
Chapter 34 - Stage 1 Horns

An air horn was heard and everyone\'s attention turned towards the noise. Channing was standing there in his joggers and a yellow hoodie that perfectly complimented his skin texture, "good morning teams, I see all three teams are here so why wait any further?"

All the running members crowded around him as he continued his speech, "okay everyone form groups as per their team colour, I hope everyone has their respective colourful ball. So as I told you yesterday, these balls have a task inside them and these tasks have nothing to do with your skills as beta. It\'s a pure elimination game, so enjoy!"

A silent commotion raised among the teams, I looked around as I understood the reason and intention of the elimination round but not how to open the ball. Everyone else was equally confused.

"Channing but how do we know our task?" Someone from the team black asked when I raised my hand as if showing they showed it is gonna be them who is getting all the attention. I couldn\'t see them and I didn\'t care as long as the question was answered.

Channing shrugged casually, "didn\'t I tell you it is inside the ball, it is right in your hand"

Somewhere I knew this was about to happen. Even if Channing said this is an elimination round, it was still a test for Beta and every tiny detail can make a difference.

I raised my hand again, " Channing, how does the lock on this ball operate?"

"Oh!" He exclaimed as if it just had to be the right kind of question, "The KEY to open it is at the far end of this village inside \'the No Man\'s Land!\' Complete it before 2 P.M. today! You have eight total hours to finish."

His wrist twisted as he noted the timing on his watch. More than all of that he gave bare minimum information to my question, leaving the rest for us to find out.

"Eight hours!" Exclaimed someone, "isn\'t that too much?"

"And why is the key inside the no man\'s land? It can be dangerous, the Waterwoods can attack", said another voice.

Channing ignored all of their complaints and raised the horn up in the air, "game begins, Now!" And a loud sound was released from the horn.

"Wait just like that?", I said astonished and Channing just walked away without answering any question further. Unlike his usual childish personality he was very serious today, was it because of what happened with the previous Beta, John was troubling him.

I saw the team black all transform into their wolves without second thought tearing their clothes to shreds and make a run straight towards the border of Winterwells, beyond which was the no man\'s land.

Diana shouted, "what are we waiting for? Come on, make a run!" And turned herself into a werewolf.

"Wait!" I exclaimed, "we might be needing human hands for the tasks later on, if everyone transforms we won\'t be able to turn back human without clothes. Let\'s not stray away from our strategy"

"I\'ll carry the clothes!", said Arina.

I looked around, the team blue was still waiting and planning something. We had no place to change nearby.

"We won\'t get time to change, we have to go half and half as planned" I replied to Arina.

"She is right," spoke Hailey, already getting on everyone\'s nerves, but her words were more focused on teamwork right now. "I don\'t know what your stupid strategy is but we can\'t be wasting time, if we are given 8 hours it means the task is long enough!"

It was irritating that she agreed with me but it was better. Sam agreed with her this time, "Yes tasks are bound to be long, let\'s stick to the strategy. Half of us turn to wolf and the other half rides"

"RIDE!" Exclaimed Hailey as if it was the stupidest thing ever said, "is that the strategy? We werewolves are not accustomed to that, no matter how stronger we get it is gonna be a big hassle"

Diana\'s wolf growled at Hailey, as a telecommunication voice leaked, "do you have anything better, Hailey?"

Hailey carelessly walked closer to Diana\'s wolf who stood taller than her, "wanna try me, Diana? Want me to remind you how you regretted the last time you did that"

There was already a fight folding up here, keeping them in a team with Hailey bursting like fireworks would get really tough.

Sam was the first to step in as expected, pushing them both back, "look keep this attitude for the next stage, right now there is no better strategy for faster travelling so let us stick to it"

Diana huffed turning around and Hailey did not even budge, Sam was the one who had to back up.

I sighed looking at the amazing teamwork folding up. We were to pair up in two - 1 in werewolf form and 1 retaining human form, it was better for me to pair up with Hailey irrespective of her bloodthirsty eyes on me.

"Okay, let\'s start fast and pair up as decided. Arina joins Diana and Diana please keep your abilities working all the time," I said to get going fast or there might start a battle right here.

Sam removed his shirt showing off his lean yet muscular body, "I will turn into my wolf and pair up with Hailey"

He was trying to take the heavyweight off us but there was no way I was letting that happen, "Sam you pair up with Connie, I will go with Hailey"

He tried to protest but I was already standing beside Hailey, with my back at him. "I will turn, you ride," I spoke to Hailey

"Wait! I\'ll do it," she said, rolling her eyes, "I\'m stronger than you entire lot of weaklings, plus I know the forest thicket better than you Selene", And she turned herself. I felt like it was a taunt for when I fell last time running full speed through the forest.

"Hold tight!" Hailey communicated as I got on her and she sped off towards the border.

I turned back to check everyone else and they were running right behind us, careful of their rider, unlike Hailey. The blue team followed our strategy with 3 of them turned wolves and 2 members riding on the back.

Werewolves are double the size of a normal wolf and relatively five times stronger than a human, they are not used to carrying weight on their back though!

This must be tough for Diana, Sam and Hailey to carry us and run. Diana and Sam were finding it a bit difficult, but Hailey was running freely without compromising her speed at all as if I wasn\'t there, not caring whether I might fall.

After the clear ground, we rushed into the woods and Hailey didn\'t slow down, as if she knew the road so well that she could run eyes closed here.

"Hailey, slowdown! We might fall!" I shouted but she didn\'t bother.

I held on to her tighter in the fear of falling, I really hated this girl! I just hoped we reached No Man\'s Land safely. And Hailey doesn\'t cause any problem for us.

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