadcasting would begin soon.

“Welcome to Midnight radio [Thriller Night Talk], this is the anchor Bei Quan.” Bei Quan’s soft, slightly muffled voice came from the speakers, “Please tell your story, no matter how bizarre it is.”

Wei Fuyuan thought secretly, he sounds so charming.

After eating and drinking in Sāntúchuān for nearly a week, he was no stranger to Bei Quan’s voice.

The only thing he didn’t anticipate was for Bei Quan to purposely drop his voice and sound utterly captivating when he was working. His voice was so bewitching, drawing others in, and making people feel like they were being scratched by a kitten’s soft paws; making them feel refreshed and tingly.

“I believe you have all been waiting very anxiously?” Bei Quan’s voice continued. “Okay, so without further ado, let’s connect to the audience hotline tonight.”

Wei Fuyuan: “???”

Fuck, this was the kind of freestyle hosting that gets right to the point without even the most basic pre-show banter. Truly unpretentious and genuine!

——But, you should at least provide? a hotline number!

Young Master Wei complained in his heart.

However, what he never expected was that just as these thoughts came to mind, the phone rang.


Wei Fuyuan was taken aback again.

He couldn’t help sitting up straight. Stretching his neck, he peered into the recording room and tried to follow the sound of the ring to locate the ringing phone.

“Ah, it seems that our audience today is very enthusiastic.” Bei Quan’s voice had an underlying smile. “Okay, let’s listen to what he or she has to say.”

Before Wei Fuyuan could find the hidden phone, he saw Bei Quan tap on the mixer.

[You…Hello? ]

There was a timid voice from the radio.

It was a young man.

He tentatively asked,

[Can you hear me? ]

“Hello, I can hear you clearly.”

Bei Quan used the microphone in front of him and answered, “Excuse me, how should I address you?”

[…call me Mr. A]

The male voice on the other end of the phone hesitated.

[Actually… I’ve come across a strange thing recently. I really don’t know what to do…]


“Do you mean prophetic dreams?” Bei Quan asked.


The young man who called himself Mr. A paused. He seemed to be trying to organize his words.

[To be honest, I don’t know if it can be considered a prophetic dream…]

Bei Quan softly comforted, “It’s okay, you can say it slowly.”

[Probably not long ago… I don’t remember it very clearly, It should be… two or three months, right? ]

Mr. A’s voice trembled slightly.

[I…Occasionally I have a strange dream, a dream where I am in a cell.]

Bei Quan prompted, “Oh? What kind of cell is it? ”

Mr. A followed his lead and said,

[It is kind of like a dark and narrow cage, it’s empty inside, there’s nothing…… My feet and hands are always cuffed. Do you know those types of ancient shackles? The ones made of wood that go around your neck and tie your hands in front so you can’t move about.]

Bei Quan, “Yes, I know.”

[I was chained in the cage like a dog, unable to even stand up…]

Mr. A, who was on the other end of the phone, let out a shaky gasp.

[But this is not even the most terrible thing, you know?… ]

He paused.

[These were more than just absurd dreams– they were a scary nightmare… Because…]

There was a slight tremor in Mr. A’s voice.

[Because, in that cell…. I was not alone.]

Once he started talking, Mr. A’s voice became clearer.

[Although the cell was very dark, I could still vaguely make out several identical cages forming a circle and in each cage, there was a person wearing shackles like me. ]

“How many?” Bei Quan asked, “How many cages were there?”

[I was able to count a total of five.]

Mr. A answered with confidence.

[There are five in total. I am absolutely sure.]

Bei Quan nodded with a smile, “And then? Could you see the other people in the cage?”

[No, not really!]

Mr.A replied.

[The prison was too dark, I couldn’t see them. But I was able to distinguish their genders from their body shapes and voices.]

Bei Quan, “Oh? So, you could not only see images but also hear sounds in your dreams?”

[Yes, I was able to hear sounds… Actually, not just sounds– in addition to sight, hearing, and smell, the sense of touch was really vivid too, everything in the dream was too real, terribly realistic! It didn’t feel like a dream at all! ]

Mr.A choked on the phone,

[I, I could hear their screams! ]

“Oh?” Bei Quan was slightly surprised, “Why did they scream?”

[Because they were tortured ah!]

Mr.A suddenly raised his voice,

[They were tortured by (that thing) one by one, and then they died!]

“Wait a minute.” Bei Quan’s soft voice interrupted as Mr. A’s became muddled.

“Let’s start with your first dream.”

He paused for a moment.

“At that time, what did you dream about?”

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