
Chapter 462 The First Meeting

Unfortunately, the woman before him, leaning on the toilet, was none of those things, and he didn\'t say that just because she was sick. 

The first time he had come across a spirit user in his travels, he had been taken in for a while, believing everything the man had said. But one day, he woke up, and it was like he was blocked from whatever compulsion he was originally under. He saw the stench of pure evil coming off the man, and he was seeing it again coming off this \'savior\'.

"Unfortunately, Wu Bai Hee hasn\'t been granted a power yet," said the leader of the city, Zhao Jun Jie. Bin An Sha turned to look at the man who was slowly backing out of the bathroom with a look of confusion on his face. 

"I\'m sorry," he said, shaking his head. He must have misheard. There was no way that this woman was not a spirit user, given the level of fanaticism the average person had when it came to her. It was either that she had a power that she wasn\'t admitting to, or she was just that good at tyrannical manipulation. Or both. "Did you say that she wasn\'t a power user?"

"No, I\'m afraid that God just hasn\'t granted me that privilege. But I do what I can for the people with what I have," the woman in question said softly as she looked up at him from underneath her lashes. Bin An Sha looked her straight in the eyes and smirked. 

"I am sure that you do everything you can," he said, sounding reassuring, but his words rang hollow. Wu Bai Hee froze for a moment, a bead of sweat appearing on her forehead that had nothing to do with morning sickness. 

"Do you think you can help her? It kills me inside to have to watch her suffer," asked Zhao Jun Jie, a frown marring his perfect face. 

"May I suggest going into another room and putting on noise-canceling headphones or even going out for a walk?" responded Bin An Sha. "That way, you won\'t have to see or hear her."

"I\'m sorry, did you say something?" muttered the other man as he looked at Bin An Sha. "I didn\'t hear you."

"I said that a nice walk would do her well during her pregnancy," repeated Bin An Sha louder. "Although some women never experience morning sickness during their pregnancy, 70% of all pregnant women will experience some level of nausea or vomiting in the first trimester. In contrast, 3 out of every 100 women might experience something called hyperemesis gravidarum, in which morning sickness lasts all 40 weeks of pregnancy. May I ask how far along you are?"

"I don\'t know," replied Wu Bai Hee, her face turning pale at the very idea of being sick for her entire pregnancy. It would literally be a fate worse than death. 

"Well, can you at least remember when you last menstruated?" sighed Bin An Sha, now wishing that he had never answered the door. The longer he stayed close to this woman, the more his skin was crawling. How anyone could touch her enough to procreate was just mind-blowing.

This time, Wu Bai Hee turned bright red and looked between the two men standing over top of her.  "I don\'t really remember."

"It was three weeks ago," pipped up Zhao Jun Jie. "Remember, you told me that you weren\'t interested in sex because you were on your rag? You don\'t have to be embarrassed. It is completely normal. Besides, he is a doctor; I am sure that he has heard and seen much worse."

"If you could help her over to the couch, I will try to see what is going on. Most times, it takes almost six weeks before the symptoms of morning sickness are experienced," said Bin An Sha, stepping out of the way so he didn\'t have to get so close to the woman. 

"Of course, of course," nodded Zhao Jun Jie as he ran in and gently picked his woman up. He held his breath until he was outside of the bathroom and strolled over to the couch to put his delicate burden down. "How is this?"

"Good," grunted the healer, not bothering to get too close. 

"You can fix her from all the way over there?" asked Zhao Jun Jie. 

"I can. It is one of the benefits of having the healing power," grunted Bin An Sha. He brushed the green flame deep down inside and used that to coat his eyes, letting him see exactly what was going on with Wu Bai Hee. 

"The baby is about 3.5 cm long," said Bin An Sha, coming back out of the healing trance. "And everything looks to be developing properly."

"That is such a relief," sighed Zhao Jun Jie, looking at the mother of his child. 

"Unfortunately for you, since the fetus is 3.5 cm long, it makes it roughly ten weeks old. This means you are well into the middle of your third month, and your morning sickness should have been getting better by now. I suggest that you take better care of what you are eating to help prevent vomiting," smiled Bin An Sha as he turned around and saw himself out. 

"Wait! Ten Weeks?!?" demanded Zhao Jun Jie, but the other man was long gone.


I looked at the carnage around me and sighed. I really only had myself to blame, I guess; I told him to have fun.

I was still sitting in the same booth, completely surrounded by blood. There were some very happy zombies crunching away on the screaming men off in a corner, but I could ignore them for the most part. What I was having trouble dealing with was Shorty kneeling in front of me, his pants wet with both blood and urine. 

"Please," he begged, rubbing his hands together like he was praying to a deity. "Please don\'t kill me."

Liu Yu Zeng happily sat down beside me, his knuckles split with how hard he was hitting the guards. 

"But I thought this was your world now?"

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