
Chapter 373 372. The Battle.

The baleens in the World Devourer\'s mouth morphed into razor sharp teeth, that seemed to be shaper than that of a shark\'s, its small eyes turned bloodshot, not red but golden, and one had to know that a berserker state of a God\'s is different.

Not like that of human\'s where they exchange their sanity for strength, gods exchanged their divinity for strength, it was a kind of a trade off between the gods and the Divine Laws, of course, another god too can trade for the divinity, but since it was method that was scorned upon in the Divine Realm, these kinds of trades didn\'t happen among gods.

But now, the were a pair of gods in front of the World Devourer whale, who could accept the trade, but no sane or even a savage God would do so while they were up against one that wanted to trade their divinity for more strength.

That would be plain foolish.


Fortunately for the World Devourer whale, there was an insanely savage God in front of it, who accepted the trade. Trade was for every bit of its divinity for unbelievable amount of strength.

With inevitable death right in front of it, it didn\'t really have any hesitation in accepting the trade.

"System, grant status [Greater Frenzy] to the World Devourer Whale." Eshwar commanded the system after absorbing an absurd amount of divinity that the Whale had accumulated over its entire life to be, one day, promoted to the Core region, that had no relation with the quantity of divinity whatsoever, but was ruled under the purity or the quality of the divinity possessed.

[Task initiated.....]

[Initiated task completed!]

Golden coloured bloody aura surrounded the now frenzy whale, whose size had shrunk considerably until it seemed like any other whale in the ocean, but its razor sharp teeth and the raging aura was unlike what one could ever get to see, even if the whale was evolved under mana in its vicinity.

"Booo, that\'s cheating." Isha pouted, but didn\'t seem that concerned.

"No, my dear, it\'s a fair trade." Eshwar said, chuckling.



The World Devourer whale began to shrink in size again, it had shrunk so small that it seemed to an human sized figure and morphed to mirror the shape of an humanoid existence. It now had an humanoid scale-armoured, gooey body that was as slippery as that of a fish\'s.

It had a ear to ear wide razor sharp teethed mouth, while another wide mouth opened on its waist. It had now turned into a monster that gave off boss monster vibes.

It waved its hand and magic circles began to manifest behind it, soon nearly almost all of the sky was covered in magic circles.

"Magic circles" were an inherent traits of the gods, of course, the magic circles could be granted to humans, but it was a extremely rare case, as even Eshwar had an hard time learning it in the Divine Realm without a actual teacher.

He had the knowledge but didn\'t know how to apply it in reality, merely learning how to apply it made it possible to create a world itself, you could imagine what he\'d do if he knew how to use them, but unfortunately for him, none taught him as everybody was an enemy in the Divine Realm nor did he stress too much about that.

But now, he had to gaze at those very magic circles that annoyed him, but since it wasn\'t him facing against those, he backed away sneakily.

"That basta*d escaped." Isha muttered after gazing around, unable to find Eshwar.

<Die!> The now humanoid, whale said, pointing at Isha.

Blobs of fire shot out from the magic circles, but each of these were unlike any fireball Isha head ever seen. They are hotter, denser, and more power packed.

The air sizzled as the balls of fire made their way towards Isha at a speed of sound, she just stood there since even though they, the fireballs, were stronger than what she had seen, she hadn\'t really felt anything threatening about them.


She created dense mana shields in front of her since Eshwar had escaped from being a target of those magic circles. Of course, he hadn\'t run away because they were any threatening to him, nor was he worried about them doing any damage to him or his wife, he had merely got out of its range to give Isha an element of surprise.

She would think that it could be a potential threat since Eshwar had escaped, only to find out that those fireballs were nothing THAT amazing nor were they really worth mentioning.

And as she unexpectedly expected, the fireballs were not that strong, but were strong enough to make a deadpan expression appear on her face. While she was standing mid-air with a stupefied expression, the now humanoid whale zoomed and appeared behind Isha, and struck at her back, catching her off guard.

Isha shot out towards the fireballs while groaning in the pain that spread across her body by a mere punch. Imagining how it would have cost her if her opponent was using a weapon, her expression turned serious, together with her mental state.

·ƈθm "Summon." She muttered and the night sky darkened.

As if a shadow of death loomed over the dungeon, the entire dungeon darkened considerably, until those with normal vision weren\'t able to see past an arms length.

The now darkened sky began to spew out shadowy creatures, in numbers that was uncountable mere moments later, each creature ate the other next to it, growing stronger as they devoured one other, and by the end of this cycle of devouring, merely ten summons remained behind Isha, those too continued to feed off the other next to them, but due to them becoming too strong, the one biting was having a harder time.

And finally within the matter of mere seconds, a single humanoid creature remained behind Isha, that oozed an aura stronger than its summoner herself, yet it obeyed its creator.

"Eat it." Isha then pointed at the humanoid whale that was gazing at Isha without an ounce of fear in its hesitating eyes, hesitation because it was subconsciously scared of her, but since it held superior strength it also subconsciously denied its emotions.

The creature behind Isha disappeared from the spot it stood and abruptly appeared behind the golden blood dyed humanoid figure and knocked it down at the ocean of holy water before it could even react.

The holy water shot up due to the impact and the creature dove deep into the water before the humanoid figure appeared out of the water. Deep inside the water, an unbelievably pressures filled, fierce battle was taking place, yet neither the humanoid figure nor the creature seemed to have any intentions of getting out of it any time soon.

Blows upon blows were being exchanged between the figures underwater, strong tremors were being swept past the ocean surface and the depths of the ocean floor, yet the figures fought just as fiercely as they did at the start, without getting tired even for a bit, since both of them knew, the first one to flatter was the first one to die.


The match between them was rigged from the beginning.


The creature that the humanoid figure was fighting wasn\'t alive, though it had sentience, it wasn\'t alive.

Hence, it would never get tired, at least, until there was a constant supply of mana or divinity, or whatever its source of existence was, and Isha was pretty confident in the quantity and quality of the divinity she held.

The humanoid desperately held on, its massive body of a whale was damaged extremely before it took a humanoid form, so even though it seemed to be doing quite well on the outside, it was riddled with strong damage that wasn\'t visible in the outside.

Had it been healed completely before the fight started, it would have easily defeated the shadowy creature, the level of damage it contained inwardly was also the reason it stood still as the shadow creatures devoured each other until there was only one left, it had been trying to buy time so that it could heal at least a bit before the fight really started, but unfortunately for it, the fight started sooner than it expected.

Now, it was looking for something to turn around the battle, it didn\'t care what tricks it had to use, it wanted to turn around the battle in its favour.

But it wasn\'t as if though there would appear something that could turn around the battle just because it wished for it to happen, and then it happened,

The worst happened.

It felt a strong blow connect on its chest, before it groaned in agony,

Another blow was felt on its chin.

And as if it was merely the beginning, the barrage of blows struck every part of its humanoid body, as golden coloured blood began to leak out its scale-armoured body.

And finally, as if having mercy on its soul, the creature bit off the humanoid figure\'s neck, and ripped off its chest, slowly but surely, it felt dense muscle fibres snapping due to the creatures merciless rips, and finally, it ripped off the humanoid figure\'s head, and ate it soon after.

"That\'s actually gross to look at from third person."

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