
Chapter 42 - Alex To Sign An IOU

Chapter - 42

Listening to the screams, all the ladies in the office rushed towards Alex\'s desk only to stand gawked at the scene in front of them.

Karen was groaning in pain while she lay on Alex\'s chest. On the other hand, Alex had his hand all over her butt. Karen could feel Alex trace his hand all over her butt, leaving her flush red with embarrassment. Karen wanted to stand up, but she had no idea how she was going to face her subordinates standing right beside them. But it was not just Karen in the pickle, Alex too was having a reaction. He could feel the softness of her breast on his chest while his hand was on her firm ass. Alex wanted to give her ass a little squeeze, but with the incident of the previous night still vivid in his mind, he held himself back.

"Are you going to help?" Alex asked, looking at the ladies standing there, doing nothing.

All the ladies stood there gawked at the scene in front of them until they were brought back to their senses by Alex\'s voice. Hearing Alex, Ellaine came forward and helped Karen stand up while Amber gave a hand to Alex. Adjusting her clothes, Karen didn\'t want to spend a single second more between the ladies. She looked at Alex with resentment and complaint, to which Alex could only look everywhere else but her.

"Come with me," Karen said and left for her office. Hearing her, Alex sighed in dejection. He looked around only to see the other ladies looking at him with pity. Jennifer said some words of encouragement to him, but not all were there sympathising with him. There were some who had a playful smile on their face, enjoying his misery.

On the one hand, Jennifer was trying to encourage him. While on the other, Hazel and Ellaine had something else bothering them.

"How was it?" Ellaine asked after Jennifer was done with her preaching.

"How was what?" Alex asked, confused and bothered by how close she was.

"Don\'t act all innocent. You very well know what we are talking about," It was Hazel this time, almost falling over him.

With them almost falling over him, Alex was getting uncomfortable. He raised his hands, and with his index fingers on their forehead, pushed them away.

"Now, let\'s not beat around the bush. I am already getting late for the bashing," Alex said, feeling downcast about what was going to happen later.

"How was that ass?" Ellaine and Hazel asked at the same time, "Was it firm? Soft? Squishy? How was it?"

"I... I..." Alex stammered to answer that.

"C\'mon, tell us. Even I have been tempted for so long to feel that ass," Ellaine winked as she grabbed Alex\'s ass gave it a squeeze.

"Eeehh..." Alex let out a squeal in surprise.

"Enough. Let him go," Jennifer, when saw Hazel try and grab Alex by his other butt cheek, she intervened.

"You are no fun," Hazel said, followed by Ellaine, who let go of Alex\'s ass but not before giving it one last squeeze.

Alex didn\'t spare a second before running away from all the sexual harassment he was facing, but he did pledge to get even with both of them sooner or later.

Inside Karen\'s office,

Karen sat in her seat while Alex stood in front of her. She wanted to pierce through Alex with her glares.

"I was not going to pursue what you did yesterday," Finally, Karen initiated the dialogue. Her gaze, not leaving Alex\'s face for a second.

"But why am I sensing a \'big butt\' here?" Alex said and started laughing... It was a fake laugh over a very bad PJ, and Karen wasn\'t very amused by it.

"\'BUT\' because of what just happened now ---" Karen said, interrupting Alex in his fake laughing.

"Whatever happened just now, was in no way my fault. You creeped onto me out of nowhere and scared the shit out of me. You are lucky that I am generous enough not to sue you for mental and physical assault," Alex tried to defend himself and ended up saying rubbish.

"What?" Karen was dumbfounded to hear what Alex just said, \'He wasn\'t serious, was he?\' she thought.

"And about what happened yesterday, what explanation do you want, huh...? I kissed you, so what? I just felt like doing it. It was your fault to look like you know--- kind of--- you know--- sensual?" Alex just went on and on while keeping a brave front and throwing more rubbish reasoning at her. But inside his brain, everything was playing in just the opposite way, \'Now is the time, get on your knees and beg for forgiveness. She might not sue you for sexual assault. What the hell are you saying? Why has your tongue suddenly got a brain of itself? Control it, you sick pervert. Ahh... I am doomed. Please God, send someone through that damn door to save me from my own damn tongue.\'

Karen looked at Alex, appalled by his words, "Who are you? You are not the same soft-spoken, cute, innocent, pure Alex anymore. You are more of a loudmouth and a pervert?" Karen said, looking at him in the eyes.

