
Chapter 247 Found What He Was Looking For

To say that Liu Yu Zeng was pissed would be a giant understatement. In fact, he had been pissed since they left their men to fend for themselves and come to this Godforsaken facility. He was pissed at the dead body in the office, he was pissed about the hole in the wall that lead to this floor and he was definitely more than a little pissed about Rip, or whatever his name was.

But the thing that really set his blood boiling was the voice that demanded to know what Sweetness wanted. No one was allowed to speak to her like that. In fact, he was so pissed off that he strolled into a room without first scouting it out to make sure there were no threats in it.

And that was something he hadn\'t done since he was 8.

He looked around to see where the voice could have come from, but all he saw in the darkness was a bunch of vehicles. "Lights," he growled and one of his brothers found the light switch by the door and the room was flooded with bright, white light.

In front of him, parked in a semicircle, were four motorcycles. They were a mixture of all looking the exact same and not being the same at all. There was one sport touring bike, two street bikes, a chopper, and an ultra heavy-duty pickup truck. Every single vehicle was a matte black color that seemed to absorb the light around it instead of reflecting it. 

Studying each one of the vehicles, he ignored the other men that were coming up beside him. Seeing one street bike, the second one from the left, he approached it with a glare. "Listen to me, you little shit. You don\'t talk to her like that. Do you understand?!" he yelled as he pointed to the bike. 

He knew that he was crazy to do this, but there was something inside of him calling him to that particular bike.

"Run!!" screamed the terrified voice from the back corner, the only corner to not have any light shining in it. "Run before they get you!"

"Get me?" snarled Liu Yu Zeng as he once again looked at the bike in front of him. "Are you going to get me?"

Of course, the bike didn\'t talk back. Only an idiot would think that an inanimate object could speak to them.

All five of the people in the room ignored the screaming person in the corner. Their sole focus was on the vehicles in front of them.

"You didn\'t answer him," said Liu Wei as he walked over to the motorcycle that was on the far left and right beside the one his brother was currently yelling at.

If someone would have told him a year ago that he would be standing in a room at a top-secret military facility talking to a bike, he would have said that that person was crazy. And yet, here he was, talking to a bike.I think you should take a look at

"What are you doing?! If you are just going to stand here, the least you can do is unlock this cage and let us escape," shouted another voice, a man this time.

Liu Wei simply ignored it as he studied the back bike in front of him. He noticed that his was the only one with a second seat and was a sport-touring bike, one of the safer ones of the four. Was that on purpose? He knew that the seat was for Li Dai Lu, but he didn\'t know how safe it was for her to ride on the bike like that. Of course, he was a good driver, but that didn\'t mean that he was willing to take any chances with her.

"Aren\'t you beautiful," breathed Li Dai Lu as she walked over to the truck and opened her arms. Hugging the front of the vehicle, she started to purr. "Awe, you are absolutely perfect, aren\'t you? Yeah, you know you are. Do you want to come home with me?" she asked when all of a sudden the truck\'s engine started. The lights came on, the engine revved, but the truck itself didn\'t move an inch.

The men turned their attention away from the motorcycles in front of them and to the newest threat. Were \'they\' in the truck? Were they going to hit Li Dai Lu now that she was so close? 

Chen Zi Han, the closest to Princess tried to reach out a hand to grab her, but she slipped under his arm and continued to walk around the truck, still talking to it like it was a child or pet. A few times, it revved its engine again, but it still didn\'t move forward.

In response to what the truck was doing, the four bikes all of a sudden turned on, bright lights flashing against the matte black backdrop, their own engines revving. The men narrowed their eyes on the bikes. It was impossible for someone to have turned them on, so what was going on?

"RUN!" shouted the male prisoner in the corner. "They are going to kill you!"

"Ha," said Li Dai Lu, her voice laced with scorn as she continued to drag her fingers along the side of the truck. "They wouldn\'t hurt us? Would you?" she continued to croon, and still not one of the vehicles moved an inch.

Chen Zi Han tilted his head and looked at the chopper in front of him. The matte black paint job blended in perfectly with the black lights until the whole thing looked like a shadow. "She is right, you guys are impressive," he said and he got the feeling that the bike approved of his words. But that wasn\'t possible. Right?

Wang Chao stared at the street bike in front of him, its red lights encircled the wheels, while still more lights highlighted the matte black parts around the engine, seat, tank, and handlebars. In fact, the red lights were so bright that they seemed to create a red halo around the bike and onto the cement under it. "Long time, no see," he said in a deep voice, the words seemingly pulled out of him. There was a feeling of acceptance and happiness in his mind before it was quickly cut off.

This was what was calling to him. This was the reason why they put Li Dai Lu in danger to find.

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