
Chapter 246 - Variant Race Vs Variant Race! The Might Of Variant Humans!

Even before General Tito of the Firemen Race gave the order, the Commanders of the other races already saw the circumstances clearly, and they knew that it was time to up their game.

Without upping their game, they would only end up wasting their efforts here without getting any tangible result.

This would not only be painful; it would be extremely embarrassing.

Though General Saber was the undisputed strongest soldier in terms of rare power of the opposing side, General Jax Tim who gained more fame with his brain than he gained with his strength was the leader of this alliance.

On the other side, General Tito was the leader.

As a General who gained fame with his brain first before his strength, General Jax Tim was extremely meticulous. From the onset of the battle, he already researched each of the opposing Commanders rapidly with the help of his implant.

This way, he already had an idea of every powerful enemy on this battlefield. As a war strategist, he could guess what his enemies were thinking even though he was not there with them on the battlefield.

So before General Tito gave the command, he already prepared for it.

His reason for guessing the enemy General\'s thoughts was very simple. This was because both sides were armies that comprised of variant humans.

Due to the advent of magic, technology experienced an explosive increase as scientists could now view reality from a different perspective.

As technology increased, from monotonous submarines with simple torpedoes as weapons, Atlantis became the first race to create a warship.

This brought the era of warships in warfare among the variant races.

Unlike a simple submarine, a warship was made with expensive and rare metal alloys that are not only light but could move fast despite their outrageous capacity, their weapons\' load capacity also increased.

With a warship, the fantasy of scientists became reality. All their technological advances and discoveries could finally be put to work.

The first warship that was created did not only contain the basic torpedoes, it contained deadly canons, ports for laser weapons, ports for heavy artillery weapons, and specialized gun ports to take in energy beam launchers.

With such a beast created, it was inevitable that warships immediately became the go-to weapon of warfare between variant human races.

Against mutated beasts, warships were practically invisible unless they were going against highly evolved beasts of the orange or purple tier and above.

Until even stronger and rare metals were discovered to create more powerful warships, this limitation would always remain.

Despite this, warships were still OP against mutated beasts.

The only problem was when one variant race went up against another variant race. Since both parties had warships, the battle would most of the time drag on to whose warship was better, had higher firepower, and could take more hits.

This was the only way to decide the victor. And for this to happen, it took an outrageously long time since warships were built to be resilient against damage in the first place.

This was exactly what was happening on this battlefield.

Of course, General Jax Tim was more than happy for the situation to remain like this. By the time the opponents broke through, the struggle for the Sea King Inheritance may already be over.

This was why General Tito was plagued with that dangerous choice.

In a battle of warships, letting soldiers roam around and fight almost always led to disasters of casualties that no Commander could account for.

Originally, in normal situations, no Commander would endorse this, but this was not a conventional case. To break this stalemate, General Tito commanded it.

As soon as General Tito\'s side received the command, they acknowledged it like they just received the decree of an Emperor that they\'ve been waiting for.

This battle was no longer going to be between slugging metals, the fight was now personal and General Tito started it.

As the strongest on his side, he led the charge. Unlike others, he wasn\'t armored, he was a Fireman, his fire was his armor and was also his weapon.

One thing to note was that to become a General, a variant human must achieve the legendary strength that was quoted as the Gold Realm.

General Tito was a Gold Realm powerhouse!


"Passive Trigger Skill: Fire of The Undying Phoenix!"

As soon as this General activated this skill, the originally modest fire that blazed around him was kindled, turning arrogantly tyrannical as the fire raged wildly, easily turning him to a torch on the battlefield.

A torch in such an enormous battlefield could easily become the target of attraction to trouble, and trouble indeed came as the warships of the Atlantians and their allies shot their loads at this General.

"Passive Trigger Skill: Absorbing Fire!"

All the energy beams, the laser shots, and the torpedoes landed on this General but they were all absorbed by his fire.

The kinetically powered shots like the torpedoes were burnt to ashes immediately, but the energy beams and laser shots were assimilated.

The fire absorbed the energy that was originally contained in these energy-powered shots, turning them to fuel as it soon started burning even wilder.

The fire soon turned so blazing that the water boiled, its range of coverage was now as wide as a burning forest. This change happened too fast, leaving the Atlantians and their allies little time to react.

Then the change finally followed as General Tito\'s eyes glowed red!

"Killer Move: Might of the Dragon\'s Fire!"


There was no explosive sound that followed, just the sound of the wind rapidly cutting forward with speed as the fire that occupied a range as wide as a forest now spread towards the enemy warships.

The heat of the fire increased exponentially as this happened. Then still not inducing any explosive sound, the fire engulfed all the nearby warships.

This was a silent engulfment.

This was the perfect example of raging wildfire in harmattan, but at this moment it was raging wildfire from General Tito!

The silence finally ended, then the boom booms came.


18 enemy warships exploded instantly from the overheating as soon as the fire engulfed it, others were crippled instantly while even more sustained severe damages as the crew ran randomly to fix the damages.

This was a show of raw magic power in its finest state.

Of course, General Tito could thrash warships if Sebastian could destroy them also. The only difference was in how easily they destroyed them; General Tito was far superior with his fire physique.

"General Tito!"

The soldiers that were behind this General cheered loudly as their morale increased exponentially. The General didn\'t do it just for fun, he destroyed the warships in such an explosive manner to increase the morale of his soldiers.

Without waiting for them, he dove, rapidly swimming forward as he started targeting and destroying other enemy warships with abandon.

