
Chapter 258 - Benefits Falling Like Leaves In Autumn!

After a battle that kept on escalating in scale that saw Sebastian ending the life of 13 orange tier predators, and 22 white tier predators, the battle for the reward of the 2nd hall that he entered finally ended.

Unfortunately, despite his impressive killing rate, Sebastian was unable to do anything when an elusive predator that looked like a swimming rat took the sought-after price before the eyes of all the powerful contenders.

In the end, they could only watch, astonished while this predator rat escaped bravely from the midst of all the other powerful predators.

This battle thought Sebastian a lesson about his approach to the second test of this inheritance which was to fish for benefits in disaster.

Despite the fact that powerful predators like himself and other freaks were there, this rat taking the ultimate price drove home a point.

The 2nd test of this inheritance was not just about who could throw the strongest punch, it involved a lot of intelligence.

Since entering the inheritance ground, though most of the tests were heavily slanted towards fighting, Sebastian already observed enough to know that intelligence was also required to qualify through them.

Clearly, the will of the Sea King was emphasizing a lot on the intelligence of the possible inheritor who would get the ultimate inheritance.

Sebastian didn\'t find this too odd. From the little description of the Sea King that he knew from Tonado, to perform all the feats that it achieved in its lifetime, the Doppelganger and Invisibility Sea King must have been an extremely intelligent fellow, though it was also crazy.

Putting all these aside, Sebastian narrowed his focus on the clue that he gained from this discovery.

To benefit more from this test, he needed to be elusive, scheming and calculating Megalodon rather than the cooler tyrannical Megalodon that he had always been.

For some reason, Sebastian felt that this test was forcing him to learn how to live with different personalities stacking in his head which he loathed.

Effecting and maintaining this change proved difficult at first to Sebastian, but once he got used to it, he entered his domain.

Sebastian practically cruised through the next 3 halls.

By staying content with remaining in the background while the other predators battled it out, when he finally exploded with his full strength at the end, he managed to overpower all the opposing enemies.

In the 3 halls, he took the 3 rewards, 2 rare materials, and a magic weapon.

Compared to the reward that he harvested from the first hall that he appeared in; these 3 rewards were more mundane but they were still valuable.

The magic weapon was a needle whose only weapon was to attack by stabbing it into the veins of enemies. Once its tip is embedded in the enemy\'s vein, it automatically starts sucking the enemy\'s blood.

This effect was not too interesting, but if by coincidence the needle was allowed to suck as much blood as it wanted, it had the potential of killing predators who were even a tier stronger than Sebastian.

This coincidence was too good to be true though.

Sebastian simply pocketed the 3 rewards and continued his extremely dangerous but thrilling tour.

It was when he got to the 4th floor that Sebastian saw a change. Unlike the other damaged halls where he went through, this hall was intact. The lights illuminating it easily revealed its identity as a high-grade laboratory.

This sight immediately made Sebastian remember some important details. 

During the previous time when he came to this catacomb, through his system\'s special clue was when he knew that this seamount was a giant experimental ground of some crazy Atlantian Mage Professors.

Back then when he just got the system special clue, he didn\'t understand much but now with his knowledge, he understood much better.

Clearly, this was one of the vital laboratories that were utilized by the Atlantian Mage Professors. 

The only problem was that the laboratory was empty, the previous owners didn\'t forget to sweep it clean when they left, or so Sebastian thought.

He was interrupted from his daze the next moment when he heard sounds of a fierce battle that suddenly erupted in this hall.

[You have triggered Adaptation: Camouflage Organ.]

[You have entered the camouflaged state.]

Sebastian\'s body turned into an extremely faint blue color as he easily blended with the prevalent color in the laboratory. Then silently, he swam closer to a huge counter in the lab where he could see the other side.

There, Sebastian saw the ongoing battle which made his heart freeze.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Mutated beasts roared helplessly as they were butchered, butchered by the merciless Atlantians who seemed prepared to annihilate them all.

They tried to retaliate, but their disorderliness due to their different species and lack of understanding hindered them. The organized group of Atlantian soldiers thrashed the beasts like they were pigs before the slaughter.

Seeing this, Sebastian\'s eyes constricted, he knew that something was wrong and it chilled his heart. 