"Chief, let\'s not call each other names. How about we... both of us just forget... let\'s see... Ummm... the last eighteen hours or so?" Alex calculated on his hand and suggested a truce, a way out.
"So you want me to just forget everything, like snap... whoosh, and everything vanishes in thin air. This is what you are suggesting?" Karen asked.

"Yes, something along those lines," Alex said nervously.

"And why should I do that? I can easily call the police, get you fired and arrested if I want to," with a smirk on her face, Karen said.

"Chief, how can you do that to me? Look at this face," Alex said as he went forward and bent on her desk with his face hardly a foot away from her. "Don\'t you feel even a tiny bit of empathy towards this face?" Alex tried to emotionally blackmail her.

"Why would I?" Karen said, looking unfazed.

"Chief..." Alex almost wept in front of her.

"Kid, when you are trying to make a deal, you have to bring something to the negotiation table. Emotions don\'t work everywhere," Karen said, belittling Alex.

"What do you want?" Finally, seeing some hope, Alex was eager to grab onto the opportunity. Anything will be better than prison right now.

"I haven\'t thought about it. I want you to sign an IOU for me, and I will keep that as an assurance. In exchange, I will brush away the last eighteen hours as you suggested, but there won\'t be a second time, mind it. And I don\'t want to find you utter a single word about what happened yesterday to anyone. Do we have an agreement?" Karen stated her terms to Alex.

"Aye--- aye--- Chief," Happy with the way things ended, Alex gave her a pirate salute. Thinking that everything was clear now, Alex turned around to leave but was stopped by Karen.

"You sly kid, where are you off to?" Alex turned to find Karen looking at him with an amused yet questionable look, as she extended a sheet of blank paper towards him.

"What?" Alex had this innocent, unknown look, "And stop with \'kid this\', \'kid that,\' You are barely older than me," Alex said, irritated with the way she addressed him.

"Whatever... Write that IOU right now," Karen ignored Alex\'s bickering and waved the sheet in front of him.

Alex snatched the sheet from her and hurriedly jotted down whatever Karen dictated. Basically, according to the IOU, Alex was supposed to fulfil three of Karen\'s wishes whenever and wherever she wants them fulfilled.

This was Karen\'s version, but Alex added a condition to it. From this moment onwards, if Karen refers to him as \'kid,\' this IOU will be treated as null and void.

With the IOU in her hand, Karen had a wide smile on her face. After she had enough of it, she put the IOU in her desk, and turning towards Alex, she said, "Hehehe... now go and bring me the presentation you prepared. We need to go through it once before the meeting," Karen said, getting back to her usual self.

"Yes, chief," Alex said, not so happy now. Now he was feeling as if he got swindled by Karen. She didn\'t look in the least bit upset about neither what happened yesterday nor what happened today.

"Silly," Karen murmured when Alex walked out of the door.

When Alex opened the door, he found all the ladies standing outside the door, trying to peek inside.

"What happened? Is she angry?" Jennifer asked with concern. Out of all the ladies, she was the one who cared about others the most. In every situation, she was more concerned about the person than the situation itself.

"Nah… she just scolded me a little, and then it was all sorted. Now she wants me to bring the report for the final review before the meeting," Alex said, and the ladies finally eased up.

"That\'s good then" Jennifer nodded.

Alex grabbed his laptop and went back to Karen\'s cabin.

For the next one hour or so, they went through the details of the presentation. Karen gave her suggestions and helped him modify the report wherever necessary.

After they were done,

"Make about thirty copies of this report. Let me know when you are done. We will leave for the meeting before five," Karen said as she handed him the USB.

Alex nodded and got himself busy next to the photocopy machine.

At fifteen to five, Karen came to Alex, and both of them headed towards the meeting room on the seventh floor, which was used for all department meetings.

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