
Chapter 359 Kill Me Now

The idea that I had let him touch me when he thought like that made me want to puke. Did he really think that I wanted a subservient man? I have never pushed the others to do things my way… or did I?

I was getting so lost in my spiraling thoughts that I didn\'t hear Violence until she was practically screaming in my ear. \'You don\'t need to listen to this. Let me take over just for a bit. Give yourself a break. Go into your space, do some farming, whatever you need to do. I am here, I got this.\'

I thought about her words. Would it be okay to just take a back seat for a second? Yeah. I think so.

Giving her my consent, I felt her push me down into the recess of my mind until I was on the farm in my space. Without thinking, I grabbed some ice cream from the freezer and went upstairs to watch movies and just relax on my bed. I needed a me day, and I was damn well going to take it.


"Hello, War," said Violence as she flicked her hand out of War\'s grasp and got comfortable on the couch. She looked around at the other men and saw Liu Yu Zeng staring at her. With a bloodthirsty smirk, she winked at him.

"Ah, if it isn\'t the bitch. What? Could Princess not hack it anymore and sent you out to deal with me?" sneered War, using Wang Chao\'s voice and face.

"You will watch what you say," growled Chen Zi Han coming around the counter to confront the other man. Violence held up a hand, and Liu Yu Zeng stopped him from going any further. He looked at his friend and shook his head.

\'You don\'t want to mess with that one,\' said Famine as he backed a few feet away. He seemed to hope that if he was in the back of his mind then Li Dai Lu wouldn\'t notice him. \'Not Li Dai Lu, that girl is a sweetheart. Her, I don\'t want her to notice me.\'

"Bitch isn\'t around anymore; you will have to deal with me instead. I mean, isn\'t that what you wanted? To destroy the Queen so badly that she would forever be fractured. Why? Wanted her realm so badly?"

War scoffed at that idea. "I wanted nothing to do with that realm. Always so boring. Give me the bloodshed, the fields of men being real men, fighting for what is theirs. Not her realm. She couldn\'t even control it. Isn\'t that why you had to show up?

"I had to show up because you didn\'t know your place," smirked Violence as she crossed her legs in front of her and rested her elbow on the armrest. "But heaven forbid a woman tell you your place, right?"

"I should have been the leader! The others followed me! Why couldn\'t she trust me to lead?" snarled War. "And then to be given this body, someone that wants to submit to her every desire. Where is the desire to kill, to conquer? He was even in the military for all of his life! He should have learned. Instead, he is so weak that those lesser than him can order him around."

Violence could only smirk when she heard War\'s rants. "Ah, must be so frustrating to have your soul fractured and not be able to fully control it anymore. But someone has to pay penance for you. After all, how many times did you betray her?"

War paused for a second to study Violence. "What do you know?"

Violence let out a chuckle that had the hair on the arms of all the men standing at attention. "Do you forget who I am? Who WE are? I know everything. And so does she. I mean, wasn\'t that why you tried so hard to destroy her?"

"She is nothing," scoffed War, causing the three men to turn on him and snarl. "What? Don\'t you agree? It\'s not like you fought all that hard to stay back."

"To my recollection," started Liu Wei slowly, the words coming from seemingly nowhere but feeling right. "You can\'t go anywhere without the three of us." He chuckled. "Poor War. You are nothing without us. And yet, you think you are the leader, the commander of us all."

"You might not have wanted to come, but you still followed," sneered War, not enjoying the fact that everyone was ganging up on him.

"We followed to relieve the suffering of those that paid the ultimate price for your need for conquest," shot back Liu Wei. "After all, without me, none of them would be able to move on."

"You\'re Death? You don\'t feel like him," said War confused. Then he looked around the room for the first time. "None of you feel like how you should."

"Doesn\'t make us not them," shrugged Liu Wei. "After all, I killed Death. It is only right to take his place. Don\'t you agree? Maybe Wang Chao should do the same."

"That fucker isn\'t strong enough to kill me," laughed War. "If he was, I wouldn\'t be able to take over the personality so much, would I?"

"Then I guess there is only one way to do it then," smiled Violence. "We kill Wang Chao and hope that your next reincarnation is stronger than this one."

"You wouldn\'t," said War taking a step back. "I am War, the Second Horseman of the Apocalypse. Without me, the entire world will be plunged into chaos."

"So good of you to remember that you are the second," smiled Liu Yu Zeng, repeating the words that the voice inside his head wanted to get out. "You always seemed to have forgotten that you were second. But don\'t worry. You won\'t actually die. Just be absorbed into a new body. Similar to how Li Dai Lu absorbs all of her multiple personalities."

"And hopefully, the next one won\'t be such a dick," added Liu Wei, looking at the being that had taken over his friend\'s body.

"Kill me," came a strained voice out of War\'s mouth. "Kill me now."

Apparently the characters might force the issue.






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