
Chapter 2324 The Reliable Quinn

Lack of sleep, a possible stalker, and all in all in her midlife crises, she wondered how her day could get any worse, but Jessica soon was going to find out that it easily could get worse.

"Wait a second, why are you dumping three new recruits on me?" Jessica asked. "There are other squads, shouldn\'t they at least be spread out or something! So why are you doing this to me?"

"Look, all the other captains have their hands extremely busy. Besides, you being the youngest must have the best idea as to how they felt, so treat them well." Barbra said, turning around not giving a chance for Jessica to say anymore.

She had to admit, she felt bad, but there was nothing she could do, this was an order from Andy, and they weren\'t to question it. It was quite clear that the three new recruits had connections of some kind, because they hadn\'t even gone through any form of assessment and yet here they were.

Heading into her office, she could see Galanar and the two others in her squad, Stacy and Gabe. This was her small investigation team that would deal with cases, and now standing up against a wall, there were three figures.

They stood there straight with their hands behind their backs. Jesscia looked at all three of them up and down.

The three new recruits were, of course, Quinn, Hikel and Edvard. Quinn had the special mud mask, so he looked nothing like he had done before. Whereas Edvard and Hikel, they had gone out buying wigs, changing their hair style and adding a few features to their face here and there.

They were unrecognisable compared to before, and since their faces weren\'t well known in the first place, they thought it was the perfect disguise.

"You three, state your name and speciality!" Jessica asked.

"My name is Edwood!" Edvard declared. "I am an extremely lucky person. With me around you will see fortune in everything."

Jessica looked at the vampire like he was a crazy person, and her immediate thought if a person said they were just lucky, was that they were an idiot and \'useless.\'

"And you?" Jessica asked, moving down the line.

"I am Hike." Hikel answered. "I have the ability to blow things up with my blood. Although I am also quite fast and nimble, and have the mind for seeing the bigger picture of things."

The response from Hike seemed pretty good. Although, there was a fine line between being confident and bragging and she would just have to see how he would do down the line.

Finally, she walked over to the last vampire, there was nothing special from him based on his looks. A plain face, plain black haircut, if she saw him before on the street she would have never recognised him, yet even then, she felt like he stood out the most.

"Same question?" Jessica asked.

The others had answered somewhat truthfully, that way, if they needed to use their powers there wasn\'t so much of a surprise, but Quinn couldn\'t just use his shadow powers here. So the others wondered what his answer would be.

"My name is Bake." Quinn answered, thinking that he couldn\'t keep using Buinn, in case there were those that knew about the fake name as well. "I am nothing special like the last two, but I will tell you one thing. I am a reliable person.

"If you are ever in trouble, need someone to talk to, or need anything at all, then I will be there to help you."

When Quinn said these words, he didn\'t break eye contact, and stared directly at Jessica. She felt her cheeks heat up a little, she didn\'t know why, but she felt like this vampire was telling the truth.

Meanwhile, Galanar, at the back, folded his arms, and felt a little sick.

"I can\'t believe someone could come in and say something so cheesy."

Jessica went on to inform the three about the rules in the Vampire Corps. What their role would be for the time being, as they were each to assist a different person, just shadowing them for the time being.

She also went through what would happen if there was the sound of an alarm, and what to do on an active case, as well as days where their squad was on patrol duty. Which for them would be tomorrow.

On patrol they would just walk around the city, until they were called in for a case that would occur. They were to always move as a unit in cases involving vampires, no matter how low the risk.

This was because they never knew how strong the vampire they were going up against would be.

Jessica had handed each person off, with Quinn going with Galanar. They didn\'t do much and eventually it came to lunch.

"You guy\'s go ahead." Jessica said. "I\'m going to rest my eyes for a bit."

The others went out of the office heading to the canteen, and the last one to leave was Quinn. He stood by the door looking back at her, and the two made eye contact once again.

"Just go, you don\'t have to worry about me." Jessica said.

"Just if there\'s anything you want to talk about." Quinn added, leaving it to her.


When the group got their food, Galanar couldn\'t help but stare at Quinn constantly, he had noticed Jessica glance his way a few times already.

"Hey, I just want to let all of you new guys know, that Jessica is already taken, by me." Galanar claimed.

"In what world is that true?" Gabe said. "She\'s rejected you a million times already."

"Yes, but I can tell that she just has these high walls up. I\'m breaking them down slowly." Galarar explained. "Imagine this, I do all the hard work breaking down a wall, I finally do it, and someone just jumps over and steals the treasure."

When he finished his sentence he was looking toward Quinn.

"Hey hey, I think you have it all wrong, young one." Edvard said.

Based on outward looks Edvard did look older than Galanar but it was always difficult to tell with vampires. In this case though, due to being in a higher position, Galanar expected some respect but the vampire was talking so casually to him.

"You see, this one already has a wife and kids, he is happily married, so you don\'t have to worry about any of that." Edvard said.

Galanar felt a sigh of relief, and it was at that point he realised, he thought if the two of them would have to go over competition over Jessica, then he would lose.

"I am worried about her though." Quinn asked. "She did seem a little tired, her mind heavy on things. Has anything happened that\'s been unusual lately?"

The others thought about it, and they had noticed her acting strange.

"I think it all started when she was talking about that letter." Stacy commented.

"Oh yeah, but Galanar, weren\'t you the one that sent that letter?"

"No, I told you guys already that it wasn\'t me, I wasn\'t lying about that, I have no reason to lie about that. Besides, don\'t you think that\'s a step too far, going to her apartment? I don\'t want to be seen as a creep."

The others wondered if they had found something.

"Can you explain exactly what was in these letters?" Quinn asked.


Back at her desk, Jessica was surprisingly able to sleep. Her eyes were shut and she started to dream. She was chasing after a criminal, and in the fight, she had been kicked in the face hard. At that moment, her contact had come out, revealing that one of her eyes was glowing yellow.

There were so many that were pointing at her, looking at her in disgust as if she didn\'t fit in.

Then the yellow energy, the dhampir energy completely consumed her. The energy blasted up high and into the air, creating some sort of rift in the clouds.

When looking up, she could see a red swirling sky in the hole she had just created.

"Ah!" Jessica woke up, her heart beating fast. "That was a strange dream."

Trying to forget about the dream she continued to work, and opened up her drawer underneath her desk to put some files in, and that\'s when she saw it, another letter in a white envelope.



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