
Chapter 453 Plans For The Future

"Yes," I said, my voice catching as it tried to move around the lump in my throat. "You four are always welcome in my room and my bed whenever. There will never be a time that I don\'t want you around."

"Is that your final answer?" asked Chen Zi Han, still staying at the door, but I could see his eyes changing back from black to green. "I warned you I would only ask this once."

"Final answer," I promised him with a watery smile and a nod of my head. 

He strolled forward, pushing Wang Chao and Liu Yu Zeng out of the way with his massive shoulders. Reaching down, he picked me up into his arms and laid down on the bed with me on top. 

"Well, shit," muttered Liu Yu Zeng looking between the two of us. "I never even thought about it." He looked at me seriously, his smirk long gone. "Can I come in too?" he asked, completely serious.

"Yes," I answered, rolling my eyes. The smile on my face was bright, and I was feeling a million times lighter than I had in God only knows how long. Too many lifetimes that was for sure. 

"I am not going to ask," said Wang Chao as Liu Yu Zeng went to the bed and laid back down. "I don\'t care what happened to you in another lifetime. I don\'t care what horrors you survived or how many scars you have as a result. Every last experience that you lived through has turned you into the woman you are today, the one that I am in love with. I am yours; however, you want me; for as long as you want me. And if and when you decide you no longer want me, I will still be beside you in the shadows. Even if you couldn\'t ever bring yourself to have anyone touch you for the rest of your life, I will still be by your side, thanking both Heaven and Hell that I met you. So you better get used to that."

I raised an eyebrow at Wang Chao\'s impassioned speech. 

"You don\'t care what happened to me?" I asked with a smirk. I knew what he was trying to say, but I would have to admit that the delivery left something to be desired. 

He shrugged his shoulders and turned to Liu Wei beside me. Following his gaze, I blinked at the man. 

"It completely tears him up inside to know that something like that happened to you," said Liu Wei, looking deep into my eyes. "It kills him that he wasn\'t there to protect you so that you would never have to experience something like that. However, since you did, it has changed nothing. You are still more important to him than his next breath. He is going to go and rain down terror like the Reavers have never known until they are on their knees in front of you, begging for mercy."

My eyes widened, and I turned back to Wang Chao. He simply shrugged his shoulders, "What he said."

Looking at Liu Wei, I blinked. "Ditto," he replied with a smirk on his face.

"But now that we have covered why we are going to go on a murderous rampage, what do you want to happen?" asked Liu Yu Zeng. His eyes changed to two black holes on his face before he blinked, and he was back. 

I guess the guys were taking the news harder than they wanted me to know, but then again, how could they not?

"I need to find a healer. Unfortunately, I have no idea her name or anything about her, really," I said, not sure how I should explain this. Even I couldn\'t figure out why she was so important to me. "I know that she had a fiancé called Bain Long Qiang, that she was from City D, and that she died so I could escape the Reavers."

"Bai Long Qiang?" said Liu Wei, looking at me with a confused look on his face. "The guy from City D that was there for the City J zombie tide? That Bai Long Qiang?"

"Surprise," I said with a hesitant smile on my face. 

"That was why he was so important to you," said Wang Chao as the pieces clicked into place. "He was the healer\'s fiancé."

"Exactly. I needed him to go save her," I nodded. "I want her saved, but I also want to take revenge on the Reavers. When I originally thought I was doing this by myself, I couldn\'t guarantee that I could do both successfully. I told him where to find her and when she would be there, but I couldn\'t tell him anything else. After all, all I knew was based on my previous life and not the current timeline."

"Did you set anyone else up to help?" asked Liu Yu Zeng, and I could tell that he was a bit upset that I had planned to leave them to go out on my own, but that was three years ago. I have since changed my mind… obviously.

"Rip," said Chen Zi Han. "That was how she originally knew him. He was at the Reaver camp, too."

"More than that… Rip is a Reaver," continued Liu Wei, nodding his head as his mind spun. "He was there at the camp, and if that happened in this lifetime, then he would already be in place to help the healer."

I nodded my head.

"But how were you originally planning on getting into the camp yourself?" asked Liu Yu Zeng, staring me down from where he was lying at my feet.

I wrinkled my nose, not really wanting to tell him that answer. "Little one," growled Wang Chao from where he stood. "Answer the question."

"I know where they found me the first time, so I was planning on going there and waiting for them to \'catch\' me." 

"And I am going to assume that that is no longer part of your plan… right?" growled Chen Zi Han.

None of the guys were happy when I didn\'t answer his question.

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