
Chapter 439 No Place Is Safe

"Show us your hands," growled the man in the front, his automatic rifle up and ready to shoot.

"Not going to happen," sighed Chen Zi Han, and I could feel that he was more than a little done with everyone, too. "You are going to let us in, find any furniture our woman wants, and then we are going to turn around and leave."

"I can do without the shopping," I called out. "Can we just go?"

"Sure," said the very reasonable leader. "As long as you give us your trucks and bikes." Okay, so maybe he wasn\'t as reasonable as I originally thought he was.

"You don\'t want them," chuckled Wang Chao, his arms still tight around me. "Trust me on that one."

"I think I know you," said the man, briefly lowering his gun before raising it again.

"No, you really don\'t," sighed Wang Chao. I think the four of us breathed a collected sigh of relief that Wang Chao wasn\'t offering to help the military soldiers. Guess you can teach an old dog new tricks.

"Who are you calling an old dog?" growled Wang Chao with a smile as he looked down at me. Tilting my head back, I returned his smile. "Woof, woof," I barked lightly at him as the men around us let out a low chuckle.

"Hands, now," said the soldier to the right, causing my men to turn around and look at him. Bad move on his part, but who was I to burst his macho bubble? If he wanted to think he was tough shit because he had the gun, then let him.

"No," I said. "You and yours are going to turn around and go back into that store, and we are going to go back on the road. Hopefully, we will never meet again," I continued with a sigh. If nothing else, this encounter has proven to me that Wang Chao would no longer put the military first, so maybe it wasn\'t a total loss.

"No," replied the second guy, repeating my words and tone. "You will be giving us your supplies, and then you can walk your ass wherever you want to go."

"Wait, why am I the one walking?" I asked, turning around in Wang Chao\'s arms to look at the man. "You are the solider; clearly, you should be the one to do the walking."

"Because we have women with us," he replied with a shrug of his shoulders. "And we have the guns."

I paused for a moment, cocking my head to the side and looking at the idiot. He had women with him, which was why he wanted our vehicles, but didn\'t I count as a woman, too? Why should I be walking while they weren\'t?

Well, at least the second half of his statement was easier to deal with than the first half. With a flick of my wrist, I put all of their guns into my space, joining my ever-growing collection of guns. If I knew it was this easy to get guns after the EMP, I never would have negotiated with Wang Chao and Liu Wei as much as I had.

Wang Chao growled, clearly unhappy about my thoughts, but I just shrugged my shoulders. Tell me the lie.

"Now, what were you saying?" I asked as the roar of incoming zombies broke the standoff between us and the men.


"Give us back our guns," said the shit for brains as he took a menacing step toward Princess. Chen Zi Han slid behind the other man and brought a knife to his throat.

"No," whispered Chen Zi Han into his ear. "You don\'t threaten my woman and expect to live."

There was another cry from the approaching zombies, but Chen Zi Han didn\'t even flinch, unlike the man in his arms. "Hurry up and give them back," said the man, turning to look at Chen Zi Han, the whites of his eyes clearly visible. "We are all going to die if you don\'t."

"No, you are going to die," smiled Liu Yu Zeng as he took out his two 9mms and pointed them at the men wanting to rescue their leader. "And we are just going to stand here and watch it happen."

"We risked our lives for you and this country, and this is the way you are going to pay us back for our services?" demanded the man to the right, the one who told Li Dai Lu to walk.

"I don\'t remember having a gun pointed to my head when I enlisted, or maybe that has changed?" mused Liu Wei as he adjusted his glasses. "No, I think I would know if that was part of the new joining instructions."

"You were part of the military?" asked the man as hope started to shine in his eyes. "Then you are one of us."

"Hardly," scoffed Liu Wei. "I am not, nor will I ever be, one of you."

"But you said that you were once in the military. That means that we are brothers, and you never leave a brother behind," said a third man as he took a step forward. However, when Liu Wei pulled out a gun, he quickly came to a stop. "You cannot kill us."

"See, that was what I thought too," nodded Liu Wei, "But then my so-called comrades sent me and mine out on suicide missions simply so they wouldn\'t have to do the hard work. I am a fast learner. I learned my lesson quickly. I suggest you do the same."

"No! You can\'t leave us," said a woman coming out of the store. One of the men quickly turned around and wrapped her up in his arms.

"Mei Mei, it isn\'t safe," he said gently as he tried to lead her back into the store.

"No place is safe," she countered, spinning around and out of the man\'s arms. "Isn\'t that right, General?"

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