His soldiers followed behind him in waves.

Almost at the same time that the enemies moved, the Atlantian, Dark Elf, and Snowmen soldiers also moved out to intercept them.

These 3 allied races were already prepared for this as they smoothly formed a battle formation that they already drilled on beforehand. 

Atlantian soldiers with their big guns stood at the back, the Dark Elf soldiers occupied the middle of the formation, while the Snowmen soldiers were the vanguards of the formation.


These huge snow-white variant humans with their enormous physique like the titans lumbered forward with frightening momentum at the enemies.

While they were still far away, they raised their clenched fists, dragged at the air before throwing their hands at the enemies who were far away.

"Battlefield Skill: Snow Hail!"

The top of this region suddenly turned white and fluffy, then the next moment a snow hail started, directly on top of the enemies.

Snow as huge as boulders fell under the control of the Snowmen as they bombarded the enemies who were charging at them.

Gunshots erupted immediately as the enemies started shooting at them, but their thick snowy skin absorbed all the bullets while they remained unharmed like they were real snow and could feel no pain.

While the Snowmen charged, the Dark Elves also unleashed their large-scale battlefield race exclusive skill.

"Battlefield Skill: Arrows of Death!" 

Some of the Dark Elf soldiers brought out real bows and arrows, the more powerful ones simply conjured pitch-black bows and arrows from the water through their strong affinity to darkness and shadow magic.

The next moment, all the Dark Elves aimed and shot their loads.

Pu! Pu! Pu! Pu!

The arrows descended, and enemies started falling at an astonishing rate.

The arrows had different terrifying effects, some with poison, others with immobilization effects, others dealt astronomical impact damage to the enemies, while others dealt true damage that could bypass armors and defense to attack the internal organs.

The attack of the Dark Elves opened chances as the Snowmen\'s attack now dealt more damage, and it was at this moment that the Atlantians also attacked.

They didn\'t use a battlefield skill, the strength practitioners simply brought out their ranged weapons and unleashed hell on the enemies.

The mages among them simply conjured different magic effects that ranged from fire to lightning, to thunder, to earth, to wind, and a myriad of other magic effects as these were all hauled at the enemies.

The enemies suffered, but they were not helpless.

While they still suffered the onslaught, the soldiers of the Tree Mogul and Rockmen race finally took the limelight as they rushed out.

The next moment, they raised their rough tough hands above their heads. Each of these groups of soldiers activated battlefield skills.

"Battlefield Skill: Descent of the Forbidden Forest!"

"Battlefield Skill: Rock Wall!"

While the attack of the Atlantians and their allies still came fiercely, under the control of the Tree Mogul soldiers, chaotic black holes opened through which green vines started piercing out wildly.

In a few seconds, the vines intertwined as they came out to form a huge forest that quickly served as a defensive structure against the enemy\'s attacks.

Almost at the same time that this happened, all the nearby boulders and rocks rose in the water like they were under the influence of a Telekinesis expert.

The next moment, all the rocks hit with force and fused like they were magnets, forming a huge defensive rock wall that stopped the enemy\'s barrage. 

The attack was finally stopped, then the counterattack followed.

This time, the counterattack was led by the firemen race soldiers, the dwarf soldiers, the man-beast and batmen armies.

"Battlefield Skill: Fire Aurora!"

"Battlefield Skill: The Terminator!"

"Battlefield Skill: Beast Transformation!"

"Battlefield Skill: The Night Assassin!"

As soon as they activated their battlefield skills, the counterattack began.

The firemen soldiers controlled their fire to form fire Dragon manifestations in the air, then by working together, they fused all their fire to form a huge Fire Dragon in the air who breath raging hot fire at the enemies.

The Fire descended like a revolving aurora of death, engulfing and annihilating anything in its path to oblivion.

The dwarves were even more impressive. Their Commander, Captain Jack brought their race\'s treasured magic weapon, the Terminator!

This was a Giant robot that was built using a warship as a reference. 

It had all the weapons of a warship, with additions, and the best thing about it was that it was far more flexible and fast since thousands of dwarves operated it at the same time.

"Take this, motherf*ckers!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Under their control, this Giant robot indeed turned to the Terminator as their terrifying handling skills made this Terminator start exterminating the enemies at a speed that defied logic.

Their impact was felt immediately on the battlefield.

As for the man-beasts, after activating their battlefield killer moves, they all started transforming from half-monsters into full-fledged monsters.

Most of them turned into sea Cheetahs, they sprinted across the water with their agile legs as they pounced on their enemies and devoured them before they could react to their astonishing speed.

The batsmen were masters of the night, and like the Dark Elves, they had a great affinity towards dark and shadow magic.

Most of them turned into bats, while the mages among them manipulated their magic power as they started interfering with the Dark Elves army\'s control over the shadow and dark origin laws of the region.

By tying the elves down, they gained an advantage for their allies.

The battle turned more chaotic and intense immediately.

Despite all these, the Atlantian allied force under the leadership of General Jax Tim still held strong. This lasted until General Tito, the Dragon of The Western Volcano finally arrived before the vanguard that comprised of Snowmen.

Snowmen were weak against fire; this General started a massacre as he carved his way through these titanic beings at the speed of a machine.

He didn\'t last long though, an originally idle General finally interfered.

"I leave him to you". General Jax Tim said.

"Leave that brat to me". General Saber grinned.

The next moment, this Sword God General grabbed his long heavy sword before he jumped from his warship and rapidly floated towards General Tito.

"Your enemy is me!"

The battle was far from over.

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