
Chapter 404 A New List

However, my mind was no longer on yachts or even human demands for normalcy.

No, my mind was spinning in a completely different direction. Violence had said that I needed to find my home… but I didn\'t want my home to be in a world like how it was before the EMP hit. No, that didn\'t appeal to me at all. Humans had proven that they could fuck things up if given half a chance to do it, and I was out of giving chances.

I leaned back in my seat and took out a cup of coffee, the same cup that Violence had before. It said, \'It\'s only murder if they find a body. Otherwise, it is just a missing person. Now come over here. I have something to show you.\'

That was my mood right now.

The humans were winning the fight against the zombies, and I don\'t think I liked that at all. No, humans needed a reality check that they couldn\'t control everything. They tried to play God, and they needed a slap upside the head to show why that was such a bad idea. And if I had to be the one to give them that slap, then so be it.

I would make sure that the world I had woken up in two years from now was the same world, even if I had to create it.  First and foremost. The zombie tide that was supposed to take over the southern half of the country never happened. Well, it did happen; it just didn\'t succeed as it should have.

My fault, I will fully admit.

Well, now it was time to clean up my mess.

But how?

Well, I needed a crap ton of zombies to form a tide. Then, I could release the tide while the guys and I were on the yacht.

The yacht would serve two purposes. The first was to keep Wang Chao away from any military personnel who might go crying to him for help, and second, it would give things a way of working themselves out without us tipping the scales.

That would work.

However, there was Lonnie and her men at the Navy base… should they live or die?

I took out a pint of chocolate chip mint ice cream and got more comfortable inside Cerberus while I thought about the finer details.

Whether she lived or died, that would depend on her fate. I saved her and the rest of Country M\'s forces once, but I wouldn\'t keep saving them. No matter how much I liked her.

I took a bite of my ice cream and started back at the top of my list. Pulling out paper and colored markers from my space, I used the armrest on the center console to start writing down my ideas. 

Every list needed a title; how about… \'How to create a zombie apocalypse\'?

Yeah, that was perfect.

Okay, step one: call them all.

I had the ability to find and control large numbers of zombies. If I sent out the call now and had them meet us in City H, then that would allow for enough time to gather a large number of them. I could then take the Alphas and spread them out, sending out my directions to all the stray zombies not yet part of a horde.

No time like the present to set the plan into motion.

I opened the window and let out an enormous roar of challenge, letting it echo around us. Within minutes, large numbers of zombies had taken up my challenge, and I could feel them following us. They were not in a hurry but instead followed behind us at a set pace, not overtaking the vehicles.

I brought my head back into the truck with a smile of satisfaction.

\'Funny, I don\'t remember world domination on the list of things I told you to do,\' said Violence, and I watched as she appeared in the passenger seat beside me.

"Well, I figured if this was going to be my last kick at the can, then I might as well have fun," I replied with a shrug before moving on to the second step of my list.

Once I got all the zombies I could into the same place, I would then have to take complete control of them to make sure that they did as they were told to do.

"There is a faster way of doing all that, you know that, right?" asked Violence as she took the ice cream container from me and started to eat from it. She pointed at me with the fork. "You only need to deal with the Alphas; don\'t waste your time on the lesser zombies."

"That was part of the plan," I assured her. "I just have to get all of them to City H first."

"Yeah, but this way seems a bit slow. We should pick up the pace a bit. Cerby," Violence called out.

"Yes, Violence?" my truck responded.

"Can you find where the largest concentration of zombies is around here?" she asked, taking another bite of my ice cream. That bitch.

  "I can," replied Cerberus hesitantly. "There is a large horde about three miles east of us."

"Perfect," said Violence with a giant smile on her face. "That will work perfectly. Head there."

"What do I tell the others?" asked Cerberus, and I could feel his uneasiness throughout the cab of the truck.

"Nothing," I replied, reassuring him that I was fully supporting Violence in this manner. "If they come, they come. Or they can meet us in City H; the choice is theirs."


"You might want to hurry up and follow me," growled a low voice in Chen Zi Han\'s helmet. He looked around and watched as Cerberus quickly turned right, getting off of the highway at an exit that one of them saw coming.

"On our way," replied Liu Wei as he quickly turned Reaper around, causing a cloud of smoke to come up from his tires.

Whatever their Queen had planned, her truck was not comfortable with it. They had better hurry up and get to her side.

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