
Chapter 31 - Team White

Everyone walked around trying to find their teammates. Sam and Suzan came to me who was still sitting there not knowing how to approach my team, especially when they might think I am the dead weight.

Suzan jumped, with a gleaming smile, "are you excited for tomorrow Selene? I won\'t be able to sleep tonight because of this excitement!"

I smiled, forgetting my worry for a while, Suzan had the power to do that without even trying. "Can\'t wait for tomorrow, Which group are you in Suzan?"

She held up her blue ball, "I\'m blue" she said a little disappointed that we won\'t be in it together. "How about you Sam?"

"White!" He said with a big grin holding his task ball up, I wasn\'t concerned with him. I can tell he was simply glad to have me in his team. But what about the others?

"What, not fair! You are in the same team, I want to be with you guys as well", whined Suzan. I couldn\'t help but feel like patting her head to show I care for her, but I couldn\'t bring myself to do it.

I looked back at Sam and asked, "who else is there with us in team white?"

"Let me check," turning back Sam shouted, "any member of the white group waiting back?"

The other four members came ahead and finally, our group formed. One of the twins was in our team, Arina came forward as well, the pink-haired girl - Hailey was with us and an unknown member was there.

Hailey being in my group already had me concerned, if my gut feelings are right I wouldn\'t want to have a duel with her in stage two.

Sam waved silent hello to everyone, "Everyone, let\'s do our best tomorrow"

A seductive voice followed filled with irritation, "Sam, Stop trying to be the leader already, we know you aren\'t becoming the Beta for certain." Hailey walked past him and stood in front of me, my lips were sealed as I didn\'t want to create an unnecessary problem for myself. "Let\'s win tomorrow Selene, I\'m looking forward to fighting you in the next stage," she winked and simply walked away.

A cold shiver ran down my spine, her bloodlust was oozing out and me. My gut feeling was rightly confirmed by her, she was looking forward only towards stage two: the duel between us members.

I have had a few duels in my life with my trainer and some with my maid, Dandeline. But going against Hailey would mean going against death, I knew one thing for sure - she wasn\'t in this to be the Beta, she just wanted to fight.

Sam came ahead and put a comforting hand on my shoulder, "Ignore her Selene, her only passion in life is fighting."

"Yes, just ignore her like the rest of us do", added Arina.

I sighed trying to put my concerns in the back of my head, "Thanks, I will be ignoring her as much as I can"

The other two teammates just stood there not actually getting involved in our small comforting session. "Hie I am Selene, can you please introduce yourself again? I kind of forgot with so many members", I said scratching the back of my head naively.

The one twin who was with us laughed, "it\'s okay Selene! You\'ll tend to confuse me a lot with my brother. Hie I\'m Connie" and he extended his arm ahead.

I took it, shaking his hand politely, "Nice to meet you, Connie. You are the mentalist right?"

"Yes," He answered, "but I specialize in dreams unlike Donnie, my brother, who specializes in hypnosis. Well, our powers complement each other when we use them together, you will know that as you get to know us more"

"Oh! That\'s an awesome skill, how do you do the memory erase thing?" My curiosity had already peaked when they had mentioned it during introductions.

Connie laughed as if he felt nice about my question, "That is something that happens when our skills combine, unfortunately, you won\'t get to see it now as he is in the other team."

"Oh that\'s okay, after the competition I would love to see it in action," I wanted to see how it worked and more than all of that I wanted it to be worked on me, just to see how it felt forgetting all the worst of my memories for a moment.

The other unknown lady came ahead, she looked older than all of us and her face was covered with beautiful freckles with mid-length straight black hair, "before I introduce myself, I want to say sorry. We thought you killed John so we badmouthed you, but honestly speaking no matter how much I adored John\'s work - He deserved it!"

Her words left me speechless, I knew there were still members who were not ready to accept it. But at least she was fine, this meant some members had changed their mind, just awkward to admit it.

"It\'s okay, let\'s forget about it and move onward", I said with a smile on my face. There was no way I was holding any grudge when their feelings were justified, "Sorry I didn\'t catch your name"

She smiled back, extending her hand which I gladly took, "Welcome to our pack Selene, I\'m Diana!"

"Hello, Diana, nice to meet you!" Now I was curious about her ability as I had not paid much attention to it, "what was your special ability again?"

Diana laughed, "it\'s not that special, you know how we telecommunicate as werewolves?" My head nodded in a Yes to her question, "Our thoughts can leak to the entire pack if everyone is standing close. I can make it so that only the person you want it to reach, only they will hear your telecommunication along with me"

"Woah! That\'s an extremely useful ability in battles, I mean only Alpha can pinpoint people and talk to them we Omega don\'t have that privilege," I was actually Alpha blooded so that was not really helpful for me, but I want to hide my identity then using Diana\'s ability would be better for me.

As a team, Diana could be the most useful person tomorrow, and we had pretty decent members so a strategy was a must for us to win with the added weight of a handicapped player.

"Okay since we all know each other now, wanna go for dinner? I\'m so very hungry!" Said Connie with an innocent face and that felt like a better way to discuss the tactics.

A dinner together will give us some time to get to know each other along with planning a proper strategy to win and there was no better and stranded place than my house to do it.

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