
Chapter 290 Trouble... In More Ways Than One

The Sea Dragon unit, headed by Commander Huang Nian Zu, had unanimously agreed to stay inside the gas station convivence store… and all the power to them. Me? I was going to go out and sleep in my RV.

Wang Chao and Liu Wei stayed with the commander in order to discuss plans, or whatever else they felt they needed to discuss while Chen Zi Han and Liu Yu Zeng (the other civilians) came with me.

"So, your new nickname is Trouble?" smirked Liu Yu Zeng as he and I sat on the couch while Chen Zi Han made a late dinner in the kitchen. 

"Apparently," I grumbled not impressed. Out of all five of us, I was the one that was the least amount of trouble. "But I think it would fit you four better."

"Oh, definitely," purred Liu Yu Zeng. "But I can think of a few more names that suit you…"

I raised my eyebrows and looked at him. "Oh really? Like what?"

"How about Firecracker or Angel Eyes?"

"I vote for Angel Eyes," said Chen Zi Han without turning around from the stove. I had no idea what he was making, but whatever it was, it smelt good.

"My vote is for Delicious," said Liu Wei as he walked into the RV.

"Why don\'t you rub it in more," grumbled Liu Yu Zeng. "You know that not all of us have had that… pleasure."

"Oh I am more than aware," smirked Liu Wei as he came to sit down on the couch on the other side of me. "In fact, I am pretty sure that I am the only one who knows how good she tastes… from the source that is."

I could feel my face turning bright red and I frantically tried to change the conversation. "Where\'s Wang Chao?" I asked quickly. 

"Still with Huang Nian Zu," said Liu Wei with a shrug as if it was none of his concern. "I didn\'t agree with their plans so I left."

"What didn\'t you agree with?" I asked confused. I mean, it wasn\'t like the plans were that complicated; go back in the direction we came, grab what we need to be grabbed, and then head home. Wait…

"Where did they say the device was that they wanted?" 

"East Sea," said Liu Wei with a shrug like it wasn\'t that big of a deal.

"Are we talking like on land around the East Sea or in the actual East Sea? Because those are two very different things," I said as I started to panic.

"In the actual East Sea," said Liu Wei slowly and all three men looked at me.  I closed my eyes, wondering just what the fuck I had gotten us into. Wait… not me… what the fuck has Commander Huang Nian Zu gotten us into.

"Did the commander say that it was in the water before we agreed, or was this something that came about in this planning meeting?" I demanded, no longer leaning on my guys and instead sitting forward on the couch staring at Liu Wei. 

"After," admitted Liu Wei.I think you should take a look at

"And the six men he lost; did he happen to tell you the exact location?" I pushed. 

"No," said Liu Wei, no longer in a good mood. Even Liu Yu Zeng and Chen Zi Han looked at me with concern.

"Fuck. Go get Wang Chao. We are going to need a meeting of our own," I said with my eyes closed.

"Done," said Liu Wei as he stood up and left the RV.

"Is dinner ready soon?" I asked Chen Zi Han with a small smile. I should eat dinner before digging into all the cakes I was going to need to get through this next adventure. Good thing I did a lot of baking that week I was laid up.

"It is," Chen Zi Han assured me and put a chicken pot pie in front of me. 


Liu Wei pushed past the two guards that were standing just inside of the convivence door only to be met with some resistance.  "Wang Chao and the Commander are talking right now," said Jiang Chang Ming as he put a hand on Liu Wei\'s chest.

Liu Wei looked at the man for a second before he took his left hand and twisted the other man\'s arm until it threatened to break.  Meng Yu Seng, the other guard, attempted to get Liu Wei off of Jiang Chang Ming but ended up getting kicked in the chest for his efforts. 

The front kick was strong enough that it sent Meng Yu Seng into the emptied shelves creating a giant racket. 

"What the hell is going on here?" demanded Commander Huang Nian Zu as he and Wang Chao exited the back office and walked in on the scene. Liu Wei didn\'t even bother to look at the commander as he twisted the guard\'s arm just a little bit more, causing him to groan in pain.

"Liu Wei?" asked Wang Chao confused. He knew that Liu Wei didn\'t exactly agree with the plans that he and the commander discussed, but he was definitely not that upset when he left.

Liu Wei looked up at Wang Chao, his face an expressionless mask. "Li Dai Lu would like to speak to you."

"Since when do you speak to Wang Chao like that?" demanded the commander, not impressed with Liu Wei\'s actions. Those were two of his best men that were tossed around like a rag doll by the man in front of them. And he still wasn\'t letting go of one of them.

"Understood," said Wang Chao simply. He understood that something was seriously wrong if Liu Wei was acting like this. He might have been his second all of their lives, but things have changed now that they all met her.

Wang Chao walked to the door and waited for Liu Wei. 

"Please keep your hands to yourself from now on," advised Liu Wei with a smile that was not a smile. He released his grip and let Jiang Chang Ming fall to the ground. 

"Fucker," growled Jiang Chang Ming as he quickly got to his feet, ready to fight if necessary. What he didn\'t understand was that Death was minutes away from killing everyone just to make his Sweetheart happy.

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