
Chapter 371 Getting My Ducks in a Row

Chapter 371  Getting My Ducks in a Row

Let\'s face it; normally, the thief is the first one to cry, thief. And he has already accused us of having sticky fingers.

Not wanting to deal, or be seen by the military, the guys and I made sure to pick a section of the beach far away from the Navy base. I looked at the guys nervously as I went far enough into the water to get my ankles wet. I didn\'t want to be dragged under again by a zombie, and honestly, even this far into the water had my heart pounding.

I looked inside of me for the bond that I had with Beta and pulled on it. Within minutes, an eggplant-colored zombie rose out of the water. Behind it was hundreds of other zombies, the top of their heads and eyes just poking out of the water. "You\'ve been busy," I said, raising my eyebrows as even more zombies poked their heads out of the water to look at me.

"My Lord," answered Beta placing his fist against his chest and bowing his head. "I have become the supreme Alpha," he continued.

I nodded my head in understanding. To become the supreme Alpha meant that there was not a single one around that was stronger than him. In fact, he would even have other Alphas in his horde.

"Are you the supreme Alpha?" I asked, tilting my head to the side and staring at him.

"No, my Lord. You are the supreme Alpha," said Beta, quickly reassuring me. I knew that he wasn\'t able to break the bonds between us, and I would always be one up on him. But a little verbal reassurance went a long way. I also had a sneaking suspicion that I gave him some of my power which was why he was able to dominate so many others.

"How far does your territory extend?" I asked him. He looked at me and cocked his head to the side.

"For many sun ups and sun downs," he answered. Huh, zombies, apparently, didn\'t know distances and only measured things in days. Well, it makes sense. I wouldn\'t know how far something was underwater. And if it was multiple days, then the area I need to search should be well within his territory.

"Understood," I said with a nod of approval. "You did good. Is there something you want in return?\' I asked him. I firmly believed in the carrot and the stick method of leadership. He did well so he can get the carrot.

I watched him thinking about something before shaking his head. "Nothing," he said just before he clarified his statement. "I just want to stay in the water."

"Of course, not a problem. I will be going into the water in a little while. I want you and your horde to form a perimeter around me and mind to make sure that we are safe. Do you understand?" Beta paused for a moment, and I could see him processing my words.

"You come, I protect my Lord," he repeated. Meh, it was close enough.

"Yes," I said, pleased with how things were going. I was getting all of my ducks in a row, and for the first time ever, it was working the way I wanted it to. "Wait until I call you and make sure that you stay hidden from other humans."

"Can eat?" he asked me with a toothy grin.

"We will see," I replied with a shrug. If the commander or any of his men fucked up, then Beta and his horde were more than welcome to a snack.

"Understood." Beta turned around and continued to walk into the waves until he disappeared under the water. Eyes blinked at me a few times before submerging and following their Alpha.

"Things going well?" asked Liu Wei as I turned around and walked back to the beach where my men were standing.

"Things seem to be going well," I agreed with a small smile. "But I won\'t be completely happy until I have the device in my space and we are back on dry land."

"Still, it must be nice to have a horde in the water," smiled Liu Yu Zeng as he put an arm around my waist, and the four of us walked back up to the road.

Alpha of my own horde, let alone two. Now, let\'s just see how far that power will take me.

"Yeah, between that one and the one in control of City B, I am feeling a lot better about my chances of survival," I answered with a grin of my own. Not once did I ever think that I would become the Alpha of my own horde, let alone two. Now, let\'s just see how far that power will take me.

"How are we doing on time?" I asked as I looked at Liu Wei. I wanted to be there early, at least by 30 minutes. I had more than a few reservations about letting the commander plan everything. Especially when it came to the important things, like oxygen.

"It\'s 11 am right now. We have time to do whatever you want," answered Liu Wei checking his watch.

"I always hated this feeling of hurry up and wait. I mean, we have an hour and a half between now and when I want to be at the dock. Too much time to just be sitting on the beach and not enough time to actually go out and do something," I grumbled. "Is there anything to do on base?"

Liu Wei thought for a moment before shaking his head. "Not that I can really think of. Besides, I don\'t want to really deal with anyone military-related right now."

"Yeah," I said with a sigh. I could see his point. "Is there an aquarium around? We could go out on a date if it isn\'t too far away." As soon as the words were out of my mouth, we came up to a sign with a big arrow pointing to the aquarium.

"Well, isn\'t that convenient?"

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