
Chapter 356 Sharing With The Class

Chapter 356  Sharing With The Class

"I left a surprise for her. She should find it tomorrow morning. And, since I know she is going to be pissed, I wanted a bit of extra space between us," I said, answering Wang Chao\'s question.

"We can take Cerberus and the bikes further away if that will make you feel better," added Liu Wei, looking at me concerned. I rested my head on his shoulder and simply closed my eyes.

"Too tired. Sleep now, deal with crap later," I grumbled as Liu Wei carried me up into my RV and laid me down in bed. Taking off my boots, he undid my pants and pulled them off. "If you think you are getting anything," I grumbled at him weakly. My eyes were already staying closed.

"I like you awake and participating. I can wait," he assured me as he gave me a kiss on the forehead and tucked me under the covers. He opened the door to my bedroom and paused for a second. "My brother is here. Do you want me to kick him out?"

"I am actually here to talk to you," smirked Liu Yu Zeng before he looked at me over his brother\'s shoulders. "We\'ll be back later to cuddle."

I nodded my head, letting sleep claim me.


Liu Yu Zeng looked at his brother and Chen Zi Han from where he sat on the couch of his personal RV. There was no way he was willing to sleep here, away from Li Dai Lu, but he also needed to talk to the two of them without anyone else around.

"Why are we here?" grumbled Chen Zi Han from where he stood in the kitchenette. Liu Yu Zeng was sure that if he had food in his cupboards the other man would already be cooking something. For Famine, he really enjoyed feeding people.

"While we were at the compound, Li Dai Lu and I were pulled into a space," started Liu Yu Zeng, not sure how he should explain what happened.

"Was it her space? Was she okay? What happened?" demanded Liu Wei, not at all impressed that he hadn\'t been by her side when that happened.

"Yes, it was her space, but not the one that we have all been to. This one was completely different. But that isn\'t why I called you here," said Liu Yu Zeng, holding up his hand to calm his brother down. But then again, he would have been acting the same way if he was left behind.

"Then why are we here?" demanded Chen Zi Han as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"Because I had a really interesting conversation with Violence," replied Liu Yu Zeng.

"Violence?" asked Liu Wei, a confused look on his face. Maybe it was because he was too tired, but he really didn\'t know what his brother was talking about.

"One of her personalities. Now, are you going to listen so we can get this over with and get back to her?" snarled Liu Yu Zeng as he remembered some of the more important parts of the conversation. But should he tell them about Wang Chao?

"Violence knows what happened in the past, a part of the past that none of us seem to remember," he started his question answered before he even finished asking it. "She said that Wang Chao betrayed multiple times over many centuries, causing her to \'shatter\' to pieces. That is why she is hearing so many different voices in her head."

"When she said betrayed does she mean…" Chen Zi Han couldn\'t finish his sentence without the overwhelming urge to go out and kill someone. And there was a very particular someone that he had in mind.

"She didn\'t specify. Only that sometimes, he brought all of us with him," said Liu Yu Zeng, his stomach clenching at the very idea of leaving Li Dai Lu behind simply to follow Wang Chao. From the looks on the other two men\'s faces, it appeared that they were thinking the same thing.

"Violence also said a few other things, but the most important one is this: there needs to be four of you, but you don\'t need to be the four. Apparently, she said the same thing when she was talking to Wang Chao, but he never passed on the message," said Liu Yu Zeng, wishing that he had whisky or some other type of hard liquor in his hand right now.

"Not happening," said Chen Zi Han with a shrug.

"Oh, I agree," answered Liu Yu Zeng. "But each one of us has two souls living in our bodies, one is Li Dai Lu\'s soulmate, and the other one is \'ours.\' But I don\'t agree with that statement. Liu Yu Zeng might have a soulmate out there that died. But my soulmate is Li Dai Lu."

"Did Violence explain that any further?" asked Liu Wei, unnaturally still.

"Nope, just that you are the only one of us to have a single soul. You are closer than any of the rest of us to where we should be, but even then, you don\'t remember," said Liu Yu Zeng. "Do you want to share with the class as to how you managed to do that?"

"I had a voice talking to me almost as soon as the apocalypse started," said Liu Wei slowly, looking out the window of the RV and into the dark night. "It told me things like I was lagging behind. That if I didn\'t hurry up, Li Dai Lu would never choose me. Stuff like that. But when I was pulled into that space by the lake, it tried to stop me. It tried to hold me back from swearing my alliance to her. So, I killed it."

"That simple?" scoffed Chen Zi Han, trying to think if he had ever heard a voice in his head.

"No, not that simple."

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