
Chapter 331 - The Anatomy Department.

"Hi, J.C, welcome to work".

"Thanks, miniman".

It seems that the dread of getting to work with an enormous Megalodon lingered for only the first day Afterall. When Sebastian reported to work for the first time, he saw an unexpected reception from his colleagues.

The anatomists of different species no longer saw him as an alien. Once they confirmed that he was legit, they dropped all their previous opinions on him.

Sebastian was still the largest in the whole department, and by a significant margin at that but this was not enough to deter his colleagues.

Birds of a feather flock together, this quote was accurate at this moment. Apart from the few clownfish, the others were all from different species, but they were all tied together by their love for anatomy.

Researching and examining the body of different species was their daily job, dissecting was their life, and this was their common ground.

Once Sebastian knew this also, he let go completely.

For his first day at work, he didn\'t have to do anything complicated. Perhaps, it was because Doctor Craban didn\'t have enough trust in him yet or it was normal, but his job for the first day was familiarizing himself with the department.

Miniman was the tour guard that was assigned to him by the Doctor. This fellow was a mutated beast that seemed to have evolved from an abominable combination of a Tiger shark and a Manta ray.

With a head that looked especially big for his streamlined body, it served as the perfect answer to the question of this mutated beast\'s genius.

He was one of the best anatomists in the department. His greatest achievement was getting to work on a huge Red tier Python, dissecting the beast to get its vigorous heart, and implanting it on himself. 

This combination granted him a lot of benefits against all odds. Miniman was the anatomist with the most endurance in the whole department when it came to high-intensity work.

By taking this mutated beast as a measure, Sebastian smiled because the way ahead of him looked especially bright.

After years of working as an anatomist in his previous world, experience told him that practicing his occupation alongside like-minded crazies was the best way for him to achieve results and to improve.

Miniman took his tour of the newcomer seriously.

"J.C, the Aurora Hospital is the best hospital in all of the working-class zone. I have to admit that our rivals, the Campbell Hospital are good, but they are nowhere near us".

"We are the best, don\'t let anybody tell you otherwise, got it?"

"Yeah, got it".

Miniman smiled once he got the response that he wanted. "My job and your job for today are very simple. I get to introduce you to everything you need to know about our department, and you get to memorize them".

"The first thing that you need to know is that our anatomy department has 1 lead anatomist, 8 senior anatomists, 26 junior anatomists, and numerous other apprentice anatomists".

"Originally, upstarts like you are expected to start as an apprentice. But the little expertise and familiarity with the job that you\'ve shown have exceeded our expectations, that is why you will start as a junior anatomist straight away".

"From tomorrow, as a junior anatomist, your main job is to assist us the senior anatomists in major dissection and experimental activities".

"Though as anatomists, we don\'t have much use for personal strength, every beast still needs to feed which means the clown army is always active".

"In their battles, they encounter a different type of predator species every day. This means that we never fall short of experimental test subjects, there is always a test subject for us to dissect and experiment on".

"These test subjects are also available to exceptional junior anatomists. If one day, you identify yourself to us as one of the exceptional ones, then you\'ll also have the privilege to work on test subjects at your leisure time".

"Before you get to that point, right now, apart from your main job, your minor job is to consolidate and improve your knowledge on anatomy".

"Junior anatomists have access to the basic library. Senior anatomists can access the advanced library, while only the leader can access the pinnacle library".

"There is one last library, the forbidden library. No one has free access to it; the leader is only allowed to borrow one book from there every 2 months".

"This is the overall summary of your work as a junior anatomist. Once you meet with your colleagues, you will know more about your responsibilities".

"Now, let me take you through the basic layout of our department".

"Our Aurora Hospital occupies sea anemone 0254, and our anatomy department occupies the northern end of the Research domain".

"Our department is divided into the main anatomy lab with 25 mecha-worktables, the senior anatomists\' office, the lead anatomist\'s office, the central processing supercomputer room, the general storage room, the AV storage room, and the residential quarters". 

"The main anatomy lab is where every one of our major research projects takes place. All the senior anatomists and the junior anatomists can be gathered here at the same time which provides the optimal environment for work".

"The Aurora Hospital provided state of the art equipment for our work. We have the best to work with, our works are super accurate and neat".

Miniman smirked a bit, radiating pride when he mentioned the last part, he was clearly proud of the hospital that he worked for. 

"The senior anatomists\' office is self-explanatory. It is a combined office where you can find us when there are no major projects to work on".

"The lead anatomist\'s office is also self-explanatory".

"The central processing supercomputer room". Miniman smirked once again on mentioning this. "As I said, we have access to state-of-the-art equipment".

"This is the room which houses our supercomputer. In our line of work, we need a lot of processing power since a lot of things related to how the body interacts with life and magic are too complicated to calculate with the brain alone".

"When we work on purple tier and red tier test subjects is when we mostly make use of the supercomputer". 

"Analyzing the mysteries of the wonders of a mana core is especially complicated and fascinating, I believe you\'ll cherish your first opportunity to see the super machine at work".

"The general storage room is where we store our exceptional test subjects, work samples, and a lot of our high-grade equipment".

"The AV storage room is where we store electronic components and equipment that inherently produces a lot of power and heat".

"In the AV storage room, we also have the special mana storage installation that preserves the integrity of mana cores. According to the engineers, the technology used in it can also preserve the natural cores".

On saying this, Miniman could not help but reveal a look of longing. "One of my life goals has always been to see and research on a natural core".

"J.C, work hard and perhaps you\'ll also have a dream like this. Natural cores are part of the pinnacle of what our world has to offer to us".

While he went through the lengthy talk, Miniman constantly took Sebastian around and in a few hours, they already toured the whole department.

They engaged in minor conversations next where Sebastian got to ask questions about whatever he still had doubts about and Miniman answered.

This session continued for a few more hours before it finally came to an end.

"Our working time is between 9:00 am- 4:00 pm, clown time".

"See you at work, tomorrow".

"You, too".

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