
Chapter 10: Oop

Chapter 10: Oop

I looked at Nathan blankly, while he did the same back to me. The reality of the situation was sinking in. Somehow, with the power of two people, we were supposed to feed eighteen thousand people.

The biggest problem with this was that in the game you actually had to make several encounters with people by chance. It was going to be hard to replicate that because the game didn\'t specify exact dates and times as to where to go.

While both of us memorized what we had to do, at the end of the day, games weren\'t all that specific in their execution. It was a game after all, not a manual.

I tapped my chin a few times.

"...I guess you should try the game\'s method if you can, but if it doesn\'t work then it doesn\'t work."

Nathan nodded.

"I\'ll try, but it\'s definitely not going to be easy. To be honest, I don\'t have much faith, especially with the first encounter..."

I narrowed my eyes rather intensely too. He had to first meet a man named Bernie. The thing was, he just so happened to be at the bar at a certain time. After that, he would appear again and he would have to meet him as he was leaving.

Not to mention the timing, Nathan would have to act properly in both encounters.

The only thing I could do was pray that he got lucky.

I shook my head.

"Alright... while you work on that, maybe I\'ll do the same thing the church does, by handing out food and stuff like that."

Nathan looked him straight in the face.

"So how are you going to convince the chefs?"

I paused.

Hm. You know, I didn\'t really think about that part. But I mean... surely it would work out somehow? How would I even know how much money I owned anyway?

Man, actually doing things is confusing...

Nathan waved his hand.

"Anyway, I should probably go back now. I still have to deal with figuring out things at home on my own end. Thanks for helping me figure out where it was though."

I gave him a thumbs up.

"No problem. Just don\'t fuck up too bad."

Nathan clicked his tongue.

"Fine, I\'ll try my best not to."

And so, I took Nathan out to the entrance of the manor, called a servant to prepare a carriage, and sent him back. Thankfully, they actually were able to find out where his home was by asking around, so it was all fine.

From there, I went back to my own room and plopped down on my bed. Honestly, for a noble bed, it wasn\'t as soft as I imagined, but it was still better than my bed on Earth. I began to wonder how the mother and child Nathan and I saved were doing.

From the blurry memories I can recall, they seemed pretty distressed over our death, but hopefully, that wouldn\'t traumatize them that bad. I then began to think of our other friends.

While Nathan and I were best friends, it\'s not like we didn\'t have others. Were they grieving over our death? Hopefully not too much, especially considering that we did reincarnate, so there\'s really nothing to feel sorry about.

As that was going through my mind, I realized it was starting to get late. I always take a shower before going to bed, so I got up and resolved to do that. In the process of searching my room, I ended up finding the bathroom, so there were no worries there.

Though, When I did end up getting to the bathroom, I saw Jess was there. She had her arms crossed and was glaring at me.

"Why did you eat lunch early?"

I looked back at her dumbfounded. I mean, despite exploring the entire damn place I didn\'t see even our mother or our father, so it was pretty clear we didn\'t eat together as a family.

"Um, I just happened to be there with Natan, so we just ate."

Jess clenched her fists rather tightly before scoffing.

"Fine then."

With that, she stormed off, leaving me standing there awkwardly. I blinked a few times and spoke to myself.

"Is she a brocon or does she hate me? This is... confusing."

I shook my head and went into the bath. It was larger than I expected and I also fumbled around quite a bit, but I was able to get by. For a moment, I wondered how there was hot water, but remembered this was a place of swords and magic.

While simmering in the hot water, I contemplated how luxurious my life had suddenly become. But really, I didn\'t care all that much for that. Maybe it was because I grew up without a lot of money.

Though, shouldn\'t growing up in a poor household make you greedy?

Eh, I\'m not really a human psyche type of guy so I guess I wouldn\'t know.

They had soap by the way, though it was crude bar soap rather than things like shampoo and body wash. Regardless, it was good enough. I left the bath with a new change of clothes. They were already prepared and set aside when I got in.

Upon returning to my room, I couldn\'t help but think about those magical diagrams on my desk. As such, I decided to look at some of them.

...And didn\'t understand anything about them.

There were a series of lines connecting various things within spheres, which seemed to create a spell. As for why it was like that, I had no idea. I tried to cross-reference it with other diagrams, but it still didn\'t make any sense at all.

I couldn\'t help but get a bad feeling for magic class, but shoved it to the back of my mind.

