
Chapter 294 - Betrayal!

"Killer Move: Oblivion!"

If Torpedum\'s attack on the teleportation portal at the last moment could be excused off as a mistake with terrible consequences, this Great White Shark\'s unprovoked attack on Sebastian revealed its animosity.

The fact that Torpedum directly used his only killer move showed that this situation already degraded to the ugliest of levels.

None of the sharks expected a betrayal at this point, not Old Mak, not the clan elders, and definitely not Sebastian. They were all shocked.

For all the time that he had spent in this world, Sebastian already got used to the notion that this was a world of cannibalism. It was either you toughen up and kill your opponent to evolve or your opponent will kill you to evolve.

When Sebastian first learned of this, he didn\'t pay much attention to it but with time, he was convinced that if this was all there is to Oceania, there was no way that he would be able to cope for an extended period.

He was a Megalodon, but his soul was still human. This may not seem like a lot, but inwardly, he knew that it meant a lot more than was portrayed.

This was why he felt so hyped and excited about meeting a group like Old Mak\'s shark clan. In the shark clan, he could finally let go for the first time of his life in Oceania, he discovered here that he could trust other predators.

These Great White Sharks were his kin; these were his clan members.

The more time that he spent in the shark clan, the more Sebastian confirmed that this was the case and the more trust he had in the sharks.

His biological shark father who was a powerful shark alpha may not have provided him with the best child care, but his encounter with Old Mak and every Great White Shark in the shark already made up for it.

All these reasons ensured that Sebastian\'s trust in his fellow Great Whites already grew to a ridiculous level, and this was the problem.

This notion already settled deep in his heart that it perhaps turned him naïve. 

Even in a diplomatic world like earth, people betrayed, siblings betray siblings for interests, siblings make use of their siblings for rituals, parents made use of their siblings for rituals all for money, so what made Oceania different?

When faced with benefits, who said a Great White Shark cannot betray his kin? And perhaps, if jealousy was added to the equation, then this was pretty much explained. The only problem was that Sebastian got this explanation too late.

No one knew the benefit that Torpedum was after that prompted him to go for this course of action, but the deed was already done.

The most unforgivable part of this betrayal was the awful timing, this betrayal cut away the only hope of escape of the clan.

With the teleportation portal destroyed, they were all stranded here.

Old Mak was incensed, the shark elders exploded in rage but they could not react fast enough as Torpedum already arrived beside Sebastian.

Torpedum\'s killer move was powerful, but that was only relative to fellow orange tier predators. Against Sebastian, its damage could only serve no more than a prick on the skin with some blood accompanying.

This was not the young Great White Shark\'s limits though. After its not too impacting attack, Torpedum grinned and kept his mouth open.

Sebastian was confused at first, but he was shocked as his danger senses spiked the next moment. He instantly recoiled but he was not fast enough as a familiar opponent swam out of Torpedum\'s mouth.

1st Lieutenant Lookman of the Atlantian army came out of the beast\'s mouth. Holding a Trident that seemed capable of changing the laws of Oceania itself, Sebastian felt like a rat who was facing a Dragon.

With his increased intuition as a purple tier predator, Sebastian easily deduced that his danger spike did not come as a result of the Atlantian Lieutenant but because of the Trident that he wielded.

The situation changed too fast, only his passive swimming skill enabled him to retreat so fast but he was unable to activate a single defensive skill before the terrifying Trident slammed into him.

The Trident directly stabbed his snout.


[You have been attacked by a high-grade magic Trident: The Oars of Steel!]

[You have received staggering damage!]

[You have received additional shock damage!]

Blood bloomed like a river from Sebastian\'s position as he flew back with speed only to hit the 2-fold shields formed by Elder Marble and Elder Shine.


The huge earthen shield revealed a huge crack from the middle.

From the Trident and the terrifying damage that it dealt to Sebastian and the fact that despite his new sensing skills he could not detect the Atlantian Lieutenant ahead of time, it became certain that this was not a chance attack. 

This was a planned attack where most of the variables were already accounted for in the most meticulous of ways.

This was what angered Sebastian the most. While everything seemed normal and he maintained his trust in the sharks, unknowing to him, one of them already decided to screw him over.

This situation left a bad taste in Sebastian\'s mouth, a taste that he would probably never forget as the anger in his heart was aroused from its slumber.

Since transmigrating into this world, Sebastian had experienced lots of emotions but he hardly remembered a scenario where he was angered.

At this moment, Sebastian was angered to the extreme and it showed.

[Bloodline Passive Skill has been triggered: The Ruler of the Seas!]

[You have activated skill: Rupturing Sonic Ram!]

At such close range, there was no way that the 1st Lieutenant could resist. The Lieutenant was shocked why his attack inflicted so little damage; the damage effects were originally estimated to be miles better than shown.

His shock dulled his reactions a bit, which gave Sebastian the perfect opportunity to try his new combined skill on this enemy.

Sebastian\'s anger was channeled through the attack.


Once his body came into contact with the Atlantian soldier, the difference in body mass first came into play then the denseness followed as Sebastian\'s physical body seemed to crush that of the Lieutenant\'s.

Lieutenant Lookman\'s face contorted from the pain, but before he could get used to the pain, another force invaded his body.

The ripples that were currently spreading through this Lieutenant\'s body seemed to have turned into weapons of mass destruction.


Like they suddenly turned into deadly supersized razor blades, these ripples under the weight of the overbearing sound domain magic turned deadly as they started cutting and rupturing this Lieutenant\'s internals.

An anatomical dissection seemed to be taking place, but this one was an extremely rough, unprofessional, and unethical one.

1st Lieutenant Lookman convulsed rapidly like a convulsion patient as blood started seeping from his mouth. His eyes looked shocked, confused, and horrified and he could not stop the inevitable from happening.


1st Lieutenant Lookman exploded from the rupturing force!

Just one attack from Sebastian and this Atlantian Lieutenant who had a strength that was equivalent to purple tier predators died despite the cheat weapon that he brought to this battlefield.

With the Lieutenant dying, Sebastian had uninterrupted access to Torpedum.

Once this Space domain Great White Shark looked into the eyes of the Megalodon and saw the anger burning within, he shuddered.

Sebastian moved to finish the job but he was finally interrupted. From the moment when the Lieutenant finally attacked, it already took more than a second and this was more than enough time for the Atlantian army to react.

With a loud but smooth sound that reminded one of an assassin killing from the dark, an eerie red-colored plasma beam from the Annihilator warship cleverly cut through the 2-fold defense that was erected by the elders.


The remaining force of the plasma beam hit Sebastian\'s body as he was roughly thrown away to the side. Sebastian didn\'t feel dizzy this time though, he quickly stabilized himself and directed a deviant glare back.

His escape path was already blocked, and this unleashed the beast in him.

At this moment, Sebastian\'s primal Megalodon instincts acted up as the anger in him intensified to the extent where it partially clouded his judgement.

"If you bring 1,000 warships, I will destroy them all! If you bring 10,000 soldiers, I will annihilate them all to the last soldier!"

"Today, no one can stop me!"

Sebastian\'s cause changed from one of escape to one of survival!

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