
Chapter 427 Stay With Her

Once Chen Zi Han was assured that the bed was in perfect condition for their woman, Liu Yu Zeng placed her back in the middle, tucking her in gently. "Are you going to stay with her?" asked Liu Wei, approaching the man.

Wang Chao quickly put her underwear into his pocket and grunted. "You guys need to deal with the Red Dragon shit. I\'ll only be in the way. I\'ll stay here. Once you are done, we will go look at yachts."

Liu Wei raised an eyebrow and looked at the man sitting in front of him. "That bullshit might work on others, but I know you too well," he scoffed. "Next time, just say you want some alone time."

"Fine. I want alone time with her," Wang Chao said, raising an eyebrow of his own.

"Then get undressed and into bed," whispered Liu Yu Zeng as he clapped the other man on the shoulder. "We\'ll be back later."

"Just make sure that you are safe," grunted Wang Chao as he stood up and started to pull off his shirt. "Don\'t wake her up because one of you got hurt."

"What about Bin An Sha?" asked Liu Wei, pulling on a clean white shirt from his brother\'s closet. Grabbing a pair of black pants and a black vest, he quickly got dressed.

"Fuck, forgot about him," snorted Liu Yu Zeng. "Send him out to fight more zombies?"

"If anyone knows what is in that mud water, it would be him," pointed out Wang Chao, taking off his pants. Only in his black boxer briefs, he pulled back the white duvet cover and climbed into the bed. He gently pulled Li Dai Lu in closer, tucking her against his side.

"I\'ll go ask him what could be in it," growled Chen Zi Han. He was fully dressed in his standard black dress pants with a black button-up dress shirt. A silver belt buckle was the only splash of color on him; even his tattoos were hidden away. He adjusted the button on his wrist before looking up at the others.

"Who lives and who dies?" he asked. Liu Yu Zeng handed his friend a new pair of black leather gloves and watched as Chen Zi Han turned into the most feared enforcer in all of Country K.

"You really need to ask?" smirked Liu Yu Zeng as he pulled out a blood-red shirt from his closet. He shrugged it on and started to do up the buttons, only leaving the first two undone. He tucked it into his black dress pants and went back to his closet to find a belt.

"Yeah," grunted Chen Zi Han as he walked over to the door and stood in front of it. His hands were loosely clasped in front of him, his feet shoulder-width apart.

Liu Yu Zeng shrugged on his shoulder holster before tossing a second one to the other man. "Kill them all. I never want to go through this bullshit again," he growled as he checked his guns and put them in their holsters. "Coming back to this was not part of my plan."


"Go get the information we need. We will leave when you are done," said Liu Yu Zeng. Chen Zi Han grunted as he finished putting his guns away and left the room. "Are you coming with us or babysitting?" he asked, turning to his brother.

"I\'ll come with you," said Liu Wei, going into a special drawer in his brother\'s dresser and pulling out a pair of black leather half gloves.

"Be safe, come home," yawned Li Dai Lu, not even bothering to open her eyes. The three men chuckled, and Wang Chao brought the covers up higher, just in case she got cold.

"Always am, always do," said Liu Yu Zeng as he walked over to the bed and gave her a kiss.

"Get some sleep now; we\'ll be back soon. Then we will go shopping for a yacht," chuckled Liu Wei as he waited for his brother to get off the bed before giving her a kiss of his own. She let out a loud yawn and snuggled into Wang Chao\'s embrace.

"Look after her," he said with one last look to Wang Chao.


Liu Wei softly closed the door behind him as he left the room. Turning around, he saw Chen Zi Han standing over a very pissed-off assassin. "Should I even ask?" he said with a sigh. At least they were quiet enough not to wake their Queen.

"The fucker gave Princess a cup full of six different types of mushrooms," growled Chen Zi Han, wanting to pull the other man to his feet just so he could punch him again.

"There was also chai, cocoa, turmeric, sea salt, and cinnamon," growled Bin An Sha as he climbed to his feet. He was still feeling the effects of fighting the zombies and was not in peak condition.

He felt a hand grab his shoulder, spinning him around before another punch landed on his face.

"You fucking idiot!" growled Liu Yu Zeng lowly, "Why the fuck would you give someone that is allergic to mushrooms six different types of mushrooms?"

"Who the Hell is allergic to mushrooms?" scoffed Bin An Sha, looking between the men. Never, in all of his years of medical school, had he ever heard of someone being allergic to mushrooms.

"Li Dai Lu!" said the other three men at the same time. "She is also allergic to alcohol," added Chen Zi Han as an afterthought.

"There is no way that she is allergic to mushrooms. She just probably doesn\'t like them and has made something up to explain why she won\'t eat them," scoffed Bin An Sha. "Less than 0.1% of the population is allergic to mushrooms, and for the most part, it is because they are allergic to mold."

"I don\'t care what you think or what the numbers are. If you ever give her mushrooms again, they will still be finding your body parts ten years from now," threatened Chen Zi Han. 

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