It took me a while to realize, but I marveled at the fact that it seemed Bryson had actually drawn these diagrams himself. The ink looked kinda fresh, meaning it was probably yesterday that he worked on all these. I guess that was to be expected of someone who worked hard to get a perfect test score.

I stretched and let out a yawn before going to bed. While feeling myself fall asleep, I feel like I heard a click of some kind. But I was probably just overthinking things.


The next day came, and I felt my neck felt really sore, while I was sweating in what felt like a fiery pit of a bed. I threw off the sheets immediately to cool down a bit and panicked somewhat.

Did I get sick?

I put a hand to my forehead, feeling the heat. But it wasn\'t that bad.

Damn, I swear I put my head in the proper position so that it doesn\'t get sore. After cracking my neck with a frown I got up and made my way down. There was already food prepared in the dining room, and Jess was sitting down in one of the seats.

Though it was a fairly big table, there was only a plate prepared for the seat next to her.

...Did the servants arrange that, or was that her?

I sat down, though the moment I did, she glared at me. It made me a little scared.

Is this how tsunderes work? For some reason, I don\'t really feel the endearing part of it. Don\'t they usually go like, you baka, or something?

...Maybe Jess isn\'t a tsundere.

I finished my meal. There was apparently still some time before school, so I just arbitrarily picked up the wooden sword that was in my room and tried swinging it around. My first impression was that my muscles were far stronger than what I had on Earth. Although I confirmed it at the gym, it for some reason felt different when I swung the sword.

I tried a little more, but I really did not have the technique for it, thus making it feel sloppy.

...Man, how much did Bryson practice the sword? I should probably work on it as well so that my muscles don\'t degrade.

Before I could think of it more, it was time to go to school, thus I was called to the carriage and went to school. The ride there was, as expected, filled with awkward silence. Once I finally got there, I saw Nathan also walking up to the school, but he looked incredibly tired.

I was a little concerned, so I stepped up towards him and raised a hand, though before I could say anything...

"Get away from him, monster!"

Minori suddenly jumped out, blocking my path toward him. She still looked afraid and had difficulty facing me directly, but she had far more resolve than last time.

She looked so cute, but...


I\'m... I\'m not that ugly, right? Wait, I\'m literally Bryson right now, not my normal self. I\'m not ugly at all!

But... monster?...

T-That\'s taking it too far! R-Right? I-I mean there are some nice monsters, I think. L-Like Casper!

Wait, no he\'s a ghost.


I felt myself get shoved from the side, and in my stunned state I ended up falling onto the ground. Looking upwards, I saw that it was Jess that shoved me. She was glaring at me.

"Don\'t stare at other women like that!"

...Ah, crap. Was I making a creepy face? No, no, no, Minori was right in front of me while that was happening! Fuck! Good call, Jess! I take back my bad opinion of you!

I got up and brushed my clothes off casually. From there, I cleared my throat and walked to class all the while pretending nothing was wrong. Once I got there, I got a greeting.

"Hey, Bryson!"

Raisa waved to me with a bright smile. I waved back at her.

"Ah, hey Raisa."

She let out a giggle before clasping her hands together.

"So? Did you find a suitable time?"

I looked at her confused.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Raisa blinked a few times. She still had a smile on her face as she tilted her head to the side.

"Hahaha, you\'re so funny, Bryson. You said you would check the next time you were available to come to my estate!"


I felt myself turn to stone and a crack split me in two.

Now that I think about it, I did in fact tell her I was going to do that. Unfortunately, I completely forgot because of the plan we were discussing before. So uh... what should I do?

I coughed awkwardly.

"Uh, so... it looks like tomorrow is probably fine, but don\'t prepare too much because er, something could come up and we may have to push it back by a little bit."

Raisa continued to look at me with the same smile she had earlier.

"...Eh, since when were you such a bad liar?"

I felt my stone self crack once more.

"Wh-What? Lying? O-Of course not!"

Raisa smiled bitterly.

"Hahaha, unless you\'re faking it, you don\'t seem very experienced at lying. You really don\'t look like that type of person though."

I scratched the back of my head, trying my best to ignore the heat coming from my cheeks.

"Y-Yeah... sorry. I forgot."

Raisa let out a small sigh.

"I\'ll forgive you, but you owe me, alright?"

I narrowed my eyes slightly.

"Fine, but nothing too overboard!"

Raisa giggled.


My eyelid twitched.

"Wait... did I agree to that too easily?"

Rais flicked her long white hair and looked away.

"I don\'t know, maybe?"

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