As someone who already understood the rules of the inheritance ground to an extent, he knew that it was abnormal without special circumstances for so many Atlantians to gather together this way. 

At this moment, it was like the Atlantians had everything at the back of their hands. Sebastian intended to retreat immediately, but the sight of a mutated beast among those that were being massacred stimulated him.

This was a Great White Shark, not just any shark but one that he was familiar with. His eyes blazed with fury on seeing the injuries on this sharks\' body.


Hearing the roar, Captain Naman was alarmed as he turned sideways to see who the intruder was. Before he could prepare his trident to defend though, he was already slammed by a huge force that almost broke him apart.

[Killer Move: Ancient God\'s Blast!]

As soon as Sebastian temporarily incapacitated the Atlantian Captain with his killer move, taking advantage of the fear and awe that was shown in the other predators\' eyes, he moved with speed.

He rescued Verni, jumped into the fray, took the reward of this huge laboratory before escaping while everyone still looked.

[You have activated skill: Supersonic Speed.]


Sebastian was gone before they could react.

Hours later, Sebastian was still faithfully engaging in the grind of getting as many benefits that he could before the test for the ultimate inheritance if there was any, to begin with.

As soon as he discovered the advantage that the Atlantians got through some cheat, Sebastian became wary and a lot more decisive.

He no longer engaged in the struggle for rewards that did not catch his interest. He only settled for the more important rewards, while also keeping his main focus on the ultimate inheritance.

From the fact that he saw only one of the Atlantian leaders during the previous clash hours ago, he concluded that the others were already on the hunt for the ultimate inheritance which put him under a lot of pressure.

He continually increased his efforts to search for the ultimate inheritance. Perhaps, it was also stored inside one of the halls as a reward. Though the ultimate reward still proved elusive, his hard work was not in vain. 

He gained other benefits since he already rescued 8 Great White Sharks of his clan, including the important rewards that he got along the way.

During his first encounter with one of the laboratories used by the Atlantian Mage Professors where he rescued Verni, the reward that he succeeded in getting from that lab was a special treatment tonic.

[Special Tonic: Rapid Regeneration!]

This was a reward that was at the upper-tier among those that Sebastian got already. The effects of the tonic when taken were to stimulate his body cells to rapidly start dying and regenerating.

Through this, his body would receive a fierce self-recovery ability where even injuries to his brain could be recovered in mere seconds.

The effect of this tonic was for 6 hours, and Sebastian\'s saving grace was that its effects were both applicable to variant humans and mutated beasts.

Apart from this, Sebastian\'s other significant rewards were 3 mana cores. This was such a useful reward that he felt satisfied with his decision to come here already though he still wanted the ultimate inheritance.

The next hall that Sebastian entered which was his 32nd was a laboratory also. On entering, he easily discovered that a fierce battle was ongoing already.

In this battle, there were a lot of familiar faces.

Elder Marble with 12 Great White Sharks from the clan were now battling against an Atlantian force that was led by the familiar Captain Omega.

Without hesitation, Sebastian led his companions to reinforce the elder. This way, the scales were tipped in favor of the sharks.

The Atlantian soldiers put up a good fight, but in the end, the unwilling Captain Omega had no choice but to retreat with his soldiers in defeat.

This laboratory was the biggest that Sebastian had encountered, and to his shock, the reward of this lab were 2 invaluable treasures that he took a lot of time to believe were true. 

For the first time since he heard of the term, he saw the almost mythical Endurance core. His eyes almost popped on the sight.

As the 2 strongest on their side, Elder Marble took the first Endurance core without contest before distributing the other to Sebastian.

Sebastian did not assimilate it immediately; he curbed his excitement and kept the valuable core in his system inventory.

From here on, his confidence increased, going alongside Elder Marble directly placed his group at the forefront in terms of overall power in the inheritance ground even if he was pitted against Atlantians.

The monster group continued, bulldozing through 4 consecutive halls and 1 laboratory where they gained 2 mana cores and another Endurance core.

This Sea King Inheritance was indeed too filthy rich!

Sebastian at this moment was saturated, feeling that it was too much, the benefits just kept coming like falling leaves in autumn.

It was an amazing feeling.

After bulldozing through 2 other halls, for some reason, Sebastian\'s intuition finally told him that he and his group were now close to their ultimate goal.

For some reason, he felt that the ultimate inheritance was near